[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/45717baa-ac62-4f09-852e-e588b3960c26.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Headmaster's Office [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][hr][/center] See, nothing to worry about. Danni may have just skidded in at the last second before Couls started all this, but everything he heard was a win. Thank you for being awesome and amazing (minus the big award. Def points off for coolness Couls.), no more homework or classes for the semester with A's in everything, and their choice of teams?! His solid C average would have a cushy bump [i]and[/i] they got to go to the Contest of Champions with a team of their own choice?! Clearly they needed to deal with supervillains more often! Danni was going to say as much, but Vicky let loose on Couls and Danni took a step back at the intensity in Vicky’s words.. [color=E948FC]“Well, daaaamn girl. Go get t’em!’[/color] Danni whistled as he shook it off, sauntering up to Coulson’s desk and hopping up to sit on it before realizing he wasn’t where he wanted to be. [color=E948FC]“But I am def uncomfy wit’ t’e energy in t’e office so I’mma jus-”[/color] Danni scooched across the desk so he was on the opposite corner. [color=E948FC]“T’ere! Now you can stick it ta t’e man wit’out gettin’ distracted by my pretty face and I can talk about t’e more excitin’ stuff ‘cause I am [i]violently[/i] uncomfy wit’ t’e energy you’re brin’in’!”[/color] Danni gave her a thumbs up, dug around in his bag, and tossed her the Vicky bracelet he made with her name in blue block letters. [color=E948FC]“And a friendship bracelet! I made them for everyone, even Poisson-Pas! Nothin’ says friends forever like surviving a murder attempt!”[/color] [color=E948FC]“Now, while Vicky is kickin’ ass and takin’ names, we’re tots redoin’ t’e teams right? Princess, Dee, and me are gonna be on a team ‘cause, like, it’s only been our dream since we got ‘ere. And then-”[/color] Danni blinked a few times as he came to a grinding halt, even his active avoidance of [i]therapy[/i] taking a back seat to Mads. He’d plucked out April’s bracelet and was holding it out, but he just stared for a few moments. [color=E948FC]“O.M.G. ‘ow did you not tell me ‘bout t’is! Like, t’is glow up is insane. Great look, 10/10 would recommend. I was just t’inkin’ we need a spa day just ta chill wit’ everyone and now I am dyin’ ta ‘ave one ‘cause I ‘ave sooooo many questions. Like, horn piercin’s? Yes, no? I t’ink it’d look great or like, oh! A tail bracelet, like an anklet but more of a… taiclet? Tanklet? Tail cuff, like an ear cuff? Jeez, ‘ow do people name t’in’s, everyt’in’ just sounds awkward. Poisson-Pas, you know what it’s called? You seem like one of t’ose people t’at loves trivia nights.”[/color] The bracelet clinked as he turned to face, catching his attention. [color=E948FC]“Oh, shoot. Teams right, right!”[/color] Danni hopped off the desk and started handing his friendship bracelets out. [color=E948FC]“So yeah. Princess, Dorian, me, def Beanie, which means Leah and Percy ‘cause y’all are in t’at honeymoon era and t’en def Mads ‘cause she’s got wicked cool magic t’at can do a little bit of every’in’!”[/color]