[center][h1]The Blue Feather Revererers.[/h1][/center] [h2]Harriet's Orphanage, Hamlet.[/h2] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] [@Estylwen][/sub] [hr] Harriet was dressed slightly heavier than she would normally be, she had to set a good standard for Calem and his friends as she visited one of her Orphanages. The children were all inside the heated buildings, some of them staying around her and playing with her feathers; enjoying their warmth as they did do. Harriet was accompanied by two tall men, around 6 feet in height, in tailored black suits. Bodyguards, in a way; but never for her. She always brought the bodyguards with her when she was out with Calem, these men were close to her; she trained them in both fighting and how to look after her little boy. She installed the fear of what could happen to them if Calem was harmed in any way under their supervision; and Fossils forgive if Calem was [i]stolen[/i] while in their care. One of them moved to open the door at the knock, before motioning Harriet over. They returned to the kids as Harriet went to the door; offering Calem to the bodyguards as she was holding him. She stopped at the door and looked down to the teenagers with a small tilt of her head. Her feathered ears twitched carefully as she took in their features before one of them started to speak. They were nervous, good, most people should be nervous when coming to see her. The teenager called her a hero, she gave a small smile; making sure to hide her sharp teeth as she did so. She gave a small chuckle, [color=blue]"Oh, if only others thought the same."[/color] She said smoothly, before she tilted her head as the boys had news. Harriets' ears flattened slightly before she motioned a hand to the bodyguards, moving to step outside to bring the teenagers out with her. [color=blue]"The kids shan't hear us out here, and if you are too cold; my wings will give warmth."[/color] She fanned her wings out and arched them around. The teen boys would be able to huddle spaciously around Harriets' wings as they told her the news, whatever it would be. She knew it wouldn't be good news, it never was good news. As was the life of a Mafia boss. [hr][hr] [center][h1]Gold Rim[/h1][/center] [h2]Roof-tops[/h2] [hr] It was cold, but it never really bothered Webb. He had managed to find a safe space on the rooftops, a nice spot to web up himself a little hammock to snooze inside. But it was morning now, and the sun had made its lazy way into the air and woken the Cursed Spider awake after he tried to wriggle his way back into the darkness. Sunlight meant he'd need to get up, get moving again. People would be up on the rooftop soon enough as well, either for work, or to find out what hid away on the cameras the night before. He was admittedly running out of time to get out of there without someone noticing. Webb groggily popped his head from his caccooned hammock as he could feel movement nearby. [i]Bah[/i]. He thought to himself, pulling himself out; getting his lower arms stuck for a moment before he moved to faceplant onto the concrete. [i]Ow.[/i] Webb managed to pull himself from his hammock, making a mental note to make the next one a bit bigger so this didn't happen again. But in order to be able to [i]make[/i] another hammock he'd need to find some food to eat. He twitched his abdomen, moving quickly to pull the hammock from where it hung. Luckily he'd be able to bunch it up into a carriable size, so he'd be able to 'recycle' it when he was somewhere... safer. Webb moved to hold the now-bundled hammock-web in his lower arms before he scanned the area to find a safe place to go. His own ears twitched, he could hear footsteps now, the door to the roof seemed to shift as someone seemed to be unlocking the door. [i]Jump.[/i] He crouched, taking a step forward, tapping his spinnerets against the side of the building before he leapt over towards the nearest roof, creating a lay-line in case he miscalculated the jump and fell, luckily he hardly miscalculated, but it was early in the morning, so he wouldn't be too surprised. It took a few more leaps until he felt safe enough to settle down, a gorgeous oak tree. He leaned against the trunk high up in the tree and started to chew on his old web. It wasn't going to be enough to keep him going, but it would keep the hunger away until he was able to get something to properly eat. Possibly the neighborhood butcher was already open and would be happy to give him unsellable scraps. He'd take [i]anything[/i] at this point. His ears twitched once he was finished his web, something was watching him. He looked around before he noticed the small blackbird sitting in the branch nearby, staring at him with a tilt of its head. Webb narrowed his eyes at this predator watching him, before he moved swiftly - Grabbing the blackbird with a bit of web before stuffing it into his mouth. It wasn't much, but it would stave off a bit more of his hunger. He'd have to bring up the indigestible pieces eventually, but that was a problem for him later. [sub][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/28041]Roll for Digestion[/url] 3 days[/sub]