[center][h3][color=green]Lewa[/color][/h3][/center] Though things looked dodge for a minute, the otherworlders managed to beat a hasty retreat in one piece after all. Anne's speed, Fran's strength, and Lewa's winds saw them to safety, with Remilia on hand to undo any damage that the humans had sustained if she felt so inclined. Once the terrific din died down and the tremors subsided, the group slowed to a walk as they retraced their steps through the underground path, the caverns growing narrower as they climbed higher and closer to the basement. It took a little longer for Lewa's heartlight to stop racing, and he almost regretted it when it did. He could not say what his team managed to achieve, if anything, nor what they even came here to do, but even if just for a little while, the excitement had taken his mind off his situation. The underground expedition reminded him of the old days before the Bohrok invasion, when every day had been an adventure through some wild, beautiful corner of Mata Nui. Being so deep beneath the earth, where the sun didn't shine and the wind didn't blow, reminded him just how much he missed his island home. For now, he would have to content himself with the sun and wind of Nieve. Along with the others he trudged out of the caves, then up back through the shop. Lewa did not particularly regret leaving this mystery unsolved; he'd simply been along for the ride, maybe since the very start. His genial, heroic nature had been put through the wringer by his extenuating circumstances, so it was hard to get invested in any errand that stood in the way of his search. He felt like the minute he started caring too much about this world, he'd be relinquishing his hold on his own, and that was something the spirit air couldn't possibly do--not as long as he clung to a sliver of hope. Still, while the lack of resolution to this side-quest didn't really bother him, the toa looked rather glum as he emerged back into the open air. Not even the caress of the breeze against his body lifted his spirits. He looked around, his eyes dull, at all the humans blissfully and ignorantly going about their lives. No doubt the question on his tongue was one on everyone's mind. "So...now what?"