[center] [h2]Vs. Fighting Carcass Team[/h2] Feat. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Pit[/color] and [color=1f66b2]Captain Falcon[/color] [sup][@Yankee][@Double][/sup] [b]Word Count:[/b] 4,394 (+5) [/center] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Pheeeew!"[/color] Once he’d managed to cut his way free from the vein further up the tree, Pit shook his wings free of liquid and released his held breath, gladly taking in a fresh one. Riding up the vein had definitely been effective, and truth be told it wasn’t the grossest thing about the Qliphoth. At about the same time as the angel himself arrived, another Seeker popped out from a nearby vein. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Oh, Captain Falcon!"[/color] Pit greeted him with. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Yeah, it happens all the time. I guess things would be too easy if all of us were always fighting together, huh?"[/color] He put one hand on his hip as he spun the Palutena Bow in the other to rid it of the demon tree’s blood while he answered the man’s question. Pit didn’t seem to be troubled by the separation, it was just a fact that it was going to happen at this point. Maybe Galeem actually was awake and subtly making this kind of thing happen? If only portions of the Seekers could work together to defeat Guardians, then all of them combined could take on any threat easily. Well, mostly any… definitely anything in here at least. Like the battle that awaited the two of them now, for example. The area Pit and Captain Falcon had ended up in was mostly made of the same kind of stuff the bottom floor of the tree had been, complete with little patches of infected tissue here and there. But somehow, it looked like a whole church had gotten sucked into the Qliphoth and had ended up where they were standing. Broken pieces of what were once stone walls littered the area, and the dilapidated remains of the building itself were lodged right in the middle of the arena. With the arrival of the two Seekers, a pack of walking carcasses dragged themselves out of the ruined church and began skulking towards them. [url=https://i.imgur.com/JCu3wYO.png]Four creatures[/url], all distinct but equally horrific looking, barred the pair’s path forward. The Captain assumed his fighting stance, [color=1f66b2]”These things just keep getting uglier and uglier.”[/color] He said while he eyed up the four walking carcasses. One with fists shaped like spiked clubs, another with an arm shaped like an oversized bulging club with the other looking slimmer with pointed claws, another with what looked like a big shield bulging out of its bicep, and the last one looking to be carrying some kind of weapon - an axe maybe? [color=1f66b2]”Ryuugeki Sen!”[/color] Cap declared, channeling chi into fiery discs that he could launch at the creatures from his hands for a high shot and legs for a low shot. [color=1f66b2]”What’s the play here, Pit? Should we turtle up or split off and divide and conquer?”[/color] It was no surprise that Pit favored the second option, and he was quick to tell the bounty hunter so. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"All offense is kind of my style, Cap! There's only four of them, so if we each take two... we'll be done in no time!"[/color] While he said the last part, Pit started to move. He rushed to meet the quartet of monsters, drawing his bow back as he did and firing to cover his approach. The carcasses weren't grouped tightly together nor did they appear to be a true cooperative team - so Pit made it easy when he picked the couple he was going to engage with, which were just the two most on the right hand side. The light arrows zipped forward and struck each of his chosen targets, the giant axe and shield arm wielding creatures, and the two of them directed their attention to the angel. Pit ascended part of the church's exterior with one wing assisted leap while they chased after him, just before another wave of warm blue lights streaked through the air and crashed down upon the carcasses. [color=1f66b2]”Divide and conquer it is, then.”[/color] Cap agreed before he sprinted into action. He veered left to take on the remaining two carcasses that Pit did not target. They didn’t appear to be armed much in the way of actual weaponry which suited the Captain just fine. When the heavy carcass tried to throw a small series of slow-but-power punches, Falcon was able to duck and weave around them easily enough with his superior speed. Then he countered the punches with one of his own, uppercutting and staggering the carcass back a few steps with a [color=1f66b2]”Ryuuga!”[/color] That also consequently sent Falcon himself upward several feet. And before he landed his fiery body shot downward toward the Bloated Carcass, delivering a [color=1f66b2]”Falcon Kick!”[/color] By then, the Heavy had recovered enough to try launching another punch, but Falcon lunged forward with his palms outstretched. [color=1f66b2]”Ryuugeki Ken!”[/color] A short ranged blast of fiery chi exploded from Falcon’s palms in a close-range blast that briefly staggered the Heavy again. He still had 2 Power Gauge stocks leftover from the previous fight, but the Captain chose not to use any Special Moves for now. Better to save those for later after wearing his opponents first. Plus he could build up an extra stock in the interim time by keeping his attacks simple for the moment. Not far off Pit's battle had long been underway. He played keep away for a little bit, shooting at his opponents as they kept after him. The almost fluid nature of his arrows made it easy to strike them from unexpected angles, especially the bulbous shield arm carcass. Its engorged limb had initially taken the shape of a bludgeon, but it mutated into a strong barrier once the arrows started falling upon it. While it was protected from the front, the light arrows could just curve around and pierce it in the back. It eventually staggered, falling forward onto one knee. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Gotcha now!"[/color] Pit had been in the middle of another backwards hop to keep a steady amount of space between himself and the carcasses, but once the shield arm made itself vulnerable he dropped down to land in a crouch, then dashed directly towards it. The axe wielding carcass seemed the faster of the two monsters, and its reflexes were fast enough that it was able to quickly change gears from chasing the angel down to intercepting him. While still in motion the carcass threw itself sideways into Pit's path. Colliding with the young angel they both tumbled to the ground, and both quickly got back to their feet. The monster spun with a fast horizontal swipe, though the head of its axe clanged against a quickly summoned Guardian Orbitar. The two combatants broke apart, and while the giant axe carcass dragged its weapon up over its head in preparation for another attack, Pit swapped out his own weapon completely. His bow and orbitars disappeared, and the golden gauntlet of the Upperdash Arm formed around his limb. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Fine, I'll deal with you first!"[/color] The two weapons crashed against each other, the blade of the axe smashing into the whirling disc of the Arm. The carcass was powerful, but Pit was no slouch in that department either. They traded a few blows, and though the angel could feel some kind of status ailment take effect on him he seemed to gradually be getting the upper hand. His health was slowly being chipped away at by the decay the monster carried and passed on to him, but in return the charged up Arm was dealing stronger blows to it. Pit pulled the weapon back and then drove it forward in a single quick motion, punching it into the creature's side. It stumbled backwards, let out an enraged gurgle, and came back at him with abandon. And then Pit noticed something else. In the middle of battle, his divine weapon seemed to lose its luster. Whatever handicap the carcass had hit him with seemed to be affecting the Arm too - and when the first hairline fracture formed after the latest clash with the carcass the angel's eyes widened in shock. Without thinking about it he dispelled the Arm to protect it from further damage, which was a bad move when he had been entangled in melee with a monster. It took a heavy swing at Pit with its own weapon, cracking against the angel and sending him flying backwards. He struck the stone wall of the church, the hard impact making part of it crumble down on top of him. Pit gasped and coughed as he sat up in the rubble, bringing a hand up to his chest plate. Even with armor on, that had really hurt. At least he hadn't been cleaved in half, just left with an ugly bruise most likely. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]Lady Palutena! Can you hear me inside this tree? Can the divine weapons break?![/i][/color] [color=springgreen][i]You're loud and clear now. No need to worry though, Pit. If something did manage to damage your weapon, it'll come back as good as new in a little while. Then again you could always use that as an opportunity to get a different one. Try the Volcano Arm next![/i][/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]Sure, next time I—[/i][/color] Catching movement he looked up, just in time to see the axe armed monstrosity hit the peak of its leap as it sailed towards Pit's location. Pit scrambled to his feet and dove out of the way just before the carcass swung its axe overhead as it came down, smashing up the stone where Pit had been upon landing. Not a moment later the recovered shield arm barreled in from Pit's flank. He ducked under its wide swing, evading around to the carcass' back side, jumping and kicking off of its hulking form to put some distance between himself and them. As he did, he felt the Goddess of Light reach out to him through their telepathic connection once more. [color=springgreen][i]I didn't suggest the Volcano Arm just for fun. These things are mutated test subjects, but there's no helping them now. You'll have to put them down, and the best way to do it is with fire and lightning.[/i][/color] With his elemental arrows that was doable; with Captain Falcon's natural fire affinity it was doubly so. And now that he didn't have to worry about his weaponry, Pit could get right back into the battle. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Got it!"[/color] He said aloud, summoning the Palutena Bow back to his hand. He pulled the bowstring hard, charging a light arrow as the two carcasses charged at him. The arrow's color shifted from blue to purple as its power grew, and when he loosed it the streak of light shot straight through one of the carcasses before looping back around to strike at the second as well. Static electricity began to jump around their bodies, and though it certainly didn't [i]look[/i] like they had taken any extra damage, Pit trusted the hint he'd been given. Pit dashed out of the way when they reached him, avoiding the axe and club as he let loose a dash shot for good measure. He charged up another Electro arrow, sending it sailing through the giant axe carcass and willing it to come back around again - but the arrow missed the mark when the shield arm ran forward to make up for its electrocuted partner. The carcass slammed its arm in bludgeon form down at Pit, forcing the angel to avoid it. Thundering Sands saw a burst of lightning catch the carcass as Pit skated backwards, and he grinned when he jumped right back towards it a moment later. He connected with a flying kick, sending the carcass tumbling much farther than he'd intended - putting the monster on a collision course with Captain Falcon. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Oops- Uh, heads up Cap!"[/color] Pit called out as the giant axe carcass shook off its static and leapt to continue its assault on the angel. The Captain, for his part, had been holding his own well enough given the circumstances. He was much faster than his opponents and therefore had little difficulty avoiding their attacks. Right up until the Bloated Carcass switched tactics and started attacking him with its leaner arm, resulting in surprisingly faster swipes. In pure one-on-one this still wouldn’t be difficult to manage, but when coupled with the Heavy Carcass attacking at the same time, it became a little more challenging. After weaving around a series of punches from the Heavy Carcass and staggering him with another [color=1f66b2]”Ryuuga!”[/color] Cap was getting ready to launch a counter strike on the Bloated Carcass when he heard Pit’s warning. Falcon had little trouble rolling himself out of the way of the incoming Carcass. After he did so he watched in amusement as it instead barrelled into the Bloated Carcass sending them both staggering away. [color=1f66b2]”Much obliged.”[/color] The Captain commented as he spotted the Heavy Carcass recovering from the earlier Ryuuga and lunging for another punch. Falcon responded in kind by launching forward and smacking it what-good with a [color=1f66b2]”Raptor Boost!”[/color] The fiery uppercut proved especially effective thanks to the flame property, resulting in the Heavy Carcass getting blown back slightly farther than intended, where it would end up in the thick of Pit’s engagement with the Axe-wielding Carcass. [color=1f66b2]”Whoops, looks like we’re trading partners.”[/color] Falcon said, turning and tightening his stance to ready himself for the imminent attack that was coming from the recovering Bloated Carcass and Shield-Arm Carcass. That wouldn't be a problem for Pit. As the Heavy Carcass careened towards his side of the ruined church battlefield Pit dashed towards it, prompting the Giant Axe to leap in an attempt to catch the angel with a deadly slam. Instead all three combatants came together violently - Pit stooped just in front of the heavy monster, ensuring that the axe of his other opponent crashed down onto it instead of him. Then with a quick summoning the Upperdash Arm made its return, driven into the Giant Axe Carcass with a mighty uppercut. The damage the weapon had developed still remained for the time being, but Pit trusted it would go back to normal eventually as Palutena had said. The axe flew from the carcass' grip as its gangly greenish body was sent flying. It landed in a splayed heap nearby, just about finished by Pit's estimation. He went to hop over the downed carcass in front of him, but then something seized his leg. The angel let out a noise of surprise as the Heavy got to its feet, yanking him up and holding him upside down as it did. Little embers still clung to it, flashing against the emerald-like protrusions all over its body. It pulled its other fist back to strike its new punching bag, unfortunately slower than said punching bag reacted. Pit quick summoned the Guardian Orbitars, but instead of defending he willed the shields to smash into the carcass' face. In conjunction with Shield Smite the weakened monster reeled back, allowing Pit to get free once his bow was back in hand by slashing up at the creature. He flipped to land in a crouch, but transitioned in a kneel for better stability as he lashed out with a leg cutter against the monster's inner calf. The blade struck deep, once more putting the carcass on its back. When Pit was on his feet again he hopped backward, a push of his wings sending him toward the Giant Axe Carcass. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Like I said, you first!"[/color] he told it, spinning his bow and driving the pointed end into its chest. Over on the other side, Cap was having some issues of his own. He could still handle the Bloated Carcass well enough as before. But that Shield-Arm Carcass was proving to be a tough customer. Attacking it was like punching and kicking an opponent that was constantly blocking. Falcon figured he just needed the right opening and he could break through that guard. The trick was actually finding that opening, which proved difficult when he had to divide his attention between the Shield-Arm and the Bloated. As the Shield-Arm mostly seemed content to turtle up and tank hits, Cap decided to shift gears and attempt to focus his attacks on the Bloated one. And since he’d built back up to 3 Power Gauge stocks, Falcon decided now was the time to go a little more hard-hitting. He dodged and weaved his way around yet another flurry of swipes and big punches from the Bloated Carcass. After that he hopped up and performed a triple spinning kick in midair that staggered the Bloating Carcass back. But rather than shift to his opposite target as he had been doing all this time, Cap instead decided to press the attack on the staggered Bloated Carcass. [color=1f66b2]”Let’s turn up the heat!”[/color] The Captain declared as his body momentarily flashed blue. He lunged forward in a single stride and managed to catch the Bloated Carcass before it could finish recovering. [color=1f66b2]”Ryuuko Ranbu!”[/color] Falcon shouted as he connected his flurry of punches and kicks, before adding the Ryuuga uppercut at the end for the finisher. And while he was still midair, Falcon reoriented his body and aimed a fiery [color=1f66b2]”Falcon Kick!”[/color] That launched him diagonally downward at the Shield-Arm Carcass. It endured most of the blow, albeit not completely thanks to the fire affinity of the technique in question. The main point was that Cap was maintaining his momentum, and sustained it further when he kicked off of the Shield-Arm and landed back on the ground right in front of him as he winded up his fist. [color=1f66b2]”Let’s see you block this! Falcon… PUNCH!”[/color] His fiery fist went smashing into the bloated arm of the Carcass. Cap had no idea that these things had a weakness to fire, but that became increasingly apparent as the monstrosity reeled in pain from the explosive punch, and only now did the bounty hunter notice the overloaded explosion from some electro arrows that Pit had earlier shot it with. [color=1f66b2]”And stay down!”[/color] Cap said victoriously. Now he could turn his full focus toward finishing off the Bloated Carcass, which he saw was just about recovered from the earlier beating it took from the Ryuuko Ranbu. With two of the carcasses done and dusted, the Smashers turned Seekers had the battle well handled. It wouldn't be long before they put the remaining monsters down and could move on. The heat of the Falcon Punch and the ensuing explosion washed over the arena, briefly taking Pit and the Heavy Carcass' attentions away from each other as they glanced at the fiery spectacle. Though Pit had always found the F-Zero pilot's special move to be super cool, he didn't want to be outdone by it! Pit skipped backward away from the carcass and fired his light arrows at it, swapping between the faster, weaker streaks of light and the larger, stronger dash shots as it went after him. The angel ducked or dodged every punch it threw, its speed lessening as it took more damage. Its strength had already been flagging by the time Captain Falcon had sent it over to him, and Pit was careful not to let his most precious weapon take even one hit of decay. The pattern of dodge, slice, back away, shoot, and then dodge again continued for a few moments until the Heavy attempted one last ditch attack. It took a huge step forward and lunged with both of its club-like limbs at Pit, bringing them in from the sides to try and crush the angel between them. If it had tried that while it was in better shape it might have connected - but Pit leapt up as its arms crashed together, vaulting over the carcass' shoulder and landing behind it. He swiveled, bow already drawn back and charging a light arrow into an Electro one. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"You're done for!"[/color] Pit declared, firing the purple projectile. It shot straight through the carcass, and as it stuttered and turned to face Pit the arrow curved and came back around to deal the final blow. Electricity scattered throughout its body just before it fell face first onto the ground for the last time. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"And now I'm done here,"[/color] he said, pleased with himself. With two down he flitted over to Captain Falcon, eager to see if he'd managed to finish his fight before the man. As it turned out, they were wrapping up their fights around the same time, give or take a second or two. What Pit saw was Captain Falcon weaving out of another onslaught of attackings from the Bloated Carcass before he cracked back with [color=1f66b2]”Gen’ei Kyaku!”[/color] The rapid kicks barraged the carcassed and left it stunned long enough for the bounty hunter to spend one of his left over Power Gauge stocks in order to channel chi through his arms and out of his hands. [color=1f66b2]”Haoh Shoukou Ken!”[/color] Shouted the bounty hunter after aiming his cupped palms in the direction of the Bloated Carcass. What followed was another fiery display. Not a punch this time, but instead a big fireball that surged forward from the flats of the Captain’s palms and went hurtling into the carcass with a fiery crash. The Bloated Carcass found itself similarly engulfed in a fiery blast much like the Shield-Arm was. And after the smoke cleared, the carcass fell over in a smoldering heap. [color=1f66b2]”Ha!”[/color] Captain Falcon posed victoriously, [color=1f66b2]”And that’s how it’s done!”[/color] Pit approached him with a wide grin. If the angel didn't still have his bow in one hand, he might have applauded. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Nice one, Cap!"[/color] he said. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Now we can move on to the next level!"[/color] Unbeknownst to the two of them, there was one last order of business. A wave of darkness washed through the area, taking the both of them separately to what could only be described as some kind of reward area. Of course it might not have appeared that way at first, given the slightly ominous solid shadow surrounding them and three unexplained cards on offer. [hider=For Pit][b]Phalanx Shot[/b] - your projectiles can also bounces opponents' projectiles back toward them [b]Interstellar Construct: Safe Load[/b] - when shielded, your attack is boosted by 40% of the shield's durability, up to a maximum of 140% [b]Mid-Air Strike[/b] - 50% damage boost while in the air[/hider] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Good thing I can read now,"[/color] he murmured, leaning in close and squinting as he worked through the words. [i]Bouncing back... pro... projectiles. I can already do that, but it would be pretty cool to be able to shoot them back with my arrows! Next... attack up when shielded... hmm. Do I have to stick with the Orbitars to use this one?[/i] Pit tucked a fist under his chin, curling his other arm around his elbow as he thought about the options. [i]Being half as strong in the air though? Why would someone pick... wait, twice as strong? 50% is half, so half a boost... uh...[/i] He decided it was a power up for sure, which would be great if he could actually keep himself airborne, but then again... [i][color=#FFFFFF]U[/color][color=#FEFEFE]m[/color][color=#FEFEFD]m[/color][color=#FEFEFD].[/color][color=#FEFEFC].[/color][color=#FEFEFC].[/color] [color=#FEFEFB]t[/color][color=#FEFEFA]h[/color][color=#FEFEFA]e[/color][color=#FEFEF9]y[/color] [color=#FEFEF8]a[/color][color=#FEFEF8]l[/color][color=#FEFEF7]l[/color] [color=#FEFEF6]s[/color][color=#FEFEF6]e[/color][color=#FDFDF5]e[/color][color=#FDFDF5]m[/color] [color=#FDFDF4]p[/color][color=#FDFDF3]r[/color][color=#FDFDF2]e[/color][color=#FDFDF2]t[/color][color=#FDFDF1]t[/color][color=#FDFDF1]y[/color] [color=#FDFDF0]g[/color][color=#FDFDEF]o[/color][color=#FDFDEF]o[/color][color=#FDFDEE]d[/color][color=#FDFDEE].[/color] [color=#FDFDED]W[/color][color=#FCFCEC]h[/color][color=#FCFCEC]i[/color][color=#FCFCEB]c[/color][color=#FCFCEB]h[/color] [color=#FCFCEA]o[/color][color=#FCFCE9]n[/color][color=#FCFCE9]e[/color] [color=#FCFCE7]d[/color][color=#FCFCE7]o[/color] [color=#FCFCE6]y[/color][color=#FCFCE5]o[/color][color=#FCFCE5]u[/color] [color=#FCFCE4]t[/color][color=#FBFBE3]h[/color][color=#FBFBE3]i[/color][color=#FBFBE2]n[/color][color=#FBFBE2]k[/color] [color=#FBFBE1]I[/color] [color=#FBFBE0]s[/color][color=#FBFBDF]h[/color][color=#FBFBDF]o[/color][color=#FBFBDE]u[/color][color=#FBFBDE]l[/color][color=#FBFBDD]d[/color] [color=#FBFBDC]p[/color][color=#FBFBDB]i[/color][color=#FBFBDB]c[/color][color=#FAFADA]k[/color][color=#FAFADA],[/color] [color=#FAFAD9]L[/color][color=#FAFAD8]a[/color][color=#FAFAD8]d[/color][color=#FAFAD7]y[/color] [color=#FAFAD6]P[/color][color=#FAFAD6]a[/color][color=#FAFAD5]l[/color][color=#FAFAD5]u[/color][color=#FAFAD4]t[/color][color=#FAFAD4]e[/color][color=#FAFAD3]n[/color][color=#FAFAD3]a[/color][color=#FAFAD2]?[/color][/i] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]...Lady Palutena?[/i][/color] Well it seemed like there was more interference again, or considering that Captain Falcon wasn't around, some kind of personal vision. Left to decide by himself, Pit's hand alternated between hovering over each of the three. In the end, he grasped the rightmost card. It might have been wishful thinking, he couldn't get the thought of a souped-up flying version of himself out of his head. So in the interest of being more useful in the future, he went with the mid-air strike. The bounty hunter was about to give a celebratory thumbs up when he suddenly found his vision darkening, and not just because of the visor on his helmet either. Then he spotted the three glowing cards floating in front of him. They depicted names, images, and even small descriptions of what Falcon could only assume were power-ups of some kind. [color=1f66b2]”Guess I’m supposed to pick one…”[/color] After reading each one carefully, Cap made his choice and reached for the left-most one. [hider=For Captain Falcon] [b]Molten Touch:[/b] Attacks deal bonus damage to armor. [/hider] As soon as he grabbed it, the other two cards vanished. Then the Captain heard a gruff voice in his head. [i]”The strongest metal still bends effortlessly to his will.”[/i] And before Falcon could even register what he heard, his vision was normal again and he was back in the hollow with Pit. [color=1f66b2]”Uh… thanks, mysterious voice.”[/color] Cap murmured in confusion before adding with a shrug, [color=1f66b2]”...I guess.”[/color] Pit blinked as his eyes readjusted. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"That happened to you too, right? The whole place suddenly went dark and you got to pick a power?"[/color] [color=1f66b2]”Pretty much, yeah.”[/color] Cap confirmed. [color=1f66b2]”Did a voice say something to you in your head too?”[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"No, even though I [i]asked her to[/i],"[/color] Pit huffed, clearly not on the same page as the F-Zero pilot. He found it kind of unfair that Captain Falcon got some kind of telepathy through to him, not considering the implications of that whatsoever. He didn't dwell on it for long. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Do you think we'll keep getting prizes all the way up to the Guardian?"[/color] he asked, turning his attention across the hollow to where more veins snaked up the tree's interior. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"C'mon, let's go find out!"[/color] [color=1f66b2]”’Asked her to’?”[/color] Cap asked curiously, [color=1f66b2]”What does that-?””[/color] He started to ask but then paused in realization, [color=1f66b2]”Oh right, that goddess of yours. Lovely lady, green hair, right now I remember.”[/color] He mused and then said, [color=1f66b2]”Bit weird for this tree to be giving us power ups since we’re here to, I dunno, defeat it? Ah well, I’m sure things’ll become clearer as we get further in.”[/color] Pit nodded vigorously in response to both of Captain Falcon's observations. And as for the latter, since they definitely wouldn't learn anything else by sitting around this ruined area they'd have to move on to the next. He led the way over to their exit, but at the last moment seemed to remember something and bounded back over to the battle site. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Don't wanna forget these,"[/color] he said as he collected the four spirits, bringing them back over to Captain Falcon before they ascended.