[center][b] We should be Dead [/b][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/aa/30/90/aa3090ff2a97e9409c997b63464897e8.jpg[/img][/center] Another day of surviving in this world of ours. Where the dead roam the streets and fields, looking for the next meal in the form of human flesh. No one really expected this to happen, but when our world failed to contain the undead in 2025, it was a matter of time before governments would collapse as the undead and its virus spread across the world. Those who were left had to rely on either themselves or each other to survive in this new world. For three years, it has been like this, where the living fought with the undead and each other in the name of survival. However, for one group of survivors, things would change for them, and just surviving would not be enough for them. For one reason or another, they got bitten and did not have a way to kill themselves before they would turn. Which they would later collapse and dreaded what their undead selves would do. Only, when they next woke up, they were still them. But, feeling different, with their bite mark showing signs it was healing. When they find a mirror, they discover that they look different. Looking not quite dead but not quite alive either. Like a strange mix of life and death. Now, these survivors want answers to their current condition. What does it mean? What happened to them? Could a cure be made from their blood? Many questions, but one thing is certain. They are changed now, and things will not be the same going forward. Time for them to discover what they really are now. [center]Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph[/center] [center][b]Overview[/b][/center] Hello, and welcome to the rp. In this rp, you will be playing as survivors who have been bitten by the undead and while your character did not turn into a zombie. They did turn into something else. Something between being alive and being undead. The rp is about finding out what this new state means and if it could lead to a cure while also trying to survive in this new state. So, in regards to the state the player characters have. While they have a semi zombie like appearance, it will make an observer second guess themselves if they are undead or not. They are still alive, have a heartbeat, and can heal from wounds, just at a slower rate. Along with still needing food and water to survive. But no cravings for raw or human flesh or anything like that. Plus, zombies will still come after them and try to eat their flesh. However, if there is a normal human and your character, the zombies will go after the normal human rather than yours. While not at first, they will feel a connection to the undead and will develop abilities related to their current state as the rp progresses. A not alot but a few abilities, but I will say when your character has developed the ability and list it below what it does. Also, for your char looks, you do not have to use a pic that makes them look semi zombie-like. Just a normal picture will work, and use a real-life face claim. Like what they looked like before getting bitten and turning into this strange state. Otherwise, expect to travel around the former eastern US during the characters' quest to figure out what has happened to them and if a cure could be made from their blood. That is it for now and if anyone has any questions then just ask. [center][b]Unknown State[/b][/center] Here is where I will be listing what abilities and other things the player characters will experience in their current state. Right now, it is empty, but it will be filled in as the RP progresses and the player characters gain new abilities related to their unknown state. [hider=Character CS] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/280x280_RS/22/02/58/220258fb79deac8fc7d0a0dbc8d05675.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=white][h2] Name here [/h2][/color][/u][/b][/center] [b][u][color=white]Gender[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] gender here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Age[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] age here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Appearance[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] appearance here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Personality[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] personality here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Former Occupation[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][color=A1A1A1][b] former Occupation here [/b][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Skills[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] skills here [/b][/color][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Equipment[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] equipment here [/b][/color][/indent] [b][u][color=white]Background[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] background here [/b][/color][/indent] [/hider]