[center][color=steelblue][h2]ECHO DOMAIN - PLATFORM #2884[/h2][/color][/center] The derelict spacestation was a setting unlike any Echo had been on before. The Echo platform was primarily used to conventional battlefields, maneuver warfare and straight gunfights, so entering an area so saturated in etheric energies was disconcerting. The platform took cautious scans of everything the squad witnessed, though was careful not to directly interface with any of the working ghost machines- having any of its armor of systems compromised would be bad for the health of the group. Rho-hux took the front position of the squad, his attending microform not far from him as he did. Echo's larger Endoform stuck to the back of the formation, it could effectively see all around it, and the heavy armor wouldn't block the sight or firing lines of any of the squad members should they run into contact. At worst, Echo's Endoform was tall enough that it could fire over the heads of the rest of the squad if they needed more forward facing firepower. As Rho-hux indicated that he would tap his armor comms to indicate danger, the Endoform chimed in. [color=steelblue]Acknowledged. Designating triple-ping. Implication. Danger.[/color] As the squad advanced, the microforms stayed at the edges of their formation, close enough to their designated squad members to defend, 'eyes' pointed outward to scan their environment. The Endoform, unfortunately was nowhere near as lightfooted as it's Microform support units, the heavier armor crunching and squelching as it pressed on fleshy organic material and bulkhead metal, but it's 'eyes' were facing the back of their formation, watching for any threats coming up behind them. [color=steelblue]Alert. Initiating Multi-spectrum scanning. Elaboration. Relevant information to be overlaid on friendly HUD.[/color]