[hider=Alexios Sintarus][b]Name:[/b] Alexios Sintarus [b]Race:[/b] Colovian Argonian [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Appearance:[/b] A young adult Argonian, Alexios has forest-green scales and gold-yellow eyes. His head is free of horns, quills or spines, allowing him to wear helmets. Due to rigorous legion training, he has built up a strong muscular athletic form. He almost always wears his Amulet of Akatosh. When he isn't wearing his legionary panoply, Alexios has homespun Colovian-styled plain clothes in wine-red and gold with a wine-red tied woolen cloak. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASj81daun5Q][img]https://i.ibb.co/crL4rb2/Alexios-Sintarus-Faceclaim.png[/img][/url] [b]Skills:[/b] One-Handed - Expert Even before joining the Legion, Alexios often sparred with his father in the yard. In some ways, he ended up more of a swordsman than most of his cohort. Two-Handed - Adept Alexios also trained to use a long spear to deal with mounted combatants or larger foes. Block - Expert Sword-and-board is the Imperial Legion's bread and butter. The Cyrodiilic shieldwall is just as famed as their battlemages. Heavy Armor - Adept Heavy Armour use comes as naturally to legionaries as sword-and-board. Light Armor - Adept However, Alexios prefers to use a combination of both heavy and light armour for a balance of protection and mobility. Athletics - Expert Alexios would have left the Legion if he couldn't manage the rigorous training exercises. Fortunately for him, he excelled instead. Provisioning - Expert Another skill drilled into him by his father, Alexios knows more than most legionnaires (despite it being in their training manuals) about cooking meals and rations for different situations. Armorer - Apprentice Having recently been promoted to Lieutenant, Alexios has been taking lessons with Legion quartermasters and smiths on ways to maintain the effectiveness of his squad's equipment wherever they may be. [b]Personality:[/b] As typical of his Colovian upbringing, Alexios is disciplined and to-the-point. His humour at times can be somewhat dry, but he does possess one. He may seem unapproachable at first, but lends himself to be a stern yet caring comrade. He is an adherent of Akatosh, and believes fiercely in his doctrines of strength through endurance. [b]Bio:[/b] Born an unnamed hatchling in 4E 145 to poor Argonian immigrants, Alexios' birth parents gave him up for adoption to an affluent Colovian couple who were unable to bear children of their own. His adoptive mother Alaia was a seamstress, and his father Regulus was a retired Legate from the Imperial Legion. Soon after, they made their home in Kvatch a summer house after buying property in the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City. As the balance of influence between Colovians and Nibeneans had tilted in favour of Colovians since the rise of the Mede Dynasty, the Sintarus family enjoyed respect within the community. Alexios' early childhood was peaceful, and he spent a lot of time with both parents. His mother would often make him new outfits as he grew, constantly taking Alexios' measurements, while Regulus took Alexios out on rides through the Imperial Isle. When Alexios turned 13, his father thought him old enough and started to teach him skills from his Legion days. Most of Alexios' days soon consisted of being trained and moulded by his father, in order to follow in Regulus' footsteps and become a successful career legionary. The training yard, the bruises from sparring, the nicks from cooking, the ringing from his father's shouting: all of these became normal for Alexios. Alaia was the one to hold and comfort him after especially harsh days. For a while, Alexios struggled and starting at school made it no easier. Even though he's not the first Imperialised Argonian, it was still difficult for him to find friendship and support amongst his peers. Once, he was bullied on account of being adopted by Imperial parents: the other children called him a 'Trophy-Scale'. He graduated when he was 18 and immediately enlisted in the Imperial Legion. Over the next five years, Alexios grew distant from his father but wrote often to his mother (whenever he could manage) and she would have care packages sent to him. Under the Eighth Legion, Alexios spent a lot of time in the field. His cohort were charged with rooting out renegades and bandits who had grown too strong and numerous in various regions. On one skirmish, the outlaws had taken refuge in an abandoned mine and rigged countless booby traps. When his commanding officer was crushed by falling logs, Alexios took quick charge of his squad. Barking the order for a shieldwall, the squad fended off arrows from cowardly bandits and their battlemage retaliated with fire and lightning. Under Alexios' leadership, the legionaries not only survived but apprehended the last of the outlaws. Alexios was promoted to Sergeant for his bravery. However: he insisted that he remain in command of his squad, given the bonds he and his comrades had forged over time spent in the field. Together, they continued to bring honour to the Eighth Legion with their deeds. After recently being honoured with the rank of Lieutenant, Alexios and his squad remained tightly knit. Now, charged with joining the retinue of the diplomatic mission to the Reach, Alexios and his legionnaires remain battle-ready for whatever comes their way. [hider=Readiness Report to Legate Urion] [i]Compiled by Lieutenant Alexios Sintarus Midyear 3, 4E 168[/i] As requested, I have prepared a report on the combat readiness of my squad for your approval. Like most squads, we number 9 legionaries strong (myself included). The legionaries under my command are as follows: Rex Serici - Frontliner Victoria Avitus - Frontliner Samuel Avitus - Frontliner Morak gro-Akarok - Linebreaker Lucien Vautrine - Archer Ilia Helvus - Archer Blinds-And-Heals - Field Alchemist Sindariel - Battlemage We are outfitted mainly in medium-weight chain and leather armour, with the exception of Morak who prefers to be in plate armour. In prior combat, we've often used a smaller variation of hammer-and-anvil (Morak, of course, being our hammer). However, given the terrain and irregularity of our mission, I've prepared the squad with more adaptable strategies. I also hope that with our new auxiliary Blinds-And-Heals, we'll see our combat effectiveness double as long as he can gather materials for tinctures and poisons. Sindariel often runs short on magicka mid-combat, so I've tasked Blinds with working up mixtures that will help her continually cast for longer. In summary, I believe we are prepared and ready for this escort mission. I await your word and/or approval. [/hider][/hider]