[hider=Juichi] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Juichi Kyoya [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 33 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Nationality:[/b][/u] Japan [u][b]Primary Role:[/b][/u] Point Man [u][b]Secondary Role:[/b][/u] Combat Engineer [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Juichi][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/09/eb/68/09eb68866cae540fa9bc066c8915b6b1.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Juichi had always been the odd one out among his peers growing up. He was somewhat of an outcast among his peers as he grew up. His stoic and easygoing attitude helped somewhat, but Juichi, being more religious than the normal Japanese person, did get the attention of some people. Mainly getting negative attention as his religious nature was viewed as a negative by his peers and some adults. Though he would take solace in hobbies and would develop an interest in construction and other engineering aspects as he grew older. Otherwise, Juichi has managed to not have a negative view of the world and tries to keep a positive or spiritual outlook of the world. Before he joined the military, Juichi tried to find his place in the world and though being in the military was meant as a temporary thing as he was poor and sought a better life for himself. He feels at peace that he found something that he is both good at and likes. Still, beneath his stoic nature is a man who can be friendly and kind. Juichi can have a temper that he normally keeps in check, and when it does come out. It will be when something really bad has happened, and he tends to be the quiet one in a group. Sometimes, being called a monk by those who know him due to his religious ways and how he conducts himself. A name that Juichi sees as accurate even if, at times, he would like people not to call him that. [u][b]Service History:[/b][/u] [list] [*] Enlisted with the Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces once he was out of high school(2010) [*] Was assigned to the 1st Engineer Brigade after showing enough aptitude for being a combat engineer [*] A full-fledged combat engineer [*] Apply for Ranger training and become a Ranger-qualified JGSDF soldier(2015) [*] Recruited and underwent training and became a member of the Special Forces Group(2018) [*] Learned English and did additional training to learn Chinese and Russian(2019) [*] Assisted with allied personnel with evacuating foreign citizens and certain Afghan citizens during the Kabul airlift(2021) [*] Assisted of the evacuation of foreign nationals during the Sudanese civil war(2023) [*] Assigned to Spearhead unit(2025) [/list] [u][b]Primary Weapon:[/b][/u] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howa_Type_20]Howa Type 20[/url] with telescoping stock, vertical forward grip, an ambidextrous safety selector, detachable QDSS-NT4 suppressor, Trijicon ACOG scope, and SureFire flashlight. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minebea_PM-9]Minebea PM-9[/url] with foldable stock, a detachable suppressor and a reflex sight. A primary long-arm [u][b]Sidearm:[/b][/u] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIG_Sauer_P220#P220_Rail]P220 Combat[/url] with detachable suppressor [u][b]Other gear/weapons/equipment:[/b][/u] Combat Knife 3 M67 Fragmentation Grenades 2 M18 Smoke Grenades 2 M84 Stun Grenade Type 53 21.5mm Flare Gun with 4 flares Individual First Aid Kit Binoculars with night vision Renzatic compass GPNVG-18(Night vision Goggles) GPS navigation equipment(Garmin) Multi-tool Military encrypted Comms Device Type 18 Bulletproof Vest Military-use encrypted cellphone Combat engineer tools FAST helmet with mounted night vision MBSS-style backpack [u][b]Other useful information:[/b][/u] [b]Hobbies[/b] Astronomy Origami Camping Hiking Reading [b]Likes[/b] Meditation Nature Birds Jazz Fantasy Media [b]Dislikes[/b] Disrespecting people Closed-minded people Poorly made food Cheap Alcohol Cyberpunk [/hider]