[color=C0C0C0] Her stare never left him as she watched his fingers dance around the console bringing them out of hyperspace. Aellyn perked her brow as she crossed her right leg over her left. She was curious as to why he had dropped them out of hyperspace but like any good slicer, he was covering his tracks. Perhaps he wasn’t an idiot after all. As the captain stood, she turned toward the viewpoint, staring off into black void. They had really pulled the heist off. Whatever he wanted and the kolto. The [I] kolto [/I]. Pulling out her data pad, she flipped through and found the list of planets she had cultivated before escaping home. Just one of the crates could help. Easily shipping it off to those worlds. To those that she had…upended. [color=f7941d]“I could be mad, sure. And if something had happened to Jet, or my ship, we’d be having a different kind of talk right now …but it didn’t. We got the job done. And I realize that trust works both ways.”[/color] [color=AE91B8] “I would have blamed the droid for the ship.” [/color] She quipped. Aellyn slipped her datapad back into her pocket, folding her arms infront of her again as she watched the pilot work. He then turned his back to her and started talking about her. Just okay? She thought to herself. Her face didn’t flitch, her thoughts were much more vocal. The kolto wouldn’t be in the cargo hold unless she tagged the med tech, who was now contemplating his choices in the main hall. Then she paused, was he giving her an option to stay? Would that be better than settling down on some other rock, far away from the Empire or could she truly redeem herself by staying? [color=ff0000]“So that was fun, huh?”[/color] [color=a187be]”As much fun as one would have heisting a Star Destroyer.” [/color] Aellyn turned in the chair, toward the large man. She smiled towards the old gunner. Feeling the glance coming from Fel as she did so. As the ship jumped into hyperspace, the cockpit fell silent as she contemplated a short rest before having anything to eat. She was about to make her exit as the droid beeped and booped. Her eyes went from the little astromech then to Fel. [color=AE91B8] “Guess that settles whether or not I’m staying. He has been…busy.” [/color] Aellyn left the info with the pilot, leaving the cockpit with nothing else to say. As she approached her room, she noticed the med tech with his head on the table, seemingly asleep or thinking but what stopped her was the sound coming from the one of the cargo holds. [color=AE91B8] “Kriff..” [/color] Walking past her room, she turned, letting the cargo door hiss open. There next to a bulkhead beam sat the kid who had just left his home. His family. She stuck her hands into her pockets and leaned against a crate. Waiting for some time, she finally spoke. [color=AE91B8] “Kid… I know it isn’t easy. I left home too. Left my friends, family all behind. I know what you’re feeling. It never gets easier. I could probably tell you it does…but it doesn’t. However, if your brother is half as brave as you were today… he will be alright. You did good kid. Captain likes you at least. So.. maybe that’s something.” [/color] She shrugged, feeling sorry for him. At least he has people around him that could help him cope. [color=AE91B8] “Anyway… grab an empty bunk… heard there is a meal in an hour or so…might be good?” [/color] Aellyn pushed off the crate, taking a look at the kid before heading back to her room. [/color]