[hider=Jack Hawthorne - Before] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=6644ff][center]Jack Hawthorne[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1071511694637006920/1107753925676900392/20230515_153755_0000.png?width=1111&height=625[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=6644ff][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6644ff]Name:[/color][/b] Jack Hawthorne [b][color=6644ff]Alias[/color][/b] Shadowbringer, Wanderer from Beyond, The Man of a Million Doors, The Stranger in the Moonlight [b][color=6644ff]Pronouns:[/color][/b] He/Him [b][color=6644ff]Age:[/color][/b] 36 [b][color=6644ff]Birthday:[/color][/b] November 13th,1990 [b][color=6644ff]Birth Place:[/color][/b] United States, Earth [b][color=6644ff]Source:[/color][/b] A place between tangible worlds known as the Everdark. Some call it the void, but it is an infinite expanse of winding, occluded reality that behaves differently from ours. Despite being a source of fathomless dark energy, and the fact that one can easily get lost in it, the Everdark is not an inherently evil place. It lives and breathes like a sentient creature, and chooses what it reveals to its inhabitants. The Everdark connects to all manners of existence like the trunk of a tree. If you find yourself lost here, there is always a way home. Few people have heard of it, though, and fewer have been there. Jack is one such person, and as a result, the energy of the Everdark flows through him as if he was still there. [b][color=6644ff]Domain:[/color][/b] Umbramancy [hr][center][img]Another Character Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=6644ff][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6644ff]Height:[/color][/b] 5’9” [b][color=6644ff]Weight:[/color][/b] [b][color=6644ff]Build:[/color][/b] 173 lbs [b][color=6644ff]Eyes:[/color][/b] Dark purple [b][color=6644ff]Hair:[/color][/b] Black, and an absolute mess 24/7 [b][color=6644ff]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Light [b][color=6644ff]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Jack is covered in a bunch of old scars here and there, too many to list in short order. One that stands out is a large burn scar across his entire left shoulder [b][color=6644ff]Personal Style:[/color][/b]Everything Jack wears looks like a lazy attempt to fit into a dark academia setting: Long wool coats that flow like water, worn baggy pants, the occasional trench coat and dill colors. His style is so low maintenance that it often masks his presence as a competent wizard, and just makes him seem like he’s a nobody. The only exception is a pair of knee-length boots that he always wears no matter where he goes. [hr][center][img]Another Character Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=6644ff][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6644ff][center][color=00a651]Gentle[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Vindictive[/color] * [color=00a651]Caring[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Obsessive[/color] * [color=00a651]Patient[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Stubborn[/color][/center][/color][/i] [center] Always the ominous one in the room, Jack evokes an air of mystery and gloomy serenity wherever he goes. He is perpetually unthreatened or unbothered by the unknown, and always welcomes something new to change his day. Jack prefers to listen and observe more than speak and act, often letting things unravel naturally rather than getting involved and stopping something before it gets too serious. Going with the flow the way Jack does, he tends to find himself in peril a lot, but even when his life is on the line, he’s levelheaded. Despite his easygoing nature, something that always springs Jack towards action is his curiosity. He has an astoundingly inquisitive mind that always pushes him to learn the things that human beings simply were not meant to learn. The weight of unfathomable knowledge is that of an anchor to some, but only a grain of sand to Jack. He plunges into the unknown, no matter how horrible the horrors lurking there may be, because it brings him comfort to set foot in places that others shudder at. The old saying that knowledge is power fills him with serenity and purpose. It is for this reason that Jack cares nothing for legacy. Even if there is never another living soul in all of the great sea of entropic existence who would carry on with his exploration, he would rest with the knowledge he gained from them, and that would be enough. The flipside of his attitude towards the world is that Jack tends to foster reckless tendencies. If he can discover some hidden secrets by cracking open moldy ruins, he’ll figure it out before he catches a disease for which there is no cure. If someone is hunting him down, he doesn’t devise a plan to stop them. Jack just responds by not forcing anything and doesn’t let fear control him. It hasn’t gotten the better of him yet, but there is a first time for everything. Everything falls into place as it does, and one can either be patient or swim against the current. When interacting with other people, Jack is typically either quite friendly or pointlessly bitter, depending on how others act around him. When someone is nice enough to warrant being friends, he’ll willingly burn down all of reality just to keep his loved ones safe. But anyone who gets on his bad side will never hear the end of it. Even when his pride is wounded, there are few times when Jack doesn't let a rude comment slide. Most people simply aren't close enough to him or know him well enough for their opinions to matter. [/center] [b][color=6644ff]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Gay [b][color=6644ff]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=6644ff]Fatal Flaw:[/color][/b] He often doesn’t realize it, but Jack prides himself greatly on his magic ability. He accepts a challenge easily. To a similar end, he’ll run himself ragged before he slows down and admits he needs help. Whether out of some need to not show weakness, a fear of burdening others, or both. In the past, this has led to Jack sacrificing his own physical well-being for something he desired. [b][color=6644ff]Inner Demon:[/color][/b] Thirst for knowledge [b][color=6644ff]Habits:[/color][/b] Absentmindedly floating inches above the ground, and talking in long-winded sentences. [b][color=6644ff]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Exploring new places, reading books, and learning about magic. [b][color=6644ff]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*]Stagnation [*]The consequences of his actions [*]Drowning [/list] [b][color=6644ff]Likes:[/color][/b] At least 6 [list][*]Coffee [*]Cold weather [*]Studying magic [*]Dark places [*]Calm music [*]Mysteries [/list] [b][color=6644ff]Dislikes:[/color][/b] At least 6 [list][*]Spicy food [*]Warm weather [*]Religious leaders [*]Intense light [*]Loud noises [*] Sand [/list][hr][center][img]Another Character Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=6644ff][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6644ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Limit 10. These can be combat or general skills. Anything you list here gets a +2 bonus on rolls. [list][*]Supernatural Lore [*]Magical Expertise [*]Agility [*]Magic Combat [*]Stealth [*]Investigation [*]Survival [*]Extra-planar Navigation [*]Card Games [/list] [b][color=6644ff]Medical Issues/Injuries:[/color][/b] Any long term medical problems or past medical problems need to be listed here. Put N/A if your character doesn't really have any. [list][*] Missing a physical left arm, replaced with a magic one. Still feels pain in his shoulder. [/list] [b][color=6644ff]Possessions:[/color][/b] Limited to the spots provided. Yes, I do mean three. This is what your character has on them when the clock strikes three on Hallow's Eve. [list][*] A handwritten book full of magic knowledge recorded over the years [*] A half-empty bottle of wine and a now-broken wine glass [*] An enchanted pocket watch that never stops ticking, set to California’s time zone. [/list] [hr][center][img]Another Character Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=6644ff][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3][b][color=6644ff]The Maiden - a Horror Past:[/color][/b] Jack has met many people along his travels through existence. Once such person was a magician who called himself Reza. He was the sun of Jack's moon, and from childhood they were close friends. He even followed Jack into the Everdark, where they leapt across the universe to its outer rim together. The Everdark did not respond well to Reza's presence. Gradually, his soul was poisoned due to the fact that he came uninvited. Day after day, it would change him, turning him into something less like himself while Jack was unharmed. He was welcome in this world, and Reza was not. Jack hadn't developed a strong enough understanding to summon a way out of the Everdark yet, meaning the nearest portal was thousands of miles away, and so Reza's struggle wasn't enough in the end. He became something monstrous, unable to recognize Jack. He was a feral animal with a corrupted mind, and there was nothing to do but put him out of his misery. Jack laid him to rest in that place, in a region they both named the Moonstone Valley. Jack wasn't ever the same after the day he watched the light fade from his friend's eyes. It made him feel distant about the idea of attachments. Nothing fills that void like Reza did. [b][color=6644ff]The Mother - a Mad Truth:[/color][/b] There is nothing left in the world for Jack. He tells himself and others that there is nothing he wants in life, that he doesn’t have dreams or aspirations. Because all things will pass in time, to chase the things is to fill a void that one is doomed to become in the end. Jack has been to countless worlds, made friends with beings from worlds with names no human can pronounce, and every time he has done this, he has moved on. The truth he hasn’t come to terms with in his entire life is that Jack longs for a place that can give him what nigh boundless knowledge of the universe cannot: A place to exist in peace. In every corner of reality, there was something that called him there, but nothing to keep Jack from leaving. He doesn’t know how to settle down and stay in one place, as lonely as it is to not. [b][color=6644ff]The Crone - a Grim Future:[/color][/b] The troubled child who fell out of the known universe and into a living, breathing darkness is long gone. In his place is a man who finds eternal majesty in the structure of existence. Every new direction yields a place forgotten by time, newly formed, abandoned by millennia-old civilizations, or perhaps untouched by life entirely. A lonely voyage into places unknown is quiet, but to Jack, it is fulfilling. This is for the better, because Jack would be a very different person if it wasn’t. In a world where there was no serenity to be felt in watching the birth of entire universes, or wisdom to be found in being the only living thing to set foot in a city for billions of eons, then there would be nothing to put Jack’s mind at ease. Solitude has a way of twisting the mind, and without that wonder to be filled with, he would feel nothing but contempt for everyone in existence who had what he didn’t: Companionship, belonging, and inner stillness. If he can’t have those things, then why should they? Jack’s grim future is one where no one is safe from his presence, or the hate he never found a way to reconcile with. Worlds would speak his name in conversations of extinctions and the end times. The troubled child would follow him everywhere, and he would never to come to terms with the fact that some people are happier than him, because they would not survive. [b][color=6644ff]The Lore:[/color][/b] Min. 2 paragraphs describing your character's life up to that fateful Hallow's Eve. Consider how they acquired their magic, how they got to where they are, and why they would rank as someone with potentially cosmic importance in the mystic arts. Once upon a time, Jack Hawthorne was just a kid. He lived in a dead-end town where everyone knew each other. The kind of place anyone even slightly different is ganged up on. He didn’t fit in. Despite this, he always took things in stride, like water against a window. This all changed when he was walking home one day, during a particularly gloomy evening. The evening sun was obscured by heavy clouds, and the ground was darker than it realistically should have been. Before he knew it, he fell into a shadow. And then he went [i]through[/i] it. He watched the world fall away around him, and he landed in a lake of black, oily water that felt like ink between his fingers. The sky didn’t exist, it was like looking at a color that one could only picture in their mind but not visually perceive. The land he found himself in felt alive, the horizon swelled and groaned like metal under stress, and flowed through him as though he were a part of it. There was no light, and yet he found himself able to blindly understand where things were. But Jack didn’t know where he was just yet. He ventured out to figure out where he was, and found figments of earth cities nearby. Places that looked familiar, but were also foreign to him. With a wave of his hand, Jack distorted the ground he walked on. With another, the fabric of this dark reality would bend around him. This place was just as much an extension of him as he was of it. It rubbed off on him, and he felt… Different. More aware of himself. More capable, and blessed with magic. He couldn’t find the way back home, but with time, his curiosity would no doubt reveal away. Only it revealed more than one way out. It revealed millions. Within days spent trapped in what he came to call the Everdark, Jack learned to bend the shadows around him into something tangle. In a week, he learned to fly and fold three-dimensional space like paper, and punch holes through it to facilitate travel. This world was ominous, but there was beauty and majesty hidden behind the somber veneer he was first introduced to. Other worlds bled into it like water from clouds. Eventually, Jack took to stepping into these traces of foreign lands, and he found himself in their native realities. By the time he had officially spent his first year in the Everdark, Jack had filled three separate journals with knowledge he had acquired from studying this place, the magical abilities it had afforded him, and the places he could go if he used the Everdark like a nexus. Others tried to follow the amateur wizard into what they thought was just a pocket dimension, only to have an entire plane of reality weaponized against them. This power changed the trajectory of Jack’s life for the better. He was no longer the kid without a place in the world, because the entire world itself was his home now. Jack spent the next 20 years traveling different realities. He studied magic in every corner of the World Tree, stood upon the remains of dead gods the size of continents and drew from them wisdom of a thousand lifetimes. He sailed through the void of empty space and watched the birth of the first stars to ever grace those stretches of the cosmos. In an endless yearning to see more of the world, Jack has made countless allies and just as many enemies in the world. He is no legend by any means, but his name is spoken in circles where humanity has never set foot. What sets Jack apart from most “master” wizards is the place he draws power from. In all of human history, only a few hundred people have ever set foot in the Everdark. It is a living, breathing universe all its own, and it is known to those lucky few as the shadow that the universe casts. Those that can find a way in find themselves inside by accident most often, but the rest are rejected by it. They are twisted and corrupted, and will eventually lose themselves in the darkness that others thrive in. As one of the so-called Shadowtouched, as Jack describes, he wields magical power even a Sorcerer Supreme cannot access. [hr][center][img]Another Image Here[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=6644ff][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6644ff]Character Quote:[/color][/b] “When we think of the unknown, we imagine horror lurking in the shadows, and fear that which we cannot understand. But there is safety in the mystery, in the prospect of walking with the unspeakable things of this world. For once you step into that darkness, all that is known will not dare to harm you.” [b][color=6644ff]Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://youtu.be/rtnS1cqm5IQ][i]”No solace at all. We once heard the lasting call, but now we praise the Void."[/i][/url] [b][color=6644ff]Anything Else:[/color][/b] Scarlet Witch... Because she's hot lmao [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5412299]Immortal Flaming Hippie Wizard Tree[/url] [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.[/color][/sub] [/hider] [hider=Grimoire] [center][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=6644ff]The Grimoire[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][h2][b][i][color=6644ff]Jack Hawthorne[/color][/i][/b][/h2][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1108774784965296199/image.png?width=443&height=625[/img] [b][i][color=6644ff]Master Umbramancer[/color][/i][/b][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=6644ff]Shadow Scythe[/color][/b][list][*]Type: Umbramancy [*]Description: Jack creates a scythe out of weightless darkness, which he then uses for close-quarters combat. The blade is sharp and sturdy enough to cut through solid metal with ease, but light-based things such as a hard light forcefield would be completely untouchable. [/list] [hr] [b][color=6644ff]Ward of Darkness[/color][/b][list][*]Type: Umbramancy [*]Description: Creates a solid barrier out of dark energy, wide enough to provide complete cover. It is strong enough to withstand multiple gunshots, but requires concentration and can be broken much more easily by magic that produces intense energy, such as intense light, fire or lightning. [/list] [hr] [b][color=6644ff]Shadow Arm [/color][/b][list][*]Type: Umbramancy [*]Jack's left arm is made entirely of magic energy from the Everdark. As such, it can be reshaped into certain objects, such as a key to fit a lock or made thin enough to grab something in a hard-to-reach place. The arm can stretch outwards past normal arms-reach, up to 10 feet. Intense light can cause his arm to flicker or even vanish for a short time. Requires one full minute to reform in these cases.[/list] [hr] [b][color=6644ff]Weightless Body[/color][/b][list][*]Type: Umbramancy [*]Description: Using the dark energy that courses through his body, Jack is able to float off of the ground, and loosely propel himself in any direction or slow his fall downwards. Requires concentration to perform. A strong shove by another person could send him flying in another direction. Levitation done through this is not powerful enough to propel someone through a body of water, or while they're carrying another person.[/list] [hr] [b][color=6644ff]Darkvision[/color][/b][list][*]Type: Umbramancy [*]Description: Grants perfect vision in all forms of darkness, including natural and magically induced, as clearly as they could under normal circumstances. Darkvision can be extended to 2 other people with concentration. [/list] [hr] [b][color=6644ff]Twilight Doorway[/color][/b][list][*]Type: Umbramancy [*]Description: By using the dark world adjacent to all other worlds as a medium, this spell can create a pair of shadowy portals between any two known locations. The time required to form the portals depends on the conditions of the origin point: Two full minutes under normal conditions, and only one in low light. The portals will close after 15 seconds unless held open by concentrating. [/list] [hr] [b][color=6644ff]Gloomhaven[/color][/b][list][*]Type: Umbramancy [*]Description: Creates sphere of magic darkness at a specified point within line of sight, with a diameter of 60 feet. Anyone caught inside, other than the caster, is rendered blind unless they use an extrasensory spell or move outside the spell's range. The darkness persists for 60 seconds, and can be dispelled sooner by light-based magic. [/list] [hr] [/hider]