[center][h2]Sagamiyama[/h2] [h3]Saturday Midday[/h3] Bakuto:[@BladeSS4] Mitsuaki:[@Morgannis] Tony:[@McNephelim] Sara:[@LadyAnnaLee] Tony:[@McNephelim] Mikazuki:[@Letter Bee] Darius: [@WSilversun][/center][hr] Perhaps it was a bit of a surprise to a couple of the people present, but Ouga actively encouraged self improvement. In fact when Bakuto explained that he was practicing, he gave him a hearty pat on the back, maybe one that was a bit too strong that almost sent him toppling, [color=fff79a][i]"you're more diligent than I thought!"[/i][/color] He would say. Did he think Bakuto was just some slacker? Well, that wasn't a hard image to imagine in any case. All the same this applied when Mitsuaki and Mikazuki wished to have a little sparring match, Ouga was rather quick to throw them some spirit bokuto, which Shinigami could use. It was still a little strange to see, considering no one but them could see these, and they were just piled among other equipment. Shouko had once said it was concerning that Ouga was so nonchalant about not putting them apart, but it wasn't like non-spiritual people worked at this autoshop anyways. When the sparring was under way, Ouga was there to make sure things didn't get out of hand, and to his surprise they were pretty solid on fundamentals. Making use of the techniques they learned, and keeping a cool head. They were still a little sloppy here and there, but nothing unusual for a newbie. Making good progress as they say. As soon as it was over, Ouga got up and walked over to the pair, and began to give them some pointers, [color=fff79a]"not bad, Mitsuaki you need more confidence in your strikes, even if you're up against someone more skilled, conviction can overcome some of your hurdles. Mikazuki, you're too arrogant, as you use Kido you should maintain a calmer mind. In a true fight, your kindness may even be the end of you. But you can heal people, you have the option to save the kindness for afterward"[/color]. Ouga's explanations were pretty succinct, he was almost a different person while teaching, seeming more eloquent, at first it shocked some of the people here but [color=ed1c24]"My, my, who is this crazy man talking to the air in the middle of an empty road? I might have to call the police... Perhaps he needs help"[/color], the sound of a silky voice cut through the conversation as a beautiful, white haired woman in a pink kimono had arrived to the scene, bearing a small woman's carrying bag among a few other items. She looked to the side at the entrance of the auto shop and to the front. [color=ed1c24]"An impromptu training session?"[/color] [color=fff79a]"Ooh, Shouko, venomous as always. Nah things just settled like this, everyone turned up. Maybe because it's a weekend?"[/color], Ouga turned around to answer her, he was used to her words by now. Shouko pursed her lips, [color=ed1c24]"Hmmm... Whatever the reason, this has been a convenient turn of events. Come, you two and..."[/color], she looked over to Bakuto who was sitting in his Shinigami form over by the autoshop, [color=ed1c24]"him... Return to your bodies at once, and go inside. I have something to tell everyone today... Or rather, before tonight"[/color], with that, she walked towards the shop to go inside herself. Before she entered though she stopped by Sara, and knelt to her side, [color=ed1c24]"it is good to see you out and about dear, I do hope the day has been treating you well. I will be inside if you need anything",[/color] for some reason she was kinder to the young lady, but tended to be a bit cold to everyone else. With that, she entered the autoshop. [hr] Meanwhile... [@BladeSS4] The Konpaku that Bakuto had left behind in his body was suffice to say, an eccentric individual. This artificial soul was a performer, and so in front of the store since he had left, he had neglected all work and was instead doing tricks on one or multiple bicycles, drawing a massive crowd. When Bakuto had finally returned, the shop owner was beaming due to the massive increase in sales today. Although... Because of all the neglected and added repairwork, Bakuto would have to be here until the late afternoon and then return to the autoshop for the meeting.