[table][row][/row][row][cell][center][b][color=black]HEAVENS[/color][/b][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/ErGfzh0.jpeg[/img][hr][b][sup][i]"The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning."[/i][/sup][/b][hr][/center][/cell][cell][indent][color=2e2c2c].[/color] Heavens is a faction born from the ashes of Cloverfield’s first Cataclysm, a twisted cult that believes the only path to salvation is the total annihilation of the world as it exists. Their mission is simple: they seek to cause a second Cataclysm, one so great that it will obliterate the current world, leaving only a select few survivors to rebuild it in the image of their vision of a paradise. In their eyes, only the purest souls, those who have undergone their rigorous indoctrination, will be worthy of this new world. The rest are expendable sacrifices in their apocalyptic plan. At the heart of Heaven’s ideology is a perverse reverence for destruction. They view the first Cataclysm as a divine event, an almost holy cleansing that reveals the world's true nature. They believe that the suffering and devastation it caused were necessary for the birth of something greater, a "paradise" that can only be achieved once the world has been reduced to rubble. To bring about this second Cataclysm, they have set their sights on empowering an Apparition by boosting it to unimaginable strength or by fusing several others into a singular, god-like entity capable of triggering ultimate destruction. This fusion or ascension is their ultimate goal, and they are willing to sacrifice anything—lives, cities, entire populations—to achieve it. Heaven’s enigmatic and charismatic leader, the Messiah, is central to Heaven's belief system. The Messiah is regarded as a divine figure, the chosen one who holds the only proper understanding of the universe and the path to salvation. He is the one who speaks directly to the Apparitions, the one who communes with the forces of destruction in ways that others cannot comprehend. His power lies in his ability to manipulate the desperate and the lost, offering them the ultimate escape from the chaos of the current world through destruction. Beneath the Messiah stands the Preacher, a figure of equal importance but more grounded in the day-to-day workings of the cult. The Preacher is the voice that spreads the Messiah’s word to the masses, serving as the bridge between the divine and the followers. He is the one who recruits new members, performs rituals, and ensures that the cult’s teachings are adhered to with unwavering devotion. To the followers, the Preacher represents the direct connection to the Messiah’s will and how they can earn a place in the post-Cataclysmic paradise. Below them is Heaven’s Chosen, the cult’s inner circle of elite leaders seen as the most enlightened. These figures are the ones who have ascended to the highest ranks through acts of devotion and sacrifice, and they are entrusted with the most sacred duties in Heaven’ mission to bring about the second Cataclysm. Each Heaven’s Chosen is carefully selected to perform the rituals necessary to ascend these entities to unimaginable strength. They are charismatic, persuasive, and ruthlessly manipulative leaders who present themselves as the ultimate guides to salvation. They claim to understand the true purpose of the world, and they teach that only by tearing it down and rebuilding it from nothing can humanity transcend its flaws. The Heaven’s Chosen are the ones who hold the keys to Heavens’ most dangerous and forbidden rituals. These leaders are seen as messengers of the Messiah, and their words are treated as gospel. They are the ones who have indeed "seen the light" and who possess the knowledge that others cannot even begin to fathom. To the followers, Heaven’s Chosen are living gods, and their every command is a step closer to the promised paradise. To the outsider, Heavens may appear as a group of deeply compassionate individuals working toward a higher goal, but they are manipulative and ruthlessly cold beneath the surface. They deploy love bombing in its most toxic form, showering recruits with affection and attention only to bind them further into their web of lies. Once someone is drawn in, they are slowly, systematically indoctrinated. The cult's leaders use a combination of isolation, psychological manipulation, and the promise of exclusive access to the "truth" to ensure that their followers are entirely dependent on the group. Heavens’ rituals are a disturbing mix of the sacred and the profane. They often hold elaborate ceremonies where they commune with Apparitions, channeling their power through ritualistic sacrifice and dark magic. The Apparitions are treated as divine beings—tools to be cultivated, honed, and ultimately merged into the perfect force of destruction. In this process, Heavens' members believe they are not merely using magic; they are unlocking the cosmic secrets of creation itself. The cult’s followers are taught that by unleashing the full power of these apparitions, they will not only bring about the second Cataclysm but will be reborn from the ashes as the true inheritors of the new world. Heavens may not have the vast resources of a government or a corporate empire, but their influence is built on manipulation, cunning, and a singular focus on their apocalyptic vision. A growing army of Adepts is at their disposal, individuals who have undergone a transformative experience through the cult’s teachings, unlocking their magical potential. These Adepts are fiercely loyal to the Messiah and the cause, possessing various colors of Lux, but they predominantly wield Blue-Lux and Pink-Lux to enforce their will. Heavens’ resources are unorthodox but highly effective, emphasizing using what the world already provides. While the cult has minimal access to magical artifacts, they’ve instead invested heavily in conventional weapons. The group has amassed a stockpile of firearms, explosives, and other military-grade equipment through black-market deals, smuggling, and covert operations. These weapons are used not just for defense but to enforce the cult's will during violent confrontations or when subduing hostile territory. Their arsenal isn’t overwhelming compared to a well-funded army, but it’s enough to be intimidating and dangerous combined with their magical prowess. In addition to their weapons, Heavens has a network of loyal followers who serve as informants, spies, and logistical support. They work behind the scenes to help supply the cult with ammunition, firearms, and other resources, often smuggling them into Heavens' strongholds under the guise of legitimate business operations or underground channels.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table]