[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cAlLLW2.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][u]Weynon Priory - Chorrol, Cyrodiil[/u][/b] [color=a1a1a1]Already it seemed there was a breakdown in communications between the people gathered. Meen-La, the criminal in their midst, seemed intent on taking the lead and was starting off strong by chiding everyone else for not introducing themselves despite the rather haphazard nature of their gathering. The khajiit Kiffar seemed more bemused by all this and doing what cats did, which she felt was at least better than the bickering of the lizards. She appreciated the Dunmer woman's attempts at being diplomatic, even if they felt wasted by the competing energies of everyone else. Even the Nord was being smart about things and trying to talk through a plan, again marking him out as rather different than the stereotypical Nord. Still, this was not going anywhere with everyone having their own ideas on how best to proceed.[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"If I may?"[/color] [color=a1a1a1]She offered, standing once more as the Confessor stood aside and the gathered militia continued their discussions.[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Khaliya al-Rihad, Alik'ri nomad. My people are well versed in some of the facets necessary for what lies ahead, so I would like to offer up some options to be considered."[/color] [color=a1a1a1]Khaliya played it carefully as she spoke, not wanting to take the lead by any means. It wasn't like how she normally dealt with such groups in her time on the road, normally creating a false persona and allowing others to form their own image of her no matter how wrong it may be. This group would clearly be working together for some time, and trust was a necessary part of such cooperation, so she felt it prudent to be honest. At least, in what she did reveal. Some things were best not spoken of just yet.[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"We have quite the varied group here, as mentioned by... Sindri."[/color] [color=a1a1a1]She waited just long enough for the Reachwoman to identify herself, giving a careful and cautious eye towards her, still trying to determine if she may be potentially hostile.[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Which will inevitably necessitate splitting our group. At the present moment we could attempt to pass for any of the suggested approaches, but without goods we will look like rather poor merchants. Without the appropriate study materials and cover for the rest of us, our Nord friend here may look like either a rich fool pursuing a passion, or someone trying to pass as a wandering researcher. The Legion presence here, while most definitely a boon if and when violence is necessary, will also immediately mark us as a martial group of some kind, and most assuredly one affiliated at least nominally with the Empire. So a target of Thalmor sympathizers, or political enemies of the Medes."[/color] [color=a1a1a1]A shifting from one foot to another followed, Khaliya carefully considering her words and how much to speak of and when, a crucial skill she had learned from her father and the tribe as they went from city to city.[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"I have experience working with merchants and can pass for one, as I'm sure a few others here can. And with a word, I'm sure the Confessor here can use the time until departure to secure us enough relevant goods to actually pose properly as a merchant caravan. We have our big furry friend Kiffar here, and Meen-La to serve as adequate caravan guards, while the Legion support can always be at a short, but plausibly unaffiliated distance."[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Much the same with the suggestion to form a cover of acting as a research support team, or mercenaries hunting bandits and outlaws. Considering our wide assortment of backgrounds, we could just as easily pose as a wandering caravan of entertainers and with less effort. I am personally versed in old Yokudan sword-dancing, I'm sure there's a mage or three among the group that can work some spells for public amusement, and we have a strongman.... Cat. Though regardless, we should prioritize two things. First being to either look towards the Confessor as the head of our endeavors if she is to join us, or to nominate and individual among us to lead party matters. That then leads into what is more important of the two, settling on an agreed course of action."[/color]