[img]https://i.imgur.com/sa2WmhO.png[/img] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5580817]Leon “Leo” MacAoidh[/url] [h3][color=8493ca]Grey Square[/color][/h3] The neon sign hanging on the front of the bar read 'Golden Bee Pubhouse', with a burnt out series of bulbs that looked a little too close to the bee that was frequently seen on cereal boxes before the Wall went up. Inside, the place was exactly what you might come to expect from a bar in one of the slums of Nocturnia. Patched together rounded bench seats surrounded cracked tables that were permanently stained with booze and likely more than a little bit of blood. The shelves behind the bar were barely stocked, most of them holding bottles that contained liquids that had been colored to look like their original contents. Cigarette smoke created it's own fog bank that thankfully lingered near the top of the bar and the windows were darkened with dirt. The place was all but designed to scare people away, so that no one could tell what really happened behind the doors that led down to the basement level. Unfortunately for them, Leon was a man who knew how to get answers when he needed them. Leon booted in the front door hard, leading the way clad in his police gear and pointing an intimidating Beretta A300 at anyone that moved. "On the ground, get on the ground now! Nocturnia PD!," he shouted, not even waiting for compliance as he rushed the bartender and slammed the butt of his shotgun into the man's chest, "touch that goddamn alert button and you'll have killed everyone in here, starting with you." His commands cut through the sudden shouting clearly, and there was a feral edge to his voice that made it seem like he was some kind of vigilante cop gone psycho. Motion in the corner of his eye caught his attention, and he drew his sidearm from it's chest holster, pointing it directly at a thuggish looking man that had been playing with his phone and was now scrambling to pull out his own gun. "Bringing a .22 to a .40 would be a stupid move boy, drop the weapon!," he called out, his eyes flitting between the two criminals as two more of his officers followed behind him. The sentry apparently thought wiser of continuing to draw his weapon, and both of them were savagely taken to the ground and cuffed before being dragged out to a waiting transport van. Leon didn't wait, reaching over the bar and flicking a switch that deactivated the electronic lock on the basement door that he had learned about from a drug dealer that had been all too eager to sell out his bosses when threatened with an... off the books interrogation. Leon kept the shotgun tight to his shoulder as he headed downstairs, the rush of adrenaline and violence stirring the urge to use his gyft. He pushed it down with practice, if he had to use his gyft on such a small operation he was getting out of practice. Already he could hear the loud base music thumping from down below, the idiots relying entirely on the guards and one little button to alert them of any trouble. Leon moved to the single door, rolling his shoulders a bit to loosen up his body for what he believed was going to be a fight. He could hear his men starting to enter the bar again, his backup would be only seconds behind him if he needed it. Very calmly, he eased the door open with his shotgun, a very surprised door guard now staring down a 12 gauge barrel close enough he could almost see the slug chambered inside. The man put his hands up, and Leon responded by driving the stock of the weapon into side of his head. The man crumpled like a sack of potatoes, and a shouted warning from further inside let Leon knew the surprise was over. "Nocturnia PD! Let me see your hands!," he shouted as he kicked the door open but stayed in cover. Two shots rang out, hitting nothing but air. Still, it was enough justification for him. He crouched low and leaned around the corner, knowing they would expect anyone coming in to be standing and aim at center mass. The shotgun roared twice, and two more criminals dropped. Checking his corners as he entered, he waved his back up inside to check the two bodies and confirm they were out of commission as he went to the far door and pushed it open with all the calm demeanor of a man entering his own home. An older man in his thirties cowered behind a living wall of women that looked to be barely twenty. A golden revolver, with some kind of fake diamond grip was held in a shaking hand sideways and pointed directly at Leon, who was fairly certain he would be in more danger if the man wasn't aiming at him from the way he held the weapon. Leon kept his shotgun up, sight drawn directly on the man's face as the music screamed around them. "Nocturnia PD! Norman 'Little Richie' Garcia-Jones! Drop the weapon or I will be forced to- for hell's sake man turn that shit off!," he roared, apparently his voice coming through clear enough to make the nervous man look confused. "Oh for...," Leon slowly sidestepped over to the speaker and kicked it over, the music finally cutting out. "God man, how do you hear anything?," Leon said, then gestured with the barrel of his weapon for the self styled criminal boss to lower his weapon, "you get one chance to survive this Norman. Body Bag or cuffs means little to me. You've lost your little corner of paradise." The two backup officers came in through the door, and with three men all pointing guns at him, Norman folded and put his hands up. Leon moved forward and put the cuffs on him himself, dragging him back up to the transport van. [color=8882be]~~~~~Invading Grey Square~~~~~[/color] [h3]Commissioner's Office[/h3] [b]”There's quite a few here. I'll be a good sport here and let you both choose your cases first. Though…”[/b] "Oh how we humbly thank you for the opportunity to succeed," Leon grumbled, looking over the files. "Seriously, this guy calls himself 'the Boss'?," he said, looking over the file, "sounds like my kind of criminal. Twice the pride, three times the fall." An ironic statement, coming from Leon as he took the file on Vincenzo Accardo. "I'll bring him in with evidence," he said, though he detested the idea that he might need to plant evidence to ensure a conviction. Nocturnia PD had turned to some extralegal actions to enforce the law at times, sure, but in his mind there was a grand difference between beating a criminal into a confession of crimes they did commit as opposed to planting false evidence to get a charge that they may not have committed. "Ma'am, I'd also like to be kept in mind for the Blackheart file. The aide trucks mean literal life or death to some of the citizens and the idea of someone messing with them and risking our primary lifeline... A message needs to be sent, Ma'am," he said, his eyes flitting towards the case file.