[table][row][/row][row][cell][center][b][color=black]THE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]PRA[/color][/b][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/DjU5fyB.jpg[/img][hr][b][sup][i]"The Sword and Shield to protect the masses."[/i][/sup][/b][hr][/center][/cell][cell][indent][color=2e2c2c].[/color] The Paranormal Response Authority (PRA) operates as a covert arm of the government, tasked with regulating and suppressing Paranormal activity across the country. Officially a subdivision of the Department of Homeland Security, the PRA works entirely underground, ensuring its actions remain invisible to the general public. Their mission is twofold: protect civilians from the dangers of the Paranormal and keep the existence of such phenomena hidden from those without magical awareness. Despite its lofty goals, the PRA is severely underfunded, chronically understaffed, and forced to rely on a ragtag assortment of recruits. While the ideal recruit is a soldier, law enforcement officer, or even a Paranormal being with combat experience, the agency often settles for anyone with the right instincts and a willingness to face the Paranormal. At the very least, every PRA agent has undergone training to handle encounters with Paranormal beings. However, the quality of that training varies wildly depending on the resources of their specific branch. The PRA’s fieldwork is shrouded in secrecy. Agents frequently operate under the guise of other organizations - typically the FBI, DEA, or local police departments - allowing them to infiltrate and neutralize Paranormal threats without raising public suspicion. Once a mission is complete, the PRA vanishes without a trace, leaving behind a sanitized version of events. They specialize in covering up magical incidents by scrubbing social media posts, wiping witness memories, or fabricating mundane explanations for supernatural occurrences. The PRA maintains an extensive database of Paranormal beings, tracking their activities nationwide. However, they operate under a strict directive: as long as a Paranormal being does not endanger the general public, they are left in peace. This delicate balance means the PRA must tread carefully, avoiding unnecessary conflicts while remaining ever-vigilant for potential threats. Despite their best efforts, the PRA’s influence is strained, especially in cities like Cloverfield. The aftermath of the Cataclysm has overwhelmed their resources, forcing the agency to prioritize high-risk targets while leaving more minor problems to fester. The PRA’s national operations are overseen by Director Morgan Verde, a pragmatic and calculating leader whose strict protocol adherence has earned respect and resentment within the agency. Verde is known for prioritizing the PRA’s public invisibility above all else, often pushing agents to take extreme measures to contain information leaks. Though rarely seen in the field, Verde’s influence is felt in every PRA operation, with directives that leave little room for interpretation—or dissent. In Cloverfield, the local branch is led by Carmine Navarro, a former police captain with a reputation for taking risks others wouldn’t. Where Verde is methodical, Navarro operates on instinct, often bending the rules to achieve results. His unorthodox methods have earned him a loyal team and constant scrutiny from higher-ups. Navarro’s motivations remain unclear, though some suspect he has a personal stake in the city's Paranormal crisis. The PRA compensates for its lack of manpower with cutting-edge technology and weaponry tailored for combating the Paranormal. Agents are armed with the Colt Federal Patrol Carbine, a lightweight yet powerful rifle, and specialized sidearms. Their gear includes: [hider=PRA Equipment][b]Chainmail Tactical Armor:[/b] Stab-proof, shock-absorbent, and thermal-resistant, this sleek armor provides essential protection in encounters with Paranormal entities. [b]Non-Lethal Arsenal: [/b]Taser rounds, tear gas, and containment devices designed to subdue targets without unnecessary bloodshed. [b]Live Ammunition and Explosives:[/b] Used only as a last resort when containment fails or a threat escalates beyond control. [b]Paranormal Activity Radar (PAR):[/b] A specialized device capable of detecting bursts of magical energy or the presence of supernatural beings within a set radius.[/hider] In Cloverfield, the PRA is one of the most prominent factions vying for control in the wake of the Cataclysm. Their primary goal is stabilizing the city and eliminating dangerous entities and organizations threatening public safety. However, the PRA’s presence is not without controversy. The agency’s heavy-handed tactics, such as sweeping arrests and the use of excessive force, have drawn ire from Cloverfield’s south side, where most Paranormal beings and Aberrations reside. For many, the PRA is seen as less of a protector and more of an occupying force, enforcing the will of a government that has long ignored their plight. As tensions in Cloverfield rise, the PRA’s resources are stretched to their breaking point. While the polished image of the north side remains their priority, whispers of rebellion and shadowy threats from the south loom large. With enemies on all sides, the Paranormal Response Authority faces its greatest challenge, yet whether it can rise to meet it remains uncertain.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table]