[hider=Space elf shinobi] [b]Name:[/b] Silvi Toth [b]Species:[/b] Sephi [b]Age:[/b] 47 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2b/7d/6f/2b7d6ffdf285003d53ac4478c789696e.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] CS14 "Ghost" light blaster pistol Light stealth armour Electrobinoculars 2 x stun grenade Stealth vibroknife Death sticks, Algarine torve weed Infiltration package - vid-vox scrambler, com jammer, scramble key, electronic lock breaker, 5 dataspikes, disguise kit [b]Skills:[/b] Infiltration - The proverbial shadow in the night, Silvi is one of the best sneaks around. There aren't many places she can't get into with a little planning and prep work. Manipulator - As part of infiltration, Silvi is also really, really good at getting people to lend her a hand or turn a blind eye; as good as it gets without resorting to Jedi Mind Tricks. Knife in the darkness - While not a frontline soldier, Silvi has become quite good over the years at making people stop breathing. When she closes in on an unsuspecting target, she kills quickly, quietly, efficiently, and with no trace of mercy. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Silvi is a fairly heavy user of mood altering substances, and can get gloomy and depressive when she has to go without them. [b]History:[/b] Silvi Toth was a civilian "contractor" for the armed forces of the Kingdom of the Sephi, serving at the pleasure of His Majesty King Alaric - in return for a blanket pardon for certain offences against the throne that have since been expunged from the records. By all (admittedly spotty) accounts she proved a highly useful asset, especially once the Sephi threw in their lot with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Republic despatched a clone army against the Sephi under Jedi Master Yoda. Peace talks broke down and King Alaric was murdered by Yoda, a treacherous act that threw the Kingdom into confusion and allowed the Republic to grind the Kingdom's forces under the heels of its clone troopers. When the Republic threw off its mask and became the Empire, the Sephi were neither surprised nor impressed. The remnants of their forces went to ground and began to form resistance cells against the Empire; at the time of the incident, Toth had been attached to a unit working beside a Separatist Special Forces regiment called the Invisible Hand. With nowhere else to be and no-one to answer to in the wake of King Alaric's murder, Toth began to work with and for the Separatists. Colonel Ruun was well aware of her particular set of skills, and has ensured that she has stayed as well rewarded and supplied as he can afford. This has proven to be a sound investment over the years. [/hider]