[center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/561ce852-6d48-4386-8869-7347755e7e19.png[/img][/center] [hr] Morden was silently like the grave during the walk on foot to the meeting place. The “Spooks” were subtle, but something he found strange was the fact that they were doing things in a particularly [i]obvious[/i] way. Dunbarton was a sleepy city, and there was only so much justification for armed personnel around a building like this. On the surface, I could very well just be a police raid from a civilian’s standpoint. But then, the average civilian would’ve expected a truck or at least a cruiser to be here. There were none of these things outside the meeting place, it was as if a bunch of federal agents had just walked in. To his trained eye, Morden could see their weapons and their armor, but they weren’t really trying [i]that[/i] hard to conceal those things, why hide them at all if they were going to be lazy about it? He had to wonder what the angle of that was. Inside, it was more what he’d expect. [i]obvious[/i] force. And yet they were actively loading and checking weapons, not simply enjoying a relief period. They were actively preparing for something. [color=a90000][i]There is something unusual about this,[/i][/color] He commented, wordlessly. Still, Morden followed them up the stairs to where “Dirk” waited.