[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=Inventory]GP: 1500 Items: PokeBall 6x, Potion x5, Antidote x5, Escape Rope, Repel, Star Piece, Strange Egg[/hider] [hider=Roster][hider=#1, Kaebe]Tyrunt ♂, Lv 8, Full HP Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Roar, Ancient Power Ability: Strong Jaw[/hider] [hider=#2, Ocul]Blipbug ♂, Lv 7, Full HP Moves: Struggle Bug, Infestation Ability: Swarm[/hider] [hider=#3, Scamp]Yamper ♀, Lv 5, Full HP Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Nuzzle Ability: Rattled[/hider] [hider=#4, Niblet]Joltic ♀, Lv 7, Full HP Moves: Absorb, Fury Cutter, Electroweb Ability: Compound Eyes[/hider] [hider=#5, Sterk]Rookidee ♂, Lv 5, Full HP Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip Ability: Big Pecks[/hider] [hider=#6, Spoops]Gastly ♂, Lv 6, Full HP Moves: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis Ability: Levitation[/hider] [hider=PC]Empty[/hider][/hider] The egg was hers? Stella took another look at the egg she cradled, knowing now that she would be caring for it. She accepted the star piece graciously, though certainly the egg was more important. She stowed the valuable but mysterious trinket away and held the egg carefully in both hands, to examine it closely. [color=silver]“Keep it hidden, huh?”[/color] Introducing the egg to the woods would be the opposite of hiding it, right? That would be taking into the Arcanine’s den. So.. hatch it first. Then decide about the forest. [color=silver]“I’ll keep away from the forest, for now. To honor Miss Eberg’s wish. Perhaps the Pokemon inside will be important to solving the mystery of the forest? It seems like she knew something, but just.. couldn’t form the words to express it.”[/color] Stella shook her head, [color=silver]“I’ve got no idea. But, I’ll take her guidance. Keep the egg hidden. She..”[/color] Stella grimaced and groaned softly, suddenly weary, [color=silver]“didn’t say from what, huh?”[/color] [color=silver]”I think I’ll take the egg from here as soon as possible, then.” [i]Keep it hidden.[/i][/color] Was something coming? [color=silver]”Hey, since I visited her grave, and then came back here.. is it still safe? I don’t think you should stay here, either. If trouble will follow me, like you say, it would follow me here, first, right? So, we should all leave. Heh, maybe I’ll luck out and run into a gym leader again, if it ever catches up to me. That would be nice and lucky.”[/color] Maybe she should do more training. Was the danger something Kaebe could bite? [color=silver]”Shall we?”[/color] Stella carefully tucked the egg into a pocket on her person as she stood. Keep it nice and warm and nurture that darling. She would motion to leave, feeling a pressure to put distance between the egg and the woods.