[hr][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/uCweaoV.png[/IMG][hr][center] [B][Color=00ffff]Location: [/color][/b]Headmaster's office [B][Color=00ffff]Outfit: [/color][/b]School uniform [B][Color=00ffff]Skills/Powers/Equipment: [/color][/b]N/A[/center][hr]Victoria made an effort to listen to Coulson without blowing up in his face ([Color=00ffff][i]Maybe literally and just getting this shit over with?[/i][/color]) and absorbed what he said. [Color=00ffff]"Therapy."[/color] She deadpanned, giving Coulson a withering, flat look, folding her arms on her chest. [Color=00ffff]"Your solution to putting our minds at ease is... therapy. Not a proposal of a vetting process to make sure you have no more imposters on your staff. Not an action plan to make sure you are not just educating more closet villains how to better make people's lives miserable and ruin their future. Not even abandoning that blatant favouritism that led us to do what we did that evening. Just... therapy."[/color] She shook her head almost refusing to accept what she was hearing. [Color=00ffff]"Because I have been in one every day for the past week with no end in sight, as I can't stop thinking about-"[/color] she paused briefly. [color=00ffff][i]Go on. Be open. You need to say this, and they need to hear it. What is the worst they can do, expel you? Considering the state of this place, not such a great loss,[/i][/color] she motivated herself, [color=00ffff]"-about how I would rather off myself next time, rather than being reduced to a prisoner in my own body, helplessly watching as it is made to kill someone. Do you even realize that you're lucky Ms. Drummond's powers and a fortunate lack of knowledge of them on that freshman's part allowed her to revive in the first place? Does that bother you at all, or is that just 'tuesday' for you? But sure, fixing the aftermath and not the causes of the problems will make me feel better."[/color] She gripped one of her wrists with the other hand to stop them from shaking again, although she didn't care to figure out whether they were shaking because of thinking of that again, or from trying to contain rage. Vicky didn't like either as an answer. [Color=00ffff]"You're right, you are ultimately accountable for this, and frankly from what I'm hearing, even one of us taking your place would fix this place better. Because, honestly, even if we just let all this die by doing absolutely nothing and just letting the finances run out, at this point I'm starting to think that there may be a bigger net benefit in letting this institution die rather than allowing it to continue with how it works now. Okay, I made up my mind, I will be writing to my representative about this." [i]And mic drop.[/i][/color] she thought. [Color=00ffff]"As far as the contest goes, I never cared for it. I don't exactly hide the fact that I think it is one of the many wrong reasons for people to be motivated to attend this place-"[/color] Her eyes ticked briefly to April before she could stop herself, [color=00ffff]"And I am sure at least one member of the team feels the same. Split us, give us someone new, call us off of the roster, I don't care. If the rest of the team wants to continue, I'll stay on for their sake, but my only motivation from now on is to help ourselves improve for our sake alone, noone and nothing else."[/color] Vicky was amazed she made it through all of that without raising her voice, although she had to admit, venting this out to higher places was the first thing that made her feel slightly better all week.