[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3NXWvvj.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] Headmaster's Office [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes (Passive) [/center] [hr][hr] Andy's attention had been caught by both Mads and Mary Sue's changes. She was surprised by them, but it didn't take her long to realize that Mads made sense. She remembered when she had accidentally started draining Mads of her soul. What had happened in that fight matched what Mads looked like now. Interesting. Mary Sue's situation was different. The damage to her eye hadn't happened in the fight with Arcade. Andy knew that since Mary Sue had been magically healed. So this was new. Andy didn't let her attention linger on either of them as they crammed into Coulson's office. A thought did cross her mind that if she had mental wounds to match the physical ones she probably wasn't the only one. The group as a whole needed to process more than just what had happened with Ed. At least they weren't getting in trouble for murdering Usagi, which was surprising. It's possible they had no idea what happened to Ardere. His giving them all A's for the quarter actually annoyed Andy. She had been putting so much work into trying to pass by the skin of her teeth and here she was being given A's without any effort. Andy wanted to learn. She would continue to go to class and do her work. She probably wouldn't do as much effort as she had been doing up to this point but she still wanted to learn. That's one of the reasons she had come to this school. The primary of course was Zari, who still hadn't joined them. She did appreciate that they'd be given counseling. However, could she explain everything that was weighing on her to a counselor? There was a whole lot that she had agreed to not talk about. Not to mention the killing of people by eating their souls in her sleep. Andy didn't say anything. She wanted Zari on her team, but she also didn't even want to be in the contest. To her, the contest wasn't important. Sure she was learning through the experience but that didn't mean she needed it to reach her goals. She liked being on Lady Nimue's team. However, she knew that April was way more gung-ho about winning the contest. Andy decided she'd let the people who cared about the outcome of the contest decide what to do about the setup, be it recruit a new member and coach, or break up the small team and divey them into the other two teams. So she sipped on her coffee and waited to be dismissed so she could go to class and try to learn still. Even if learning hurt her head. Andy winced when her name was mentioned. She'd rather not have attention drawn to her at this time. However, she couldn't blame Vicky. She didn't hold a grudge for what happened in the Framework. That hadn't been Vicky's fault. She hadn't been in control of herself. Andy failed to notice how she was freaking out about the death of someone she hadn't had control over the situation for either...but there was one major difference even if she did acknowledge this. Andy might do it again. Vicky likely wouldn't be controlled by a megalomaniac again. Overall she agreed with a lot of what Vicky said. The only thing she didn't agree with was the need for therapy. That was needed. She'd have to make sure to find time to chat with Zari. They needed to agree on what a counselor could know. Andy had experienced counseling at Northwood and that hadn't been a good time. She hoped that this more open future would be willing to talk about accidental deaths without threatening to lock someone up forever. [color=b71d5d]"Not mad at you or anything about that by the way."[/color] She said leaning toward Vicky. Sure in general she didn't super care for Vicky but she didn't hate her and certainly didn't hold a grudge against her. Though she would have much rather just have everyone believe that Arcade hadn't been as good at his craft as he thought he was and Andy hadn't died but had survived the whole thing by chance. Missing freshman aside.