[@The Otter] [@Click This] [b]"I'll do what I can."[/b] Kayliss sighed in Esben's direction. [b]"Even in my position, I don't have a direct line to foreign royalty. But there's some contacts within Edren I can leverage. With any luck, he may even set aside that ten million for you by the time you're finished in Skael."[/b] A dry glance was sent Eliane's way. [b]"Not everyone gets their news out of Solitude, you know. You're hardly a [i]national[/i] celebrity, don't let it go to your head. Local curiosity sounds more apt. One last thing: Mathiassen? You remember Sigursdottir? She hasn't reported in for some time. Keep an eye out for her on your travels."[/b] A significant look was sent his way. [b]"In any case, the both of you are dismissed. Return to your duties."[/b] Kayliss turned and waited for the duo to leave. When they did, she walked over towards the desk in the room and began penning two letters, both with the exact same content... ___ [@VitaVitaAR] [@vietmyke] [@HereComesTheSnow] [b]"S'all the truth, we swears it!"[/b] The lead highwayman protested at Galahad and Robin before gesturing to Rudolf. [b]"See, he gets it! Suspiciously well, at that, but he gets it!"[/b] [b]"So..."[/b] The second stooge piped up hesitantly. [b]"Yer not gonna kill us or nothing, nae? Swears we didn't try to murder ye [i]that[/i] hard."[/b] [b]"Right well take lockup over death, aye. What're them tree-huggers going t' do, hang us?"[/b] Their fates, inconsequential as they were, were left up to the three Edreni to decide. ___ [@Raineh Daze] [@Ithradine] [b]"Heh, heh, heh."[/b] The Gardener chortled as he eagerly took the money, taking care to count the coins out. [b]"Much obliged doing business with you. In that case, I'll keep it simple. Don't bother trying to find her in the actual wastes between here and Osprey overland. Your best bet is to catch her when she returns to civilization for resupply. Far as I'm aware, she favors Redwood for that."[/b] The morbidly obese information broker sat back in his plush chair, the golden rings on his fingers gleaming as he steepled them together. [b]"Last report has her seen in Redwood not three months ago. Judging by the amount of supplies a small party can carry, and the frequency to which she's been spotted there, I'd say she'll be due to make a return within a week or two. More than enough time for you two to catch up to her. Now, if that'll be all, I'd humbly request for you to leave my place of business."[/b] A side eye towards Arton. [b]"For sanitary reasons. You understand, I'm sure."[/b] ___ [center][h1]Two days later...[/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NoF8PHQJqQ[/youtube][/center] True to her word, Master Isolde had set off with the Kirins at dawn the previous day, quietly traveling alongside the group. Though it had been some time since the Kirins had actually traveled overland, Goug seemed as cheerful as ever, whistling a merry tune while taking occasional puffs from a pipe he'd purloined somewhere within Brightlam's markets. [b]"Now this is journeying, kupo! Not a Blightbeast in sight, unlike Edren, or gods forbid, kupoing Osprey."[/b] [color=#736AFF][b]"Give it time."[/b][/color] Izayoi grumbled uncharitably, her customary scowl visible from beneath the brim of her hat. [color=#736AFF][b]"I doubt this state of affairs will last, no matter what magics the Grovemasters possess."[/b][/color] Unfortunately for her, Isolde didn't seem to rise to the bait, instead closing her eyes in contemplation. [b]"We'll likely not make it to Redwood before morning. If I may, I would suggest we make camp soon."[/b] [b]"Agreed, kupo!"[/b] Goug said, already searching for a suitable campsight along the forest path. [b]"Be a damned shame if we let some of this fresh provender I picked up in Brightlam go to rot, kupo!"[/b] Not long later, sundown approached as camp was set up. Isolde contented herself with remaining off to the side of the gathered group, though she would make no move to seem unfriendly should someone approach her.