[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/mrFkvF2.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/L4GDi1Q.png[/img][hr][/center][hr][center][hider=Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin OST - Piercing Silence ][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEUBssRok1Q[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr] One slash and a hand crumbled to dust. With another slash and another, Yoko was making easy work of the hands as she stepped outside. As the voice said, the heart had regenerated, and Yoko paused for a moment, ready to strike - she hesitated. A deep, resonant groan filled the chamber, and coming from the ceiling, a grotesque [i]head[/i] seamlessly went from the ceiling as if it was made out of water. The left side of its face was almost human but unnervingly oversized. Its single golden eye glowed like molten metal, unnaturally large and protruding slightly; the skin around it was stretched too tight, veins pulsing beneath… The right side of its face was a mass of writhing, screaming faces that seemed to melt in and out of one another. Each mouth cried out in agony or laughter, their tones overlapping in a cacophony. Some faces were incomplete - an eye floating above half a mouth, a nose jutting out from raw flesh - while others looked [i]vaguely[/i] familiar. The head's "neck" was a grotesque mass that fused back into the ceiling yet connected to the heart through a network of veins that snaked above the ground. Surrounding it were the monstrous hands that had torn through earlier, now, each hand seemed to guard the heart and the hands… The Yokai Killer glew brighter in Yoko’s hands, she turned to Saskia, [color=fce420]”... This is a strange one, to say the least.”[/color] Saskia was enraptured by the writing mass of faces and body parts. It was like an anatomical freak, thousands of human parts shoved together to create an abomination. They wanted to know how it worked. Maybe they could dissect it once they’d killed it… [color=DC143C]"It’s [i]interesting[/i],"[/color] Saskia replied, glancing across the guarding hands. [color=DC143C]"Clearly we need to destroy the heart again."[/color] Making the most of Yoko’s boost, their blood tendril split in two, and to its side large wings shoved through their back. The muscles forming it were tough enough to make it more defensive, with sharp spikes lining the lower half with an extra long one at the tip. [color=DC143C]"You get it from the front, I’ll go from above,"[/color] they said quietly. Seemingly on cue, several of the hands placed themselves between Yoko and Saskia and the heart, some of them even wrapping around the heart as a sort of armor. [color=fce420]”... I think they heard that,”[/color] Yoko groaned as she took a defensive position, her grip tight on the Yokai Killer. Several hands took position above them - some of which were nowhere near the two - and began rhythmically slamming down one after an other with crushing force. Yoko disappeared into a blur of motion far out of their range. [color=DC143C]"No talking, then,"[/color] Saskia rolled their eyes. Their wings spread and pushed them into the air, spinning out of the way of the crushing hands. A long blood blade formed on their hand, and they dove in, trying to sever one of the hands. It hit the ground while the Yokai Killer extended in Yoko’s hand. She swung it upwards with all pf her strength and splintered a hand down the middle. Sludge hit the ground as the Head opened its mouth and began sucking in, pulling both Yoko and Saskia into its jaw. Yoko immediately slammed the Yokai Killer into the ground and dropped her weight. Saskia grimaced. Their blood tendrils shot up to the ceiling, pushing against it to stop them from getting sucked in. But as they were close enough their wings swiped up, sharp bone tips aiming for the golden eye. When Saskia put the tip in; the monster screamed as a flash of molten golden light surged forward. Searing, blinding, and deafening, all while the ground began to faintly rumble. Saskia slammed her eyes shut - but not before it temporarily blinded her. Yoko gritted her teeth, closing her eyes, but the suction stopped. The light faded only for her to see several of the monstrous hands surging forward. She disappeared into a burst of speed, leaving behind only dust as they crumbled to dust. Meanwhile a black vicious liquid dripping down the walls and the golden eye shined brightly. The screaming faces on the right side writhed in agony as the creature opened its maw unnaturally wide. The Head began spitting out razor sharp bone shards. [color=DC143C]"This thing is so fucked up,"[/color] Saskia hissed, struggling to see. But they sounded [i]excited[/i]. And they were, because it was so [i]interestingly[/i] disturbing- even as a razor sharp bone shard embedded in their shoulder. Others shattered as they hit thickening blood armour. They flew out of the way, tucking their wings to spin to the side. The blood from their wound joined the tendrils in their back. They thickened. Thin nerves creeped out of their fingers- temporarily sensing around them as their vision was still filled with black dots. Their blood tendril lashed out, going for the right side of the head. However the hands reacted as if the brain sent out a pulse. They stirred to life and caught the tendril mid-air. Several more hands flew forward to grab Saskia. Saskia cut off the tendril from where it was caught, leaving only liquid blood in the hands. The tips of the wings sliced through one hand, while bone spears pushed through their skin all across their body where the hands were grabbing. One managed to grab their tiddy, though. Yoko slashed forward and cut another hand, reaching for Saskia to dust. Yoko nodded at them, before the ground began shaking. The ground shook harder, before more hands - skeletal and sinewy - emerged darting for them. Yoko slashed another in half as the head let out a gutteral groan… The black liquid oozed harder from the walls as it began pooling at their feet. Yoko bared teeth, dropping into a defensive stance, [color=fce420]”I’m going for the heart! Give me an opening!”[/color] Yoko shouted. The hands surrounded the heart, but Yoko’s eyes were on the head. [color=DC143C]"On it."[/color] Saskia recklessly launched themselves forward, right into the hands surrounding their heart. Sharp tipped wings slashed at hands, the blood tendril stabbed others, and their whole body was turned into a weapons with bone spears shoving between hard blood armour. Yoko grinned sharply as Saskia tore through the swarm of hands, eyes locking on the grotesque heart at the room’s center. She vanished in a burst of speed. Reappearing at the edge of the heart, her blade slashed through one of the thick, vein-like tendrils, anchoring it to the ground. She darted to another angle, severing another vein. The heart spasmed violently, black fluid spraying across the chamber. Yoko’s movements became a cyclone of light, her strikes relentless and precise, each one aimed to cripple the heart’s grotesque network. The pulsating beats quickened, erratic, and desperate. Finally, Yoko stopped, hovering mid-air momentarily as she prepared for the final blow... The castle groaned as if alive, the sound deep and guttural, reverberating through the walls. Cracks spiderwebbed across the stone floor, black liquid seeping up from the fissures. The Head let out a soundless scream, its maw stretching unnaturally. A searing beam of molten light erupted from its golden eye, sweeping across the chamber in a slow, deliberate arc toward Yoko and Saskia. The air around it shimmered with heat, and the walls blackened wherever the beam passed. At the same time, the writhing faces on the right side began to vomit streams of black, viscous liquid that congealed mid-air into jagged, wing-like shapes. These razor-sharp projectiles shot out in every direction, ricocheting off the walls and floor. A sudden pulse of golden light erupted from the heart, blinding and furious, and the veins began to recoil into it. The castle shuddered harder, chunks of the ceiling falling, and the heart let out a deafening roar that wasn’t just sound - it was [i]rage[/i] Yoko lightly landed on the oily floor with a splash of the strange liquid, she didn’t so much as flinch as it coated her attire. However, Yoko burst forward as the molten light from the head carved a path behind her. One arm came up to shield Saskia’s eyes from the blinding light, while their wings curled around them to take the jagged, black projectiles. They embedded in the hard sinew- but Saskia hardly felt the pain. They just felt [i]thrilled[/i]. Was the whole castle a body? Was the heart [i]feeling[/i]? They wanted to dissect it and find out. Their hand came up, shooting an empowered blood bullet at the golden eye, from an angle that avoided going through the molten light. [color=DC143C]"Yoko, I’ll cover you!"[/color] The launched themselves upwards with a powerful blood tendril, damaged wings extending to slice through the writhing faces. It cut through them, and they all screamed and groaned in agony. However, Yoko’s movements were a blur as she closed in on the heart again; one of the projectiles darted toward her, and she slashed it out of the air with an upward strike. The heart pulsed violently, its veins snapping back like whips, one catching her leg mid-dash, and it was severed with one stroke of the Yokai Killer. Then she kicked off the ground, leaping high with the Yokai Killer raised overhead, right as the golden beam spluttered as Saskia’s blood bullet connected. Yoko used this opening to strike the heart with the Yokai Killer, and the slash left a deep dash in the heart, which rotted away afterward. The head uttered a guttural yell upwards into the sky as the castle rumbled harder. However, instead of falling apart, the castle seemed to be [i]unnraveling[/i]. The walls began to twist and distort; stone blocks peeled away from one another. The black liquid oozing from the fissures pooled upward, defying gravity and forming swirling, chaotic streams, twisting into something chaotic. The Head roared again, its golden eye flaring brighter. Another searing beam of molten light lanced out, splitting into multiple smaller beams that swept the room in jagged, unpredictable patterns. The writhing faces on the right side of the Head contorted in unison, their screams merging into a hideous harmony. A viscous black liquid erupted from their mouths, hitting the ground and instantly hardening into writhing spikes. These jagged formations spread rapidly, growing like twisted roots. Saskia dropped back to the ground for just a moment to roll and avoid a searing beam of light. As black, spiked roots lashed out for their legs, they pushed themselves back up into the air with a powerful flap of their wings. They kicked away the ones that tried to wrap around their feet. Blood dripped onto the floor for just a moment before they pulled it across their skin, reinforcing their armour. They went for the head again, twisting away from as much of the molten light as they could while ignoring the beams that hit them. Their blood tendril went directly for its eye again, while they lashed out with a long, sharp blood blade to try and finally silence the writing faces on the other side. The Head bellowed as the blood blade carved into the writhing faces, severing several of them in a spray of black ichor. The disjointed mouths screamed even louder in their death throes, their twisted forms collapsing inward. The golden eye flared in rage as Saskia's tendril struck its surface, cracking the glowing orb. It recoiled violently, the molten light dimming momentarily before erupting in a chaotic burst of energy. A shockwave rippled outward, throwing debris in every direction. Saskia was flung backwards, hitting what remained of a wall with a crack. The ribs they’d broken immediately repaired themselves- the pain had their vision going black for just a moment. They were close to winning… but with that… [color=DC143C]"We need to figure a way out [i]before[/i] we kill it,"[/color] they said to Yoko. [color=fce420]” We need to make sure they have the Wayfinders!”[/color] Yoko hissed, dropping into a defensive position, [color=fce420]”We don’t even [i]need[/i] to kill the heart or do any of this!”[/color] It was a shame that Yoko was right, because Saskia really wanted to dissect that heart and see how it worked. But keeping Ella and Lisa safe was more important. [color=DC143C]"Defend, then. We hold it off until they come out with it."[/color] Yoko paused for a moment, as she furrowed her brow, [color=fce420]”... Wait, do they even know what it-”[/color] [i]...?...?... I gotcha, boo.[/i] The voice said. Yoko just shrugged, closed her eyes, and took several deep breaths before her eyes shot open. Still reeling from the damage, the Hands began moving again, but more calculatedly. One of the hands, larger and more grotesque than the others, swung towards the two, its fingers elongating into spear-like appendages. The Head’s golden eye slowly regenerated, the crack knitting together… Saskia’s eyes narrowed. They launched themselves up into the air with a blood tendril, flipping up and around. Sharp bones spears pushed through their feet as they came down on the back of the hand from above. While Yoko darted underneath the spearing hand and her sword was nothing but a blur as she slashed the hands to pieces. She slid to a stop as she barely dodged a hand coming down on top of her as it cracked the ground underneath. The Head let out a guttural, distorted laugh, the sound vibrating through the walls. Its regenerating golden eye flared briefly, sending a pulse of molten light into the hand beneath Saskia. The hand convulsed violently, its elongated fingers splitting apart into whip-like tendrils covered in jagged bone spurs. They lashed upward, aiming to ensnare and impale both Saskia and Yoko. The tendrils wrapped around Saskia's legs as they flew upwards to escape them. Their blood armour tanked the sharp spurs at first before they got through, digging into their flesh. They twisted around, slashing at the tendrils with two blood blades. Yoko disappeared into a blur of motion as she slashed through the hands. However, their brawl was interrupted… [color=764820]”… We have them!”[/color] Lisa shouted as she stood in the doorway. She held two Medallions, [url=https://i.imgur.com/VnsFP8A.jpg]one with orange gems[/url], and another with [url=https://i.imgur.com/OP2DBtA.jpeg]white[/url]. [color=e77fbf]"And some other cool things!"[/color] Ella added, holding a sheathed katana in each hand with what looked like a guitar case slung over her shoulder. [color=e77fbf]"I got you a guitar, Saskia!"[/color] [color=DC143C]"Great, I play bass,"[/color] Saskia intoned as they got rid of the tendrils on them and landed on the ground near Lisa and Ella. At least they were safe. [color=DC143C]"Let’s get out of here."[/color] Yoko eyed the katana, before sticking her free hand out, [color=fce420]”Give me the sword!”[/color] Ella looked at one hand, then the other, before shrugging and throwing Yoko one of the katanas (the one that looked less shimmery). Without a word, Yoko unsheathed [url=https://i.imgur.com/ruHliRE.jpg]the katana[/url] Ella had tossed her. The moment the blade was free, it erupted into roaring flames, heat radiating so intensely it made the air shimmer. Lisa narrowed her eyes at the heart before shouting, [color=764820]”Laceration!”[/color] Saskia nodded, lips pulling up into a slight smile. They formed two blood blades easily, handing one to Lisa - who matched Saskia’s movements. She gripped the bloodblade tightly as they both charged towards the heart. The head bellowed, sending hands forward, but Yoko was already cutting them to bits with both the Yokai Killer and the burning Katana. The second they reached the heart, they slashed in perfect unison. The green-lux-infused blades tore through the organ like paper, bypassing its defenses entirely. A massive wound erupted that sprayed blood into the air and covered all of the combatants in red… The heart pulsed one last time; the head let out one final distorted wail as its golden eye shattered like glass. The massive hands convulsed and crumbled into ash, their jagged bones disintegrating. At the same time, the Head’s form split apart, collapsing into a heap of smoldering black ichor before dissolving entirely into the floor. Saskia let out a disappointed sigh as most of the body disintegrated. But they did get closer to what remained of the heart, completely unbothered that they were covered in blood. They pulled their own blood- from the armour and tendrils- back in through the wound in their hand and clotted it. [color=DC143C]"I'm surprised the castle didn't collapse,"[/color] Saskia intoned, crouching down and considering poking the cut heart. [color=e77fbf]"What if it regenerates again?"[/color] Ella asked nervously, gripping onto the sword she hadn't given Yoko - and hadn't tried unsheathing yet. Yoko stared at Ella briefly before saying, [color=fce420]”I am more than five hundred percent certain that it is not dead.”[/color] [color=764820]”Yeah it's probably like that dragon fuck!”[/color] Lisa began, [color=764820]”It's probably got two hearts!”[/color] [color=fce420]”We got what we need anyhow,”[/color] Yoko then turned to Lisa, [color=fce420]”You got all five Wayfinders?”[/color] [color=764820]”... There’s six,”[/color] Lisa answered. [color=fce420]”Six? There should only be five,”[/color] [i]…?...?... Is this…?...?...right now, Yoko?[/i] The ground trembled violently beneath their feet. Dust rained from the ceiling as the walls groaned, cracks spiderwebbing across the stone. Yoko’s grip on the flaming katana tightened, her eyes narrowing. [color=fce420]”Knew it,”[/color] Yoko shook her head, [color=fce420]”We need to go. Now.”[/color] Before she darted towards the door. As they moved toward the crumbling doorway, the floor beneath them began to ripple, a grotesque, organic motion that made Yoko freeze. Before anyone could react, the floor erupted beneath Saskia and Lisa, a gaping hole of flesh and jagged teeth swallowing them whole in an instant…. [color=DC143C]"For fuck’s sake,"[/color] was all Saskia managed to say as they were swallowed… and it wasn’t even in a fun way. [color=764820]”[i][b]FUUUUUUUUUUCK ME![/b][/i]”[/color] Lisa shouted as she fell into the hole. Then it closed.