The gentle sighing of the house at the sound of its master’s voice encouraged Annika to enter the room. She hurried over to her father’s chair and plopped the book onto his lap, pointing to the spell on the page. [color=#663399]”This feels… I don’t know, different.”[/color] She flexed her hand, looking away from the page and concentrated on the feeling of her muscles contracting and flexing. [color=#663399]”Maybe I was meant to create something. Like you.”[/color] Annika looked away from her hand and into the deep purple eyes of her father. For as long as Annika could remember, Jack was hell-bent on finding answers and family for her. At first, it was fun, exciting even to jump between planes of existence to search for a family she didn’t know. But at some point, Annika stopped worrying about finding answers. She just wanted to live up to Jack’s standards. To impress him and make him proud.