[quote] [color=f7941d]"Kiffar will take the green woman's blessing. The Empire is good work, for stray kitties, hm?"[/color] [/quote] The newcomer Khajiit and his escorts were certainly out of the ordinary. As if this Hidden Militia could be any more odd bunch. Alexios tried to maintain a passive composure, but a slight smirk tugged at the corner of his maw. He then listened as the Dark Elf in the group spoke and outlined her thoughts on the situation, citing her experience of Morrowind. Alexios nodded thoughtfully, but said nothing. [quote]"Regarding the situation in Bruma - I'm familiar with the city's Nordic population. Their pride runs deep, and they're unlikely to welcome change easily. Perhaps we should discuss strategies for maintaining discretion while moving through the city? I'd rather avoid any riots if possible."[/quote] Alexios cleared his throat and took a step forward. [color=ed1c24]'If I may,'[/color] he finally began, his voice bearing a deepness many officers in the Legion possessed, [color=ed1c24]'The Legion won't want any riots to occur if we can help it. Might I suggest that I request reinforcements from Fort Pale Pass? Give the mayor and the Nords something else to focus on while you act, and in the worst case the rioting can be contained.'[/color] Alexios offered his suggestion. Bruma wasn't his concern so much as his charges as assigned by his superiors, but he knew they would not appreciate anarchy.