[hider=Eloise DuChamp] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Eloise DuChamp [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Approximately 30~ish [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Short at barely a shade over five feet tall, slim, and sleek. She has a very ‘streamlined’ figure; relatively slight and with wiry muscle rather than a defined musculature, or a curvy build. She has a build reminiscent of a dancer or a gymnast; rather ‘less’ gifted in the bust or butt, and with only a modest curve of her hips. She is afflicted with a serious case of resting bitch face, despite having what most people would call attractive, or even cute features. This is possibly offset - depending on the viewer’s preferences - by her shaggy, choppy, mop of dark, black hair, her pierced eyebrow, lip piercings, and ears in multiple places and her steel-grey eyes, along with a great number of tattoos and a few minor scars. She has dusky, honey-coloured skin that hints at a mixed heritage, and the beauty mark on her left cheek only adds to her exotic features. [img]https://i.imgur.com/oqkko1E.jpg[/img] Her right arm is replaced with an advanced, cybernetic prosthetic that is surgically attached to her body at the shoulder. It is constructed of black, carbon-fiber-like materials and a somewhat pliable plastic. [u][b]Nationality:[/b][/u] Eloise possesses a French nationality, but her actual country of birth is uncertain; she seems relatively sure she was born in Cambodia or in the Golden Triangle somewhere. [u][b]Callsign:[/b][/u] Archer [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] [b]Street Smart Survivor - [/b]Eloise grew up as a street urchin, petty criminal and orphan, surviving on the streets and falling into a criminal gang. As such, she has an innate skill in finding the things she needs to survive, through either fair means or foul, as well as knowing who and where to speak to to find things, people, organizations or information. [b]Street Rat -[/b] Living in and around cities all her life, Eloise knows how to hide, blend in, and disappear in a city (and other urbanised or industrialised environments), as well as how to find her way around an urban environment - and not just on the streets, but using rooftops, alleys, stairways, sewers, subways and more. [b]Unnerving Presence -[/b] Eloise might be pretty, and she’s not a particularly bad person… mostly. But something about her, when she wants to, can really… unsettle other people. It’s not just her looks, her stare, or her posture… but somehow, something about her is just a bit… off when she wants it to be, and she can sometimes use this to her advantage to unsettle, disturb or off-set others, especially when trying to get information she wants. [b]Animal Friend -[/b] As much as she might struggle to relate to people, Eloise has no such issue with animals of virtually any kind. They seem to naturally put her at ease, and the relationship seems to be entirely mutual. Even the wildest of animals will seem to be unbothered by her presence, or even actively interact with her after the barest few minutes of calm, patient effort. Animals and their habits, behaviours and traits are a particular special interest for her, and her knowledge can often be useful in the field to spot things others may have missed. [u][b]History: [/b][/u] Eloise doesn’t remember much of her childhood. Her Dad was an abusive dickhole. She vaguely remembers him wearing a uniform of some kind and being white. Her mum was a junkie and a native; she varied between showing love for her daughter and slinging abuse at her. Her dad disappeared one day and her mum never really seemed to recover, just chasing her next hit. She left home after mum tried to sell her for her next fix at a young age, and she lived on the streets instead. Eloise fell in with other street kids. She had a sort of group of friends, they all looked out for one another. This was almost a happy time, despite the hardships. However, their little group was forcibly recruited into a criminal gang She learned how to be stealthy, and while she had a better amount of food and shelter, the gang didn’t much care about the children or show them love, affection, or care and it was very much a case that everything they did was for the higher-up gang members. She found her affinity for animals as a place of comfort, befriending the strays on the street. Eloise killed her first person as a young teen after they tried to rape her, after they tortured and kicked to death one of the animals she’d looked after. She became extremely good with knives as a result of needing to defend herself at this age, and became sullen, cold, and hard on the exterior. While she expected to be punished or even killed by the rest of the gang, she instead received a modicum of respect, albeit grudging and strained. Eventually, her luck ran out as it always does for crime. She had moved up from picking pockets and snatching purses to burglaries. She tried to break into the wrong house, and it turned out to be that of a special agent or operative for an international criminal organization. Rather than turning her in or doing away with her, they took her in and trained her formally. Eloise took to it, finally having things like money, a proper bed, her own possessions, clothes, and more. Eloise started to learn more formally as well, quickly starting to pick up schooling she had missed out on, though much of her knowledge still remained basic and lacking in formal qualifications. She found she loved to read and devoured books like a starved man. As Eloise started to learn more and learn more about herself, having more time to do so, she showed a particular skill and affinity for use of the bow and arrow, as well as her use of knives. This skill was encouraged to grow, and she received formal training and instruction. As such, she received a gadget bow and arrows, as well as training in more formal tactics and skills, her skill quickly approaching that of an olympian due to her intense training and apparent skill. She soon made her name and mark as an assassin and a field agent for the said NGO, and as she matured and grew from a teenager into a woman, putting behind her the traumas of her past regarding her sexuality, started to explore her feelings about romance and attraction, having a small handful of brief, romantic interludes, though her abrasive, bitter and stormy emotions meant such things never lasted. She started to become somewhat notorious and make a name for herself, and despite her working for the ‘wrong’ side, she had been coached and immersed thoroughly in propaganda and rhetoric that made her feel as though she was achieving something, and gave her a sense of pride for the first time. However, an op went wrong. What happened wasn’t her fault, but she had been set up as a scapegoat and to take a fall. She was abandoned by her agency and allies, and abandoned. This drastically hurt her sense of trust and loyalty, and she fell into a depressive state. She was courted for recruitment by a legit agency, who were much kinder and much less harsh, and slowly encouraged her trust after being open with her about their intentions, and gave her information and evidence on her former employers and masters. They also gave her a new, replacement cybernetic arm to replace the one she lost in the failed operation, as well as giving her a place to live in comfort, and a proper, signed contract with rights and assurances. Eloise was still distrustful, but she started to relax somewhat at the kinder treatment - although, she can’t help but feel like the other shoe has yet to drop, and there’s a tradeoff or transaction for everything in her life or situation. Nonetheless, she has come around to the personal realisation that, despite the misery, betrayal and cruelty that has been inflicted upon her, she has caused her own share of harm, heartbreak and hardship for others, and sought to make amends using her skills Oracle took note of her record and attempts at redemption, and she was courted for recruitment into Task Force Raven [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Eloise may seem sullen on the outside at first glance, and bitter at the way the world has treated her, but this exterior masks a deeply hidden core of optimistic hope that things can change, sparked by seeing ‘little wins’ from people and events in the world, knowing that it’s not all grim shit and there are good people. Something she strains to be to make up for her own faults and mistakes in the past. It takes her a long while to trust and open up, due to the past betrayals she has endured and the abuses of her trust. She has a tendency to latch onto one person at first in a group if she finds a thing in common, though even then will be something of a quiet, second shadow to them. Eloise tends to show her affection through small gifts, quiet company, and small gestures to those she likes. Not grand gestures of open shows of her affection, but small kindnesses Despite her quietness and distance, she does have quite the sense of humour. She is fairly quick-witted and sharp-tongued, and her humour comes with a large dose of the sardonic, ironic and sarcastic, especially in observations of events and people. Eloise isn’t intentionally mean, but she has little patience for fools, braggarts or the arrogant. Likewise, she has little patience for beating about the bush or being less-than direct, and her inherent pragmatism and bluntness can often make her seem less compassionate or caring than she really is. However, this aspect of her nature applies to her positive qualities and traits, and she will often readily and matter-of-factly deliver her positive and admiring opinions and thoughts about others, and her care for them - albeit, incredibly awkwardly. Equally, she has zero tolerance or sympathy for anyone who manipulates, double-crosses, betrays or otherwise stabs their friends, allies, or colleagues in the back, and they will be the target of her anger and vengeance, and it will be spectacularly complete and total. Her anger is less furious and raging… and is more cold, hard, and methodical, which can be much more scary, because of how thorough it is Equally, her love when it is earned and her loyalty are absolute, unwavering, fierce and as all-consuming as her fury. [u][b]Tactical Suit: [/b][/u] [hider=Sorta like this, but not exactly] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/5f97dff7-bb5e-488a-903e-9afbd3b57dd8/dii8aij-a52726a2-ee2e-4c82-8c57-709ea1bf7856.png/v1/fill/w_900,h_900,q_80,strp/_open__adopt_art_work___concept_special_forces_12_by_samuraishop_dii8aij-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzVmOTdkZmY3LWJiNWUtNDg4YS05MDNlLTlhZmJkM2I1N2RkOFwvZGlpOGFpai1hNTI3MjZhMi1lZTJlLTRjODItOGM1Ny03MDllYTFiZjc4NTYucG5nIiwiaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD05MDAiLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLndhdGVybWFyayJdLCJ3bWsiOnsicGF0aCI6Ilwvd21cLzVmOTdkZmY3LWJiNWUtNDg4YS05MDNlLTlhZmJkM2I1N2RkOFwvc2FtdXJhaXNob3AtNC5wbmciLCJvcGFjaXR5Ijo5NSwicHJvcG9ydGlvbnMiOjAuNDUsImdyYXZpdHkiOiJjZW50ZXIifX0.LIUJVwJySbLk9YCAzEXsYA2whUtzNpZcLQhn6oB_lcc[/img] [/hider] Eloise wears a form-fitting undersuit that almost resembles a thick wetsuit with a hexagonal pattern to the material, in a neutral colour. This is paired with rigid plates over vital areas that have integrated load-carrying straps (i.e. MOLLE/PALS style) for equipment pouches. The ‘soft’ armour is stab- and -slash proof, as well as providing protection against shrapnel, fragments and splinters, as well as being flameproof and resistant to acids, alkalis and electrically insulated. The hard armour sections are proof against low caliber pistol bullets and glancing rifle hits, as well as having the same above features. The suit also captures and filters her bodies’ natural scent and leaves no trace of it - or, at least, as little as is practically possible. The undersuit moderates her body temperature to both blend in with surrounding temperatures as well as provide comfort. The suit is paired with gauntlets that extend to her elbows and have a built-in portable computer. Boots are also provided and have ‘silent’ flexible, reinforced soles with tabi-style toes. The helmet/mask that is coupled with the suit covers her lower face and ears and incorporates communications gear, as well as capture her breath to avoid any tell-tale misting in any conditions, as well as filter hazardous chemicals or agents in the air. A retractable visor can deploy to further shield and hide her features, as well as give her night and thermal vision enhancements, and additional ‘augmented reality’ views of possible hazards and features in the local environment. Atop this, she wears a kind of modern-styled cloak and hood that feature optical camouflage that can shift its colours, somewhat like certain species of octopus or a chameleon, to blend in with her surroundings and further dampen and mask her infra-red signature. Her body armour features the same effect. [u][b]Weapons: [/b][/u] [list] [*]Hi-tech compound/reflex collapsible longbow with optical sight wirelessly linked to her helmet and laser-aiming device. [*]Various hi-tech arrows, such as armour-piercing, taser/stun, smoke, explosive, expanding head, incendiary, grapple, EMP, flare, and potentially others. [*]MAX11K as secondary weapon, with helmet-linked sight, LAM, and suppressor [*]Beretta 8045 Mini-Cougar handgun [*]Paired fighting/survival knives with mono-molecular edges [*]Monomolecular throwing knives; explosive, stun, and EMP varieties are regularly carried [*]Garrotte built into her cybernetic arm [*]Contact Taser built into her cybernetic arm [*]A sharp tongue, and a cutting wit [/list] [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] [list] [*]‘Chameleon’ camouflage cloak + hood + mask [*]Mask includes vision enhancing goggles/lenses with Augmented Reality overlays [*]Mask and hood also have integrated communications [*]Mask also acts as bump-helmet protection and armours against splinters, shrapnel, fragments, etc [*]Bodysuit regulates body temperature to match external surroundings and also masks and diffuses natural odors. Soft armour against stabbing/slashing damage, acids and alkalis, flameproof, blunt force [*]Boots and gloves muffle sounds of movement to exceptional degree [*]Quiver has compartments for preselected arrows, can be selected by combination of controls on gauntlets and in mask through eye-pointing and subvocalized commands [*]While not exactly 'equipment' her cybernetic arm is a work of masterful technology. It uses artificial muscle fibers for movement, is completely capable of the same movement and fine motor skill as her original arm and hand, and is powered by a combination of solar cells, thermal battery (provided by her body heat) and a kinetic battery (powered by movement). The arm is attached directly to her nervous system and skeleton at the shoulder, though can be detached for maintenance and repair at the mid-bicep through a twist-locking joint. It moves silently. The limb has some touch sensitivity, and parts of the exterior are coated in a pliable plastic that maintains the same temperature as her skin, and has the aforementioned built-in taser and garotte, as well as a GPS, distress beacon, a light and a clock. [/list] [u][b]Hobbies:[/b][/u] Archery (duh…); especially Japanese-style archery, painting/photography, meditation, reading, playing with her pet cat (a rescued fluffy, black & white street cat named Aloysius) [u][b]Likes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Animals [*]Junk food [*]Soft beds [*]Long baths [*]Quiet, relaxing classical music [/list] [u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Loud people [*]Busy places [*]Pushy, aggressive or demanding people [*]Cold weather & rain [/list] [/hider]