[b][i]Part Two of a Collab between [@Letter Bee] and [@Mogrannis].[/i][/b] [b]Ouga’s Mechanics Shop[/b] [quote] Suddenly, the young man was springing into action. Sword held low, he ran at Mikazuki with all of the speed he had. Closing the gap between them, his sword moved to thrust towards the chest of the other. Directly after the thrust, Mitsuaki put all of his strength into his attack, swinging upwards, and finishing up the Hirazuki skill that he had been taught in training. If he were lucky enough, one blow would be all that he needed to knock Mikazuki off of his feet and onto his back, winning him his makeshift game.[/quote] Mikazuki almost fell before the force of Mitsuaki’s blow; for a second, his feet lifted off the ground before the boy regained his footing. He smiled; his Miraculous Parry just barely held, but his exhalations showed that with his inferior amount of Reiyoku, Mitsuaki would eventually get the advantage. But Miakzuki wasn’t in this to win, he was in this to give Mitsuaki a good time. Tch, of course that didn’t work. Mitsuaki jumped back, his feet guiding him around Mikazuki, looking for any sort of opening that the other might give him. Lunging forward, the older male took swipe after swipe at the younger, just trying to break his defenses down for now. If he could wear Mikazuki out, maybe he could knock him down. That idea may actually work; Mikazuki was using fancy footwork to try and evade Mitsuaki’s swipes, but he was worried that the latter may not be enjoying the fight, and that wore him down more than just the physical efforts of continuing to avoid his opponent’s blows - No, don’t get distracted, Mikazuki, just don’t! A blow connected and was barely parried by the boy’s training blade. Mikazuki, to conceal his distraction, counterattacked with a flurry of cuts and slashes, still not knowing if Mitsuaki was enjoying this… When the other counterattacked, Mitsuaki raised his blade to deflect, before he hopped backwards twice to avoid the rest of the attack. His face was full of nothing but concentration, giving no insight into his true feelings or thoughts. If anything, there may have been a flicker of frustration in his eyes, but it was gone in a second as attack was launched with his body lunging back towards Mikazuki. Blade positioned to the left, Mitsuaki made it look like that was where he was going to attack from the left, before quickly darting right in an attempt to confuse the other boy. Mikazuki would not normally have fallen for such a cheap trick, but his head was no longer in the game, and so this time, he was knocked back, flat on his back. His tactic of using a constant flow of Healing Arts on himself worked to clear up any bruises and pain, but right now, it was obvious to anyone that he was confused, lost, and just did not know what to do and how to continue. He believed that he failed - Mitsukai seemed to be more annoyed than ever. “Hell yeah!” Mitsuaki threw his arms up, sword held high in the air, as Mikazuki landed on the ground. “I won!” Even if he hadn’t proclaimed the rules aloud, he had, indeed, won. A wide smirk was worn on his face, gray eyes full of triumph. Slowly, his arms lowered down to his sides, and he sauntered over towards the kid. “Good fight, Mikazuki,” a hand was held out, offered towards the other to pick him up from the ground. Mikazuki’s look of confusion changed to a smile as he let Mitsuaki lift him up, his frustration changing into happiness when he saw that for now, Mitsuaki was happier. He gave a short bow to the older youth, just… happy - Happy he had helped. “You don’t…Need to be so formal,” Mitsuaki rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from Mikazuki, before he waved it off. Really, they were comrades now, right? “Anyways, I’m going back in,” without waiting for the other, he moved back towards the shop, very much done with their spar. It was a nice distraction, for sure, and he was a firm believer that practice was the key to success. They wouldn’t be able to grow strong and protect anyone they cared for if they just sat on their asses all day. Plus, it did help release at least a little bit of steam.