[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/gPqCCx2/f26e876cc4689b669dba0a98a8d046d8-1.jpg[/img]&[img]https://i.ibb.co/jhYqQch/119abf201d77fbe51221bbc0f60098e2.jpg[/img][/center] [color=808080] [hr] Getting outside of the Kairo Skyscraper, his silver eyes reflected a pinkness for a second while looking for the threat. Everything was so loud and chaotic only moments ago and it happened to fall eerily quiet - he absolutely hated it. [color=ffffff][i]Hey, boss.[/i][/color] "[color=c1196b]What K?[/color]" Asterion vocalized while looking around and in control of his best friends body. [color=ffffff][i]I'm pretty sure she's to your left.[/i][/color] Asterion looked left to see all the destruction down the block and he rolled his eyes and began to move to it. People were scattered out by this time so there wasn't much around the funky cartoon-looking-character of a woman. When he got closer to really see her visuals, he was honestly surprised with Krish's short description of her. "[color=c1196b]She really is a cartoon looking bitch, isn't she?[/color]" he whispered those words. [color=ffffff][i]Yeah. I don't know why she thinks she can come here throwing bombs.[/i][/color] Shrugging Krish's shoulders, Asterion had no idea why she was doing it either. Last time he checked, he wasn't pissing others off, but he could see how being absent from most situations could cause others to see him as a target or want to mess with him. That was when a gigantic explosion went off and the whole body of the man tensed up in reaction. "[color=c1196b]I'm glad I am used to being your body. This should be fun fighting her,[/color]" Asterion added as he began to get closer. [color=ffffff][i]Do not hurt this body. I'm not like you. You can jump into others and your body heals. Mine doesn't. Do not be a prick, Asterion![/i][/color] Krish's thoughts were loud towards his best friend. Asterion waved, "[color=c1196b]I will be good. Do not worry. Worse case that happens is I jump out of you and into some random person like that guy,[/color]" he gestured to someone that was cowering behind a dumpster. The man got close enough to the strange woman as he summoned the rope dart that was Krish's gift. He had used the man's body enough along with Krish not fighting - he was able to operate smoothly. "[color=c1196b]I hope you did not plan on staying. Overstays are unwelcome, especially when there was no invite,[/color]" with those words, he spun the dart around at the end of the rope before trying to swing it just right for it to connect and hit the woman blowing up everything. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/28040]Roll Proof[/url] Roll outcome - 3 As he swung the energy based rope dart and missed, the thud on the ground was somewhat disappointing and unsettling to a bit, but he was reeling it back in to attempt another hit on the woman. He was not asking questions. [hr] [b]Interaction -[/b] Hailey Vagabond [@Estylwen] [/color]