[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/q4yFMYb.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][h3]A Block off Poppy Orphanage, Penny Stakes[/h3][/color] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] NA [b]Interactions:[/b] Poppy and her mafia ([@evierose])[/sub] [hr] [b]”Quit struggling, you little punk!”[/b] Four men surrounded a heaving and huffing red-haired boy. They had their hands on him, trying to drag him into the waiting jaws of the back of an SUV. The boy was fighting them off bravely, struggling hard. A slice of air, and a glimmer of a golden aura. The boy, Noah, had struck one of the goons across his jaw, causing the man to stagger back. This only caused the other goons to become enraged, and one hit Noah right in the nose. [b]”Ugh-!”[/b] Noah growled, his eyes burning as he recoiled from the strike. [b]”Let me go, you losers!”[/b] He cried out, gasping between breaths. He wouldn't be able to resist them for long, running out of stamina like he was. [b]”Just shut up and get in the van!”[/b] One of the goons yelled, finally shoving Noah hard enough to knock him back into the van. Down the street, at the gate to the Poppy Orphanage, a small girl was watching the entire ordeal. She started to point and scream. [b]”T-they got Noah! They got Noah!”[/b] [hr][code]Poppy: W +1.5 P +5[/code][hr]