The chapel woman spoke again, clarifying that it was a hope that these talks would end with the worship of Talos, and Sindri felt her upper lip curl behind the fabric that covered her mouth. [i]Of course,[/i] she mentally sighed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she blinked slowly and turned her attention to a nearby brazier before moving on to the imperial-dressed Argonian. The tone of his response caught her curiosity, her eyes wandered again, her thoughts connecting dots. Drawing marks in the soil. Sindri was frowning thanks to the context of her thoughts when the Nord stepped forward and expressed his suggestion for how to approach Bruma and their task. Followed by the too-large Khajiit (honestly, Sindri wasn’t aware they could get so big, what did his parents feed him, dragons? Perhaps he was the reason they were gone!) who said they should introduce one another and get their rest. She had a mind to agree, if only because she did not wish to waste any more time within the confines of this chapel. [color=99c3cc]“I am known around Bruma. I move in and out frequently as a hired mercenary. Magic, tracking. Other skills.”[/color] The witch added more quietly as an afterthought. [color=99c3cc]“But the woman gave us hours before we depart. We [i]should[/i] rest while we can. I, at the very least, need a drink. We have a long journey to Bruma, enough time to decide our course of action, so perhaps for now we table it in trade for rest and introductions.”[/color] Sindri raised a pale hand to gesture to the Khajiit. [color=99c3cc]“Kiffar. Meen-La.”[/color] She gestured to the brighter of the two Argonians. The only two, thus far, who had spoken their names. Sindri sighed, then pulled the cloth from her face to expose her mouth. [color=99c3cc]“You can call me Sindri.”[/color] [color=99c3cc]“Tomorrow, any who have not changed their minds and skulked away into the hills should find me beyond the wall for a meal of venison. And perhaps we can discuss with one another [i]why[/i] we were recruited into this. Surely it is not just for our pretty faces.”[/color] Stepping back and around the Dunmer beside whom she stood, Sindri made for the door. [color=99c3cc]“Until tomorrow.”[/color] She raised a hand to wave as she departed.