[center] [h3] Emily Newport[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RuI1exQ.png[/img] [hr][h3] EARLIER. . .[/h3] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N21pTh8H8DE[/youtube] The cut of gasoline and burned rubber etched the streets of Ragged Gavel, the last car full of drugs in the area ran and ran as fast it could away from the Blood Blues. "Shittttttttttttt can't this thing go faster mang!" Screeched the low-life skum that was dressed in gang colors, a scrap metal gat, and pumped up on whatever poor quality coke they had in their stash. Lead screamed out the window at the approaching patrol cruisers that stayed in tight pursuit, under the command of Detective Clash they knew taking over such a shit show district would net them some stipend. Lead came back hitting the old junker car, popping tires, and breaking windows the chase came to a halt when a SWAT truck barreled through an intersection and t-boned the car sending criminal goons and drugs flying all over the broken streets of Gavel. Shortly after that, Emily got out of the truck as her thugs secured the scene and criminals, more low-ranking drug runners off to the cubes, stockades, and mega-prisons that encompassed Nocturnia underground. Her small hands wrapped around the packages, poorly duct taped, and stored cocaine and weed. A knife, steel poked its head out as she took out a sample of powder she dabbled it on her pink tongue which came out. Her taster registered less sweet but sour and bad product, the high was cheap and once again the Ragged Gavel lived up to its meek and timid name as a whimper in Nocturnia's ear rather than a lion's roar. "Mmm... Impound this rust bucket, take them all to the station, and for their loot. You know what to do with it." Clash purrs, handing the packet of drugs to the nearest, easy-on-the-eyes street soldier of hers. As they wrapped up the takedown, she returned to the Jeweled Bank to meet with the Commissioner. Meetings were boring, but fortune favors the bold, and Emily was anything but a coward. Sitting in her NPD uniform, she was shortly chauffeured to the Commissioner's meeting. Looking out the window she observed her new district, there was work to be done. [code] Blue Bloods attack and invade Ragged Gavel.[/code] [hr] [h3] NOW. . .[/h3] ". . .I'll take her." a small hand, a paw one could say reached out to grab onto Isabella's file. She had read through them all, but not much interested her. They were too strong, mysterious or both and not having certainty was deadly for the princess of drugs. Gold Rim kept her fed, but it did not keep her happy. Her fingers traced around the dossier leaving the rest for Leo and Jack, a smile stretched across that perfect mouth of hers as she eyed the Commissioner. "I can help you get this big bad drug dealer off the streets boss, I won't rough her up too much." It was a Cheshire smile, one that handcuffed the drug dealer and sold their supply. The biggest gang in the city was the NPD after all. It felt good to be at the table, "Could use some more muscle, taking what's not mine can be hard sometimes."Clash lamented, the five foot-eight platinum blonde flicked off flecks of blood from her service stripes from earlier. Blood would be spilled. [/center]