[center][h1][b]Monday 8th May 2094 Team Valkyrie HQ[/b][/h1][/center] [hr] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/gOsM-DYAEhY?feature=shared] Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons [/url][/b] [hr] Alexander had very little time to get a shit ton of work done. He was back in the office early Monday morning after the Portugal race. While he was off supervising the race team, Cavan Mitchell was in the process of packing up and moving his family to Germany after they settled on a contract to finish out the season with an option for renegotiating and extending the contract at the end of the season. The family would live in one of the furnished apartments at headquarters. This would speed up and reduce what they felt they needed to bring with them. There was still the business of changing schools for the children, packing what they needed to be comfortable here in Germany. The Mitchells were supposed to move in today. They were expected on a flight from England at 11:25 later this morning with a small cargo pod of belongings. Mabel had once again proven why Alexander Knight trusted her and sung her praises. He walked in and discovered she had already taken the initiative to run background checks on the two engineers that Cavan had asked him to make offers to. He understood from Cavan that they had walked out when he did. They were free agents. He had legal looking over their contracts to make sure there were no legal loopholes that could bite them later if Fitzroy took exception to the hiring. Mabel had also compiled a list of potential engineers to replace the others that Valkyrie had lost when Felix had left. Finlay Wallace was a British Aerodynamics Engineer and Miss Olivia Chang was a British/Chinese Electrical Engineer. That left Alexander needing a new Neural Interface Systems Engineer. That would at least get his engineering compliment back to where it had been prior to Felix quitting. Leopold was still not sold on the three engineers that Alexander had brought for a test run. They were still debating how effective they would be. Alexander had to acknowledge that Cavan should be brought in on these decisions as well. After reviewing the information and resumes of Olivia and Finlay Alexander had Mabel contact them to arrange for interviews later in the week. He looked over the dossiers and resumes Mabel had put together as potential replacements for the Neural Interface Engineer. Gaylord Chaveau was a French Engineer. He was older and had been working with Neural Interfaces for a long time for a French augmentations manufacturer that developed neural interfaces for public transit drivers and pilots. His work and experience was solid but nothing creative or extraordinary to bring attention to him. Cillian Kilpatrick was an Irish neural interface engineer that was currently working for the Irish government in neural interface regulation enforcement. He was their technical advisor. His job meant he was abreast of all current updated interface systems and illegal ones. That experience might come in handy and intrigued Alexander. The last person to make Mabel’s shortlist was a Polish woman Daria Krupnik. Daria worked for a Polish neural interface manufacturer for a company that designed medical equipment. Her field of expertise was interfaces that ran medical equipment like MRI scanners, automated surgical suites, and full body MRA scanners. It was a different area than was typical for hiring for a Formula AG team. He decided to wait and go over the potential hires with Cavan. With the immediate staffing needs in a holding pattern, he turned his attention to getting his team to the moon for the Luna race. He called his contact at the ESU to ensure that training was scheduled for all personnel going to the moon race. He arranged for the team to get a week on the moon prior to the race. That would give his pilots time to adjust to the gravity and the engineers a chance to make adjustments for the harsh environment of the moon. The ship’s seals had to be double checked as they would need to hold atmosphere. There were logistics to consider as well. The team plane was set up to double as a space plane as well. The plane would have to be prepped with an external fuel tank to ensure they had enough fuel to get there and back. They needed to be sure the team had enough prepared meals ready to go for the time they would be gone. The prepared meals would be heat and serve or grab and go. They needed to remember the lack of gravity as well. Everyone had to take training on navigating in zero gravity, use of space suits, emergency protocols, and more. Once Alexander ensured that preparations were on track for leaving for Luna in a few days, he turned his attention to sponsorships. Alexander was hopeful that he could still get new ships on track for the next season at the latest. He knew they would have to go back to design and start over. It would still require a huge influx of cash. More income kept the board happy as well. He reached out to Quantinium Computer Systems and invited the CEO and his assistant for a tour of the Valkyrie Headquarters so he could gauge the CEO’s interest in a partnership on new computer systems for their ships. Many racing teams tend to use the same computer system vendors because it is expensive to develop, making it cheaper to buy a system that is already built, working, and proven. Alexander couldn’t help thinking that might be a way for them to improve their ELS systems. Improved security was something high on Alexander’s mind. He wanted to prevent other teams from being able to exploit any weaknesses they discovered in a shared system. [hr] Wulfric whistled as he reviewed the information he had been able to retrieve with Leopold’s help. The CEO was up to his ears in illegal stuff. Wulfric found emails between the CEO and Maier where he was knowledgeable and complicit about the abuses from the former Human Resources Manager and the embezzlement. It was no wonder that Maier felt he was untouchable. Wulfric had started an information systems audit with an outside specialist hired discreetly by Leopold outside of Valkyrie. Their consultant found a server on the premises tied into the corporate network but hidden with restricted access. After a hardwire work around, the information on the server was accessed. The hidden server was only accessible by the CEO and had a remote login that was untraceable. They thought it was only accessible to them and held all their activities. Wulfric had immediately copied the evidence. He set up a meeting with Alexander and Leopold. [hr] Alexander had been surprised to get a meeting request from Wulfric. Alexander just knew, he had a feeling in his gut that it would not be good news. He tried to remain calm and cool as he made his way to Wulfric’s office. Alexander knocked on the door jam to Wulfric’s office as the door was open. Wulfric looked up and motioned Alexander inside as he finished what he was doing. Alexander took a seat across from Wulfric’s desk. He was just about to ask why he was there when Leopold strode into the room closing the door behind him looking grim. Leopold took the seat next to Alexander as he looked at Wulfric expectantly. Alexander just slunk down in his seat. [i]If he had known it was going to be one of those meetings, he would have brought the good Scotch with him.[/i] Wulfric looked up and eyed each one of the men before opening his bottom drawer and pulling out three crystal tumblers and a bottle of Glenlivet. He silently poured a generous amount in each glass before handing them each a glass. Alexander raised an eyebrow and took a healthy swig. [color=00aeef]Alexander: “It’s going to be one of those conversations then. Okay hit me with it.” [/color] Alexander braced. He didn’t think it could be much worse than losing Felix. Alexander was surprised when Leopold tossed back the entire glass before setting it back on the table. Leopold nodded at Wulfric in encouragement. [color=92278f]“How bad is it?” [/color] Wulfric took a bracing drink before he began laying it out for the both of them. [color=8dc73f]“Well our investigation into the CEO has borne fruit. The specialist you helped me hire found a completely hidden server on the premises set up for use by the CEO with a remote login . The CEO was in cahoots with Maier. The CEO was the one giving orders to Maier in Human Resources. Maier was being paid very well to help him on his power trip. There are hints that the CEO was taking orders from someone else but the emails are carefully worded and from an anonymous account with a VPN and spoofed IP address. So there is no proof of ties to anyone from the board. They used the CEO and Maier as their cutouts to do their dirty work. There is proof of significant embezzlement from the team. Endorsements, sponsorship deals where the money was funneled into private accounts. The money that went astray is in the millions. The CEO was doctoring the books to show the money was being funneled into research and development that went nowhere or payroll for nonexistent employees. He was quite creative. This also implies that there was someone in the accounting department helping them. My guess is the CFO who quit shortly after Alexander came on board. He quit the same day Maier was fired. That was pretty convenient timing. They believed their server was secure and would never be found as it was onsite and looked just like part of Valkyrie’s server bank. Externally there was nothing to flag it as an issue for IT to look closer at. The embezzlement and abuse of the company has been going on for years. The CEO is getting nervous because Alexander fired Maier and ordered him investigated. He probably thinks it's only time before Alexander finds evidence on him. The CEO has been working against Alexander behind his back. There are emails from the CEO to the board members where he has been sharing only the negative news about Alexander and the team. He has been trying to convince the board to fire Alexander. He was using Felix Burkhart leaving as proof that Alexander is mismanaging the team. We got to this just in time. I have secured the evidence. How do you want to proceed?” [/color] Wulfric took a slow savoring drink while he waited for the inevitable explosion. The color drained from Alexander’s face. He tossed back the rest of his drink grateful for the burning that helped him take a deep breath. Alexander was not stupid. Wulfric had said millions. They had managed to siphon off millions and that was plural. People had killed each other for much less. Alexander felt like all his fears were proving true. This is why he had insisted on the contract he did. Leopold had a pained expression on his face. [color=92278f]“I knew it was going to be bad but I had no idea it went that far.”[/color] [color=00aeef]Alexander: “Valkyrie is already being crucified in the press for all the “chaos” that has happened since I started. This could shake investor and sponsor confidence in the team. There are obviously ties to others that we cannot prove. That worries me. Who else is trying to bleed the team dry of resources and money?” [/color] Leopold looked at Alexander. [color=92278f]“I had heard about the CEO lobbying against you to some of the board members who are not your biggest fans. I thought it was just sour grapes. One of the other board members came to me with a rumor. They asked me if I was still supporting you given that you were responsible for Felix leaving. I gave them the truth of that situation. They told me that the CEO had approached them for support to force an emergency meeting of the board and a vote of no confidence in your management while you are away for the race at Luna. You will be out of the office for a prolonged stretch of time and unable to refute any charges he brings against you. I had planned to discuss this with you both but Wulfric had already called a meeting.” [/color] The men all exchanged worried glances. The silence in the office was almost deafening in its intensity. Alexander thought about all the employees who had suffered abuse at the hands of Zimmerman, the CEO, and Maier. He couldn’t keep this quiet even if it meant he was butchered in the press once more. This was not just about him. They already were short on time to get ready for Luna but he had to deal with this issue. The men deserved to serve time. He couldn’t afford a lengthy investigation into the racing team though. This was going to bring the government regulators down on the team. Alexander looked at Leopold who looked shocked and somewhat lost. Alexander stood up and began pacing. [color=00aeef]Alexander: “Leopold I know this can hurt the team and I will take full responsibility for this decision. I can’t in good conscience let those men get away with this. We turn it all over to the authorities. We will release a press statement of facts about what was uncovered. We will tell the public the truth and it will cause waves. We do it with the message of justice for wronged employees. We want honesty and transparency with the public. The message for the government regulators is full cooperation and have done our due diligence as a company to rectify the situation as soon as it was discovered. Unfortunately I cannot be in two places at once. I will deal with the situation and get the ball rolling until I have to leave for training for Luna. Leopold I am going to have to ask you to deal with things here while I am on the moon. What are your thoughts?” [/color] Wulfric tossed back the last of drink before his eyes trailed Alexander’s pacing form. [color=8dc73f]Wulfric: “The CEO has the means to flee. We need to take this directly to the authorities and have them in position to arrest him before he finds out we know.” [/color] Leopold seemed to be recovering from his shock. He nodded. [color=92278f]“I appreciate your willingness to accept the blame Alexander. This mess is not your making. Hopefully we can use that in your favor somehow with the press. I will deal with the board but we are not telling them until the authorities have the CEO in cuffs.I think we should play into the CEO’s hands. I will call an emergency board meeting. We will have the authorities onsite with an arrest warrant.” [/color] Alexander nodded. [color=00aeef]“Agreed. Wulfric I will need a copy of the evidence. I will go to the authorities with it.” [/color] Wulfric snorted. [color=8dc73f]“Alexander, you are the last person who should take it. You are the one probably watched the closest. I will take it. The CEO is probably keeping tabs on you especially when you are here. He has access to the security systems. My office is the only place he doesn’t have access to.” [/color] Alexander looked at Leopold. [color=00aeef]“Are you sure you can handle this while I am on the moon?”[/color] Leopold nodded. [color=92278f]“You need to go. Cavan is too new. He is still meshing with the team. They will need your leadership with a smaller staff available.”[/color] [color=8dc73f]Wulfric: “Well Alexander, life has not been dull since you started.” [/color] Alexander gave Wulfric a sharp look before he grumbled. [color=00aeef]“I could do with a little less excitement. I feel like I am running from one disaster to the next since I started.” [/color] Both men chuckled at how disgruntled and grumpy Alexander sounded. [hr] [center][h1][b]Tuesday 9th May 2094 Team Valkyrie HQ[/b][/h1][/center] 10:00am [hr] Wulfric had spent most of the evening with the local authorities reviewing what they knew and providing all the evidence. He walked the investigators through it and helped them set up the sting for the following day. Leopold had called an emergency meeting of the Board for 10am the following morning. The reason he stated was to review recent events and Alexander’s performance. He hinted that there was new information for the board to consider. He said he would only reveal it at the meeting that it was too sensitive for an electronic meeting. Leopold had met with investigators after leaving headquarters later that evening. He too answered all their questions. Leopold explained that they believed Alexander was under surveillance or he would have joined them. That they didn't want to tip Brendel off that anything was wrong. The following day arrived early. Alexander had only managed to get a little bit of sleep. He knew there would be hell to pay later because he didn’t share the information with Mabel. He was already planning his apology but he would never put her in harm's way. He didn’t trust the CEO Peter Brendel to behave any better than Zimmerman had when he had been confronted. Zimmerman had been violent and had to be subdued. He thought he was untouchable just like Brendel. He had no idea how the man would react when he was cornered. The investigators were sneaked into the building and into Wulfric’s office. Alexander had met them there and answered all their questions. It was decided that Alexander would not go to the meeting. He would watch from Wulfric’s office on the camera system in the conference room. Leopold would call the meeting to order. Wulfric would lead the investigators into the room once Leopold gave the signal that everyone was there. The trap had been baited and set for Brendel. Leopold had taken a position at the head of the conference table facing the doorway. He would be able to see the door and everyone as they took their seats. Leopold had a cup of tea and was sipping it as board members began to file in. Many complained about the short notice, a few were gleeful and Leopold’s eyes hardened as he noted who they were. Most of them stopped to help themselves to coffee or tea. Leopold kept the serious neutral look on his face. He almost lost his cool when Peter Brendel strolled into the meeting looking eager and smug. Leopold waited as the last few board members were seated. He looked up at the camera and nodded which was the prearranged signal for Wulfric to escort the investigators in. Leopold looked around the table and took a deep breath as he stalled for the amount of time it would take for the investigators and supporting officers to get into place. They were taking no chances that Brendel could get away or destroy evidence. Although Wulfric had already given that to investigators. They indicated that they would still investigate to ensure that they had all the evidence possible against Brendel. Leopold began the meeting his voice holding a serious tone. [color=92278f]Leopold: “Thank you all for coming on short notice. I have uncovered some particularly disturbing news that requires the board’s attention and action. It was not something I could share freely over email or phone.”[/color] Brendel leaned forward and the look on his face was serious but there was a gleeful glint in his eye. [color=fff200]Brendel: “From your message, I assume you have more evidence of Alexander Knight’s appalling performance to share with the board. Really Leopold, I don’t understand why you continue to champion him. Why, we have had more emergency board meetings since he joined than in the six months prior to his hiring. I told you hiring Knight and giving him that level of control was a very bad idea. The man is clueless about business.” [/color] Leopold looked around the table, his eyes flitting from face to face. Before Leopold could reply, Dietrich Steindl jumped in. [color=fff79a]“Knight has been out of control since he got here, making changes with no input from the board, firing long term employees without board consent, deciding what endorsements and sponsorships the team needs. He has taken all those decisions away from the board and what do we have to show for it?” [/color] Matteo Aldenburg jumped on the bandwagon next. [color=aba000]“Instead of the team receiving positive press, they are focused on Knight’s personal drama with his daughter. The negativity and conspiracy theorists had a field day with that one. We can’t forget losing Felix Burkhart, an amazing and respected engineer.”[/color] Leopold didn’t bother to hide his frustration as he took control of the meeting back. He noted that Brendel was looking pleased with himself. [color=92278f]Leopold: “One of the reasons I called this meeting was so we could discuss these issues. There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding these events. I want to be sure that the board is making decisions with all the CORRECT information. We wouldn’t want to make hasty decisions based on false data.” [/color] Nielsen jumped in this time. [color=fdc68a]“Leopold, what are you implying?” [/color] Brendel sneered and jumped to his feet. [color=fff200]“Leopold, you seem to be Knight’s only fan on this board. How can you continue to cover for him? Are you embarrassed because Knight was your idea? Think about the good of the team! You have to see that Knight is dragging the team down? If you can’t see that, then maybe you should step down as the board president.” [/color] Leopold understood then that Brendel had not just been setting Alexander up for a fall but himself along with him. He looked around the table. He just knew that Brendel had been feeding this line of bullshit to his fellow board members. He made Leopold sound like Alexander’s sycophant. Ferrari, Dupont, Olsson, and Virtanen were all looking confused and surprised. Alvarez and Jorgensen looked worried. Nielsen, Aldenburg, Saar, Stiendl, and Brendel looked angry and expectant. Before the board meeting could devolve any further there was a brief knock at the door as it was immediately opened. Wulfric held the door open as the two investigators and two uniformed law enforcement officers entered the room. Wulfric then shut the door behind him and locked it. Brendel was instantly on his feet. His face red with rage as he turned on Wulfric with fists clenched at his sides. [color=fff200]“You might be the Chief of Security but you have no right to interrupt a closed board meeting, Mr. Gunderson.” [/color] Wulfric very calmly met Brendel’s angry glare. He turned his attention to the board. [color=8dc73f]“My sincerest apologies for the interruption but these law enforcement officers have a warrant and legal right to enter. They are here investigating a matter that will be of interest to the board.”[/color] Wulfric motioned to the two investigators forward with a hand gesture. [color=8dc73f]“Investigators if you please.”[/color] The investigative lead officer was wearing a nice suit and had his badge of office on a lanyard around his neck. [color=f26522]“My apologies for interrupting your meeting. This won’t take long. Please take your seats.” [/color] One of the uniformed officers took up a post in front of the locked door. One took up a spot behind Brendel against the wall. The two investigators made their way to the front of the room where they stood on either side of Leopold. Leopold nodded to them and took his seat. He watched everyone’s faces as the investigator began. [color=f26522]“My name is officer Braeder. I am here to inform you that my office will be conducting a close audit of all Team Valkyrie AGR financial and employment records for the last 5 years. Mr. Peter Brendel you are under arrest for fraud, embezzlement, and harassment. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” [/color] Before he could get any further Brendel was on his feet yelling. [color=fff200]“You can’t arrest me! I am the CEO. I have done nothing wrong. You have no proof!”[/color] Brendel looked angry but panic was setting in. [color=fff200]“I don’t have to submit to this in my own office. I don’t have to listen to you. How can the board sit here and do nothing! Help me!”[/color] Leopold noted that he was looking at Nielsen, Aldenburg, Saar, and Steindl for help. The officer sighed and motioned to the uniformed officer behind Brendel. [color=f26522]“Subdue him and cuff him.”[/color] He pulled out a sheaf of documents and handed them over to Leopold. “[color=f26522]Here is the search warrant for the premises, and a copy of the arrest warrant with the list of charges.”[/color] He turned back to the officer who had quite handily wrestled a fighting Brendel to the floor and was cuffing him with his knee in the middle of his back. He pulled the still ranting man to his feet. [color=f26522]“Be sure to finish reading him his rights. Start over and get it on camera so he can’t claim he was not informed.” [/color] The officer nodded and began to guide Brendel towards the door. His partner came and took Brendel’s other arm. [color=f7941d]“Keep it up Brendel and we will hobble you and carry you out of here.”[/color] Wulfric helpfully unlocked the door and held it open for the officers. Brendel continued to claim his innocence. He was being frog marched out and began to put on an indignant air as if he had been wronged somehow. The investigators looked over at the board members who watched as Brendel was led out of the room. [color=f26522]“Our office expects Valkyrie to comply with the search warrant and grant us complete access to the information and areas requested.” [/color] Leopold looked over the paperwork as a formality. He nodded to the investigator. [color=92278f]“I will keep these for our legal team to review. In the meantime. Mr. Gunderson our Chief of Security will see to it that you have access to what you require. Valkyrie will comply and cooperate with your office investigator.”[/color] Leopold gave Wulfric a nod and indicated him with a pointed finger. The others didn’t need to know that they had already been introduced. The investigative officer looked around the table at the board members. [color=f26522]“This is an ongoing police investigation. You are not to discuss this case or the charges with anyone outside of this room. We will need some time to dig deeper into this matter but I am putting you all on notice that our office will be in touch to arrange interviews for each of you. We expect all of you to show up for your designated interview appointment. As of right now we are not investigating you but any dealings you had with Mr. Brendel. That may change depending on what we find during the course of this investigation. As I speak officers are already seizing records and documents from Mr. Brendel’s office. We need to get to work now. Mr. Koch has our contact information. I bid you good day.” [/color] The two investigators left the room. Silence followed in their wake. Leopold looked around the table. He looked each of them in the eyes. All of them looked shocked and a few looked nervous as the investigator left. Steindl was the first one to break the silence. His voice was condescending as he spat out. [color=fff29a]“What the hell just happened? I thought we were here to discuss firing Knight.”[/color] Leopold coldly stared Steindl down. [color=92278f]“Were you not paying attention? Brendel has been arrested for embezzlement. Not just a little but millions! Millions that were stolen from this company. Brendel was complicit in Maier’s abuse of his office. You have just been told that our corporation is being investigated for criminal activity by its CEO and all you can focus on is your desire to remove Knight?” [/color] Leopold had to give it to Steindl, he had nerve. He met Leopold’s eyes with an angry glare and didn’t waver under his verbal backlash. Leopold sneered and crossed his arms. He was done playing nice. [color=92278f]“Let’s talk about that then since you insist. Knight was not the reason Felix Burkhart left. By his own words, Burkhart left because of Brendel. Knight pivoted and managed to pull a minor miracle off when he managed to replace the head engineer with an experienced man in less than two weeks! The team had its first win at Portugal. The team finally made the podium this season. Progress has been made. You might not like his methods Stiendl but his results are there.” [/color] Steindl continued to glare at Leopold. Leopold continued to meet his stare. [color=92278f]“Well Steindl I will be sure to report back to Biomatter International that you were more concerned about your distaste of Knight’s management style than the fact that the CEO had embezzled millions from the company that they have a share in. That you didn’t care that the corporation was being investigated for violations in labor law by the same CEO. You can leave now since you would rather cast blame on an innocent man doing his job rather than do yours.” [/color] Steindl glared at Leopold. [color=fff79a]“You have no right to remove me from this meeting.”[/color] Leopold smiled wickedly and turned to Wulfric. [color=92278f]“Mr. Gunderson please remove Mr. Steindl from the building. Please be sure to send a copy of this recording to his supervisor at Biomatter International. I am sure they will be very interested to see how he has handled their interests.”[/color] Wulfric just grinned and nodded. [color=8dc73f]“With pleasure Mr. Koch.”[/color] Wulfric walked over to Stiendl. [color=8dc73f]“Are you coming willingly or the hard way?”[/color] Wulfric was quietly hoping he chose the hard way. Stiendl rose and left in angry strides but with more dignity than Brendel. Wulfric escorted him from the room, closing the door behind him once more. Leopold glared at the rest of the board members. [color=92278f]“Does anyone else want to complain or are we going to discuss how to handle this latest disaster?” [/color] Leopold waited expecting more of the dissenters to complain. He was pleasantly surprised when they remained quiet. Leopold nodded to the board and took a deep breath to calm down. Leopold: [color=92278f]“Now. I believe our best course of action is to control the narrative. We should release this to the press ourselves in a statement. Our messaging should be that we are cooperating with authorities. We took action to correct the mistakes of Mr. Brendel as soon as they were discovered. We want to be transparent with the public. Our honesty in this matter should carry some weight with them. Hopefully that will carry weight with our sponsors and investors.” [/color] The meeting went as expected after that. Everyone had their opinion about what course of action they should take and what the messaging should be. Leopold didn’t envy Katherine who would be the one to weather the worst of this storm. The media were going to be in a frenzy. [hr] [color=gold][center][h1][i][b]Media[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [center] [b][color=fff200]Team Valkyrie AGR @TeamValkyrie:[/color][/b][/center] [color=fff200]Team Valkyrie AGR Sport is shocked and saddened to have to inform the public that Peter Brendel the CEO of Valkyrie AGR Sport has been arrested on embezzlement, fraud, and harassment charges. Valkyrie AGR Sport is cooperating fully with the investigation. Please watch the video by Crew Chief Alexander Knight for more details.[/color] [[color=fff79a]A video of Alexander Knight speaking to the public about the arrest of the CEO and the subsequent investigation. Alexander appears tired on camera. He is sitting at the Valkyrie news desk. He is wearing a Team Valkyrie button up shirt. Alexander looks right into the camera. It feels as if he is talking directly to you on the other side of the screen. His voice is serious and has a sad tone. Dialogue below][/color] [color=00aeef]“Good Evening. It is my duty to inform you that the CEO of Valkyrie AGR Sport has been arrested for embezzlement, fraud, and harassment. Team Valkyrie AGR Sport takes our duty to uphold the public trust seriously. Team leadership moved quickly to support the investigation and rectify the gross misdeeds of the former CEO Peter Brendel. His actions were not sanctioned or condoned by the team’s Board of Directors. Brendel acted in conjunction with the former Chief Human Resource Officer Bernard Maier. It was while investigating Maier’s activity that it was discovered that the CEO had condoned his activity and was complicit in his illegal activities. Team Valkyrie is embarrassed and enraged by the actions of these former employees. Our employees are all important, deserving of respect, and a safe place to work. We value our team members and are striving to ensure something like this will never happen again at Valkyrie. We want to apologize to any employees past or present who were hurt by these individuals. While Valkyrie is embarrassed by the unsanctioned actions of these previous employees, we are sharing this information with the public because we believe you deserve honesty. How can you cheer for a team you can’t trust? We sincerely hope that our honesty and integrity in dealing with this matter will help to restore your trust and faith in our team. My sincerest apologies on behalf of the team."[/color] [hr] [color=fff200]OfficeDrone#12:[/color] Insiders at Valkyrie can confirm that investigators swarmed the corporate offices today. [color=fff200]SuperfanAGR54:[/color] I don’t know what to say to this. [color=fff200]DantheMan:[/color] WTF!? [color=fff200]BatDave:[/color] Justice is served. [color=fff200]Superfan2075:[/color] WOW! I didn’t see that coming. [color=fff200]DadBod89:[/color] No one saw that coming! [color=fff200]Hater101:[/color] Valkyrie can’t seem to get its act together. What is going on there? [color=fff200]Papabear34:[/color] #Speechless [color=fff200]Nana2050:[/color] Knight is apologizing but it was not his fault. [color=fff200]GeorgeFly:[/color] #RespectKnight [color=fff200]ValkyrieFan56:[/color] Knight has big cajones! [color=fff200]Weedhead81:[/color] Dude! I wouldn’t expect a Corpo to apologize. [color=fff200]SexyM@m@5:[/color] Was Dorian hurt by this Corpo? [color=fff200]Paulmulder4eva:[/color] Will Valkyrie still race at Luna? [color=fff200]Britball12:[/color] Corpos should stay out of Formula AG. [color=fff200]!YouSlow!:[/color] Shame on Valkyrie! [color=fff200]xImFasterthanUx:[/color] No wonder Valkyrie is struggling with a Gonk like that as CEO. [color=fff200]AGInthusiast:[/color] Man can we please get more than one positive week at Valkyrie without some negative drama happening? [color=fff200]micheal650004:[/color] You have to respect Knight for sharing what was happening. I like that he was honest about it. [color=fff200]Bertha:[/color]So it's not just poor management by Knight but all of Team Valkyrie’s leadership. #ValkyrieFails [color=fff200]Nobody404:[/color]I find it interesting that Alexander Knight is being blamed for all the things happening at Valkyrie AGR. CEO Peter Brendel has been in that position at Valkyrie for 5 years! Both Maier and Brendel were there long before Knight was hired. Maybe Knight is the reason this corruption is surfacing? Is Knight fighting the good fight? [hr] [hider= Team Valkyrie Characters] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zrLx5XUgYiVm6KjTpFTWZtJvXc0MX77enkLzINHujKw/edit?gid=0#gid=0 [/hider]