[hider= Amber Skywulf] [h2] Amber Skywulf[/h2] Gifted Humans Varagamor Face Claim:Alex Rice [url=https://ibb.co/m5bjwzM][img]https://i.ibb.co/m5bjwzM/Amber3.jpg[/img][/url] Name:Amber Skywulf AGE:38 GENDER: Female SPECIES: Human Height: 5' 5" Weight: 125 pds Physical Description: Amber has long brown hair and warm brown eyes. She is of average height and has a slightly voluptuous build. She is often found in natural fabrics like cottons, silks, and leathers. She is often found in jeans and cotton tops or long full flowy skirts. Amber has scars all over her body that have faded from being caught by shrapnel in an explosion. The scars are fine lines and marks. Her Wolf Form: [url=https://ibb.co/3p1Srfm][img]https://i.ibb.co/3p1Srfm/white-wolf.jpg[/img][/url] Amber’s wolf form resembles a natural white wolf. Her shifting is magical in nature and is not immediate. She has to meditate and connect with the magical energy of the pack and her totem animal that is tied to her belief’s in mother earth before she can reach the state that will allow her to shift. It is a slow process and can take some time. She doesn’t heal from shifting. She does not gain any speed, strength, or heightened senses that true shifters do. If she is hurt in wolf form, she is hurt when she shifts back. Personality: She is tougher and more aggressive than she used to be. She still has a soft heart for those who may be hurt or in need, but she is careful who she gives her help to these days. Amber used to be a very warm, open person and kind to all. After everything that she has been through, she has become cynical and distrusting. Amber is very wise for her age and very caring. She has learned to hide her heart and guard it carefully. She has been betrayed so many times. She is desperately lonely. Amber is close to losing all sense of herself. She feels like a hollowed-out shell of the woman she used to be. Amber feels like her life has imploded and it is slowly crushing what little is left of her soul. Amber has come to Dallas in an effort to come home. She is hoping returning to David’s pack will help her regain part of the woman she lost when she left to protect them from the fallout of the Humans Only attack. Amber has suffered through serious trauma and has PTSD which can show up as panic attacks, nightmares, and insomnia. STRENGTHS/POWERS: Aura Manipulation – She can see auras. Through experience she can use the information in someone’s aura to learn about them. Shifters show up with a spectral shroud over imposed on their face of their animal half. The strength of the aura can tell her how powerful they are. Shifters can hide this from her if they shielding what they are. Animators and vampires tend to have black or darkness in their auras not because they are evil people but because they deal with death magic of some form. Vampires like shifters can shield their energy from her. Humans have auras too. Because Amber can see the auras she can also manipulate the energy she sees in them. This makes her an especially gifted spiritual healer. (Reiki) Below is a list of colors and what they represent. 1) Red – Associated with the feelings of passion and sexual desires, when this color shows in a person’s aura, it means that they are grounded in their goals for life. A person with red in their aura is both emotionally and psychically grounded or balanced. Material wealth and spending is a fun game, and they hate to deny themselves the simple pleasures in life. Red symbolizes a zest for life. 2) Orange – An orange aura is signifying one’s happiness with their friends, family, and environment. A person with a lot of orange in their aura is quick to make and keep friends. Orange is the color of the Sacral Chakra, which is where one will hold their negative or positive emotions that are influenced by the relationships they have with others. 3) Yellow – A yellow aura signifies the inner happiness and balance that one has within one’s self. Therefore, it is the color of the Solar Plexus chakra. Yellow can also indicate a playful spirit, high self-esteem, a spiritual awakening, high intellect, or a pang of hunger for greatness. 4) Green – It will come as a surprise to many that green is the color of self-love and not pink, even though they both do have the same frequency levels. When green is present in one’s aura, it means two things: either they are in love with someone who balances them out, or they have a kind, loving heart. A loving kindness towards animals, plants, friends, family, and life in general, to be precise. 5) Blue – Blue is the color of communication; thus, it is the color of the throat chakra. A blue aura reveals someone who enjoys meditation, who is in a calm state, and who stands to protect the ones they care about. They are frequently a support system for their friends and family. 6) Indigo – Known to “see” into other people’s energies, the color indigo in an aura indicates someone who is in tune with their higher self. Indigo means one who searches for truths of the unknown and who can sense other people’s energies. It also reveals a power that one uses to see past the deceit that people try to pass as truth. 7) Purple – Purple is the highest level of all the chakra colors. Being the crown chakra color, people who have purple in their aura are intuitive, is the “view the larger picture” type of person, and love to guide others to their highest potential. They are often the artistic type. 8) Pink- As stated above, both pink and green vibrate on the same frequency level. However, a pink aura shows one who is happy and in harmony with those who are around them. Someone who has this aura can often be gentle, be it to others or themselves. 9) Silver- Silver is the color of abundance, which can mean that the person is coming into spiritual or material wealth. 10) Brown- This color should be taken as a warning for some as brown signifies the emotions of greediness and self-absorbedness. 11) Black- While it is not a “bad” aura color when black is present, it means that one has a large amount of built-up anger or grief inside them. It also means that they have not forgiven what has happened to them and is still holding onto that pain. This anger and suffering from the past or recent events can be held towards themselves or to other people. It can also symbolize ill health. Some animators and vampires will have black in their aura not because they are evil. It simply indicates that they are tied to death magic. 12) White- White is the color of energy protection, and when it is present in an aura, it means two things. The first is that the person is more concerned with spiritual matters done on this earthly plane, and the second is that they do not care so much for material possessions or needs. It can also symbolize a healthy individual. Spirit Medium – This is more of a psychic ability that she inherited from her grandfather. She can sense and channel spirits. Ritual Ceremonial Magic – She practices the ritual magic taught to her by her grandfather. She is a Cherokee medicine woman or Shaman. Ritual magic takes time and preparation. She will often use a fan made of eagle feathers, herbs, sage, crystals, and the like along with a ritualistic chant, etc. Ritual Healing – Amber is a gifted spiritual healer as she can see and manipulate the energies in the body. Again it takes some time and there is a trade off in energy. If Amber uses her energy to heal someone, it weakens her because she is giving that energy to another. There is a limit to what she can do. She will pay a physical toll for healing of this nature. Herbalist – Knowledge passed down and learned. She knows herbs and how to prepare them for use in holistic healing. Can take the form of her totem animal: A white wolf WEAKNESSES: She is just a human and can be hurt easily. She has a price on her head and is being hunted by a rogue Human Rights Group, Human's Only. They felt that even magic users were not human. She is a known magic user. Her wolf form is just an average wolf. She has no extra boost to her abilities, such as strength, speed, or agility. She does smell better but that is because a wolf's natural ability to smell is better than a human and only while she is in wolf form. She does not heal faster than human normal. Shifting will not heal any damage for her. To take her totem form takes time and meditation, she can not just shift. Suffers from PTSD FAMILY/TIES: Father: Jacob Runninghorse Deceased Mother: Mary Skywulf Deceased Grandfather: Hunter Skywulf Deceased GOALS/MOTIVATIONS: She has been chased from one home to the next. She has been forced to leave those she cared about behind. She is slowly dying inside. She has become someone she no longer recognizes. Trauma has left her scarred, bitter, and distrustful. She doesn’t want to live her life that way. She has been on the run from extremist groups for years now. She has stayed away to protect those she cares about. In the process she lost herself. She wants to come home. HISTORY: Amber was born in Atoka, Oklahoma. Her parents were both Native American Indians although from different tribes. Her father was full blooded Navaho and her mother Cherokee. Her parents were both school teachers. They were pretty average folks until a fateful day took them both from her. A drunk driver hit them head on doing 80mph. She was sent to live with her grandfather. Nobody else wanted the burden of raising a child. She was 8 years old at the time. At first she was scared and unsure of how she would fit in. Her mother had never really talked about her father much. He was always talked of in hushed tones and phrases such as "stuck in the past" were made in reference to him. Her grandfather believed that their culture should be preserved. He believed and lived the old ways. He was also the tribe's Shaman or medicine man. He passed that knowledge onto Amber. He taught her how to harness those natural gifts that she had inherited from him. Many would try to label her a natural witch. Call her that at your peril. She was a Shaman and proud to be one. She was a grown woman when her grandfather introduced her to local werewolf pack, The Golden Plains Pack. The Golden Plains Pack was a group that was made up of fellow Native Americans who had been infected on the reservation. It was a natural fit for her grandfather to advise them as their vargamor. She helped her grandfather as his aide. Amber was also an artist; its how she made her living. She worked in various mediums. Her grandfather often helped the tribal police with crimes of a preternatural nature. One of those things that goes bump in the night was finally big enough to kill her beloved grandfather. She hunted the smoke demon down and bound him back into darkness but it did not soothe the whole his death had left in her life. She made contact with the pack in San Diego and decided that she could not live where memories and ghosts brought such sadness and pain to her life. When he died her grandfather left everything he owned to her. She kept his cabin and lands but she sold off all her art and cashed in his life insurance policy he had. She had a nice amount of money for starting over. So she moved to San Diego and started a new chapter of her life. Vargamor to the Aesir Labyrinth Clan She was welcomed by the local Ulfric Mina O'Connor. She was surprised to find a woman Ulfric. They did get along well. Amber bought a new home and created a place for herself. She opened an occult shop/coffee shop/tea shop/ artist studio called Wired Angels. Amber jumped immediately into helping the pack. They were numerous new wolves who needed help adjusting to their new lives and dealing with the trauma that made them werewolves. The pack exploded in size and Amber was busier than ever. Amber had helped the twins deal with an abusive past. She had saved the Lupa's baby. She had taught many new wolves control and how to deal with their beast. Amber was busy and happy. Her business and art were doing well. She had friends that she loved. She felt needed and felt she had found her place in the world once more. Then life got complicated. While securing the Lupanar from magical attack, Amber discovered a plot to kill Mina. A zealot's rogue human rights activist group, Humans Only, had kidnapped a powerful mage's family and had coerced the man into doing their bidding. They had tried to bind Mina's powers so they could kill her and then the rest of the pack. Amber stopped them but it was not without personal sacrifice. She had to be the one to report them to RPIT. The police thought she was involved more than they could prove and investigated Amber and her shop Wired Angels. The investigation brought attention to her and her shop. Unwanted attention as reporters hounded her for interviews and did numerous pieces about her and her shop and not all of them were beneficial. The LT in charge of the local RPIT team did not like or trust Amber now. A new threat came to town, A psychotic Norwegian Mage who thrived on sexual sadism and stripping wereanimals of pieces of their souls. He literally was stealing pieces of their life force. Amber aided RPIT in their investigation again. This mage had stolen and harmed not just one but two of their own. Amber managed to save the twin who had been hurt by tying a piece of her own soul to theirs till the damage could be repaired. In the final showdown with the mage, he had laid a magical trap in a large warehouse for the pack and the police. Amber was racing to warn police, who would not believe her. The pack was coming in the back of the warehouse having tracked him from where he had attacked one of their own. A RPIT officer stepped on the rune that triggered the trap and there was a huge explosion of pent up magical power. The explosion sent shrapnel and energy in all directions. Amber managed to shield many of the police officers and pack but at great cost to herself. She was in the hospital for weeks. She still had faint scars everywhere from the blast. When the Human's Only group finally went to trial, only Amber could testify against them, the others did not want to reveal that they were lycanthropes. It put her life in jeopardy since they operated like a terrorist group in small cells. It made the group almost impossible to disband and catch them all. She testified against them and many of their ring leaders were put away or executed for their crimes. Amber had been identified in the media and a price put on her head. The group vowed revenge on her and started hunting her. The twins were almost killed while staying at Amber's house while they were healing. The group had shot at her house with rocket launchers. That attack finally forced Amber to agree to go into protective custody for a while. She did not want anyone else getting hurt because of her. She left with the promise that she could come home again when they found them all. She had tried and found out there was a quiet war for power being fought in San Diego now. She had tried to contact Mina and had failed. She took that for a sign that Mina felt she would be a danger to the pack and was not welcome. So she hit the road once more. She had come to Dallas after being in witness protection for three years. No matter where she went they found her. Anyone she got close too died. She was convinced that there was a high level leak in the Marshall's office. After running and moving every 6 months Amber was tired of running. David had accpeted her into his pack. She had finally felt like she was not alone anymore. She had reopened her gallery/bookstore/coffeeshop, Wired Angels in Dallas. She had thought that David's pack knowing what was hunting her would survive the coming turmoil. Instead because her face had been blasted in the media, Humans First staked out her shop and investigated anyone with ties to her. She once more left to protect those she cared about. She went back into witness protection. The pattern repeated itself once more. She was looking over her shoulder. She was attacked and forced to move from city to city. She had even tried moving back into her grandfather's place on the reservation to be attacked there. It seemed that she was welcome no where. All she had to show for her efforts were more scars and mental anguish. Amber had started seeing a therapist that specialized in preternatural trauma. She had been diagnosed with PTSD. It was no surprise that she had nightmares and panic attacks. She had been stabbed, shot, and once a witch tried to blow her up with a magical based shrapnel bomb. She had run from city to another. She spent some time in Miami and then Hawaii. Always they would find her. She had tried changing her appearance and name. She had tried hiding her magic and her ties to the lukoi. Anyone she got too close to died. Amber is tired of running. Just like her last time in witness protection, she is convinced that there is a leak in the marshal's office. She is also convinced that because of their structure the authorities will never find all the cells. She is tired of hiding. She wants to come home. She hopes coming home to Dallas will help her heal. She doesn't even recognize herself in the mirror any more. She had been cut off from anything that gave her life meaning. She hopes to at least regain some of what made life worth living. Only time will show if death and violence follow her this time. (OOC note this character has been played on several other boards in the past which is why her history is so extensive.) [url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/BGD3PDR/amber-sig.png[/img][/url] [url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/MhW3XcK/Amber-Sig-3.png[/img][/url] [/hider]