[quote=@Smike] Not finished, hopefully wrapping up over weekend [hider=Arsala Khattak][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Arsala Khattak [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 43, DOB January 22, 1982 [u][b]Gender: [/b][/u] Female [u][b]Nationality:[/b][/u] American, of Afghan origin [u][b]Primary Role:[/b][/u] Marksman [b][u]Secondary Role:[/u][/b] Human Intelligence [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]https://tinypic.host/images/2024/12/20/7AelVOh.png[/img] At 5'6", Arsala is relatively tall for a woman and very much so for a Pashtun but is still shorter than most of the men she meets. At 5'6", Arsala is relatively tall for a woman and very much so for a Pashtun but is still shorter than most of the men she meets. Her build isn’t overly muscular but well-suited to hiking, lean and toned with a surprising amount of strength behind it. She tends to eschew traditional tactical clothing for simple but rugged western wear, sturdy hiking boots and jeans with a business casual shirt. The prerequisite hat and aviators are of course a constant, as is the leather duty belt. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Arsala and her parents emigrated from war-torn Afghanistan when she was an infant to Austin, Texas, where she was encouraged to assimilate as best she could. Immersed in the local culture and speaking multiple languages at home, she would take an interest in hunting and basic Spanish skils which eventually matured into hobbies of long-distance shooting and general linguistics. She was something of a prodigy in the latter, demonstrating both great interest and aptitude for languages. By the time she left high school, she was both a champion sharpshooter and a full-on polyglot, speaking English, Pashto, French, Spanish, and Dari and deadset on learning more. She went to college but dropped out her first year, enticed to Army service by the chance to fight for her home country as well as the promise of Uncle Sam paying for her education afterwards. Joining the 101st Airborne, she quickly demonstrated her ability to communicate with locals due to her knowledge of the language and often used to question and search women to avoid the issues that came with having foreign men do so. After her first tour, she requested she be transferred to the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, where she was both a student and an instructor. Picking up fluency in Russian, she began to reach out to pen pals around the world to ensure that her language skills stayed sharp. Her second tour in country saw her attached to Delta Force's G Squadron, taking part in intelligence gathering and special operations. While she was good at it, she wasn't entirely comfortable in the role and was growing tired of Army life. Once her active service ended she went into civilian law enforcement, first in the Los Angeles Police Department and then later transfering to the Texas Highway Patrol to be closer to her parents. Eventually she applied to become a Texas Ranger, receiving her silver star and working through the ranks. Serving both in regular duties and on the Ranger Reconnaissance team, it was there that her belief in community outreach was solidified, growing to rely on local goodwill and willigness to speak to police to make her work easier. While lacking the traditional 'operator' status of her colleagues, Arsala's experience in HUMANIT and law enforcement as well as her language skills and ability with a rifle make her a solid choice for countering the Order of the Blessed Star. Although she wasn't forced to join Spearhead (indeed, she couldn't have been as the military doesn't have authority over her anymore) she is somewhat relucant to be back in an overtly combative role. One of the reasons she became a cop was knowing that she would only ever pull a trigger when things went wrong, so adjusting to active service will take some time. That said, she's reliable and will do what needs to be done. [b][u]Service History:[/u][/b] [list][*]Recruited while in college at 19: 2001 [*]Joined 101st Airborne Division "Screaming Eagles" and deployed to Afghanistan. Took part in Operation Anaconda as well as numerous patrols, distinguishes herself as capable of communicating with locals in stressful or combat situation: 2002-2003 [*]After first overseas deployment, goes to the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, studies Russian and assists in the instruction of Pashto and Dari: 2003-2004 [*]Second tour is spent as a translator and cultural liaison, in a role similar to the later Female Engagement Teams. Her knowledge of local languages and customs and her being a woman allowed her to interact with locals in ways male counterparts often could not. [*]Female soldiers who spoke Pashto being a rarity, she was attached to Delta Force G Squadron. Worked with SOCCOM and CIA Special Activities Division in intelligence gathering and Advanced Force Operations. Earned the Meritorious Service Medal for her actions as well as a Purple Heart after being wounded by enemy fire: 2004-2005 [*]Finishes active duty component of service, enrolls in Individual Ready Reserve. Upon returning to the United States she settles in California and joins the Los Angeles Police Academy. Serves as a patrol officer, then a K9 handler: 2005-2011 [*] Returns to school to finish bachelors in Linguistics: 2006-2010 [*]Returns to Texas to be closer to ailing parents, transfers from LAPD to Texas Highway Patrol. Continuing to work as a dog handler, she shows initiative in community outreach efforts. Involved in a number of high-profile drug busts in rural West Texas and along the border: 2011-2014 [*]Earns a masters degree in Civic Engagement: 2012-2014 [*]Spends a year in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as part of an outreach program by American law enforcement and assists in the training of local officers. While there becomes proficient in Swahili: 2014-2015 [*] Upon returning, begins the highly competitive process of becoming a Texas Ranger. Receives her silver star and is granted jurisdiction over all of Texas: 2016 [*]Performs standard duties of Rangers, providing assistance to local law enforcement as well as investigating officer involved shootings. In addition, is part of the Ranger Reconnaissance Team. Covertly surveils the border and patrols areas where LEO presence is unfeasible. Again shows herself to be skilled in HUMANIT, displays a knack for interrogation and the cultivation of informants as well as relying on personal bonds forged with the community to open doors. Promotes through the ranks to Captain: 2016-2024 [*]Approached by Spearhead for Operation Godslayer, initially turned the offer before being informed of her planned role as HUMANIT in addition to Marksman: 2024[/list] [b][u]Primary Weapon: [/u][/b] To be selected from as mission parameters dictate [list][*][url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3c-6XqlMS68/maxresdefault.jpg]Barrett MRAD:[/url] -Typically in .338 Lapua Magnum, can quickly be converted to other calibers if required. -Schmidt & Bender PM II 5-45x56 scope, with HISS-XLR clip-on thermal sight -26 inch barrel -Barrett AML338 suppressor[/list] [list][*][url=https://deserttech.com/media/catalog/category/hti/gallery/HTI-1.jpg]Desert Tech HTI[/url] -.50 BMG -Vortex Golden Eagle HD 15-60x52 scope, HISS-XLR clip-on thermal sight -29 inch barrel -CGS Keres suppressor[/list] [list][*][url=https://imgur.com/a/Qo16HGI]FN P90 Tactical LV[/url] -5.7×28mm -EOTech Exps2 Holographic Sight -10 inch barrel -GSL P90 suppressor -Inbuilt laser sight -Rail-mounted flashlight[/list] [b][u]Sidearm: [/u][/b] [list][*][url=https://imgur.com/a/XYFocik]Nighthawk Custom GRP Recon 1911[/url] -9mm Luger -5 inch barrel -Omega K suppressor -Rail-mounted flashlight -Double stack upgrade converting it from 8 to 17 round magazines[/list] Other gear/weapons/equipment: [list][*]IOTV style vest with SAAPI plates, in black. [*]MOLLE II style rucksack, in black. [*]AN/PSQ-42 night vision [*]Zeiss Victory Rangefinder/Binoculars [*]M50 gas mask [*]Sordin Supreme MIL CC headset [*][url=https://authentictexas.com/wp-content/uploads/Cinco-Peso-coins-scaled.jpg]"Cinco Peso" badge[/url], typically pinned to vest. [*][url=https://pics.knifecenter.com/knifecenter/randall/images/RNDMOD1211STGBn.jpg]Randall Made Bowie Knife[/url] [*]IR strobe [*]Encrypted cell phone and laptop with ballistics calculator [*]Two M67 fragmentation grenades [*]Two M84 stun grenades [*]One AN/M14 thermite grenade [*]TASER 10 electroshock weapon [*]OC spray [*]Lockpick set and pick gun [*]Video borescope [*]Two pairs of handcuffs [*]Bundle of flexi-cuffs [*]Rappelling Kit: Rope, descender, and climbing harness [*]Hydration pouch [*]Items for use in dealing with civilians. Khattak has access to a wide range of goods not all of which are carried on her, ranging from cash for bribes and damage payments to toys and candy for children to blankets, cooking oil and water purification tablets for handing out in areas with poor infrastructure. [*]"Zaland'-Four year old Belgian Malinois, trained in detection as well as attack and sentry duties. Wears combined-threat body armor and goggles with attached camera so Arsala can see what he's doing. If required his harness can be clipped to Arsala's body so she can carry him. [/list] [u][b]Other useful information:[/b][/u] [list][*]Khattak has only two hobbies, splitting her free time between keeping up her shooting and practicing her various languages. Both are perishable skills, so if she's not with her family or work she's either at the range or engaging with foreign media. [*]Besides her native English, Pashto, and Dari she speaks Spanish, French and Swahili with perfect or near-perfect fluency. She has a working knowledge of Russian and ASL, but she's admittedly rusty. [*]Arsala is married and has two children, a four-year-old daughter and a twelve-year old son. They're one of the reasons she was reluctant to take part in Operation Godslayer.[/list] [/hider] [/quote] I believe I’m done save for grammatical errors, but I can’t really edit on my phone so I’ll have to do those later