[b]Sylruna Velaryn[/b] Sylruna had been quietly observing the various introductions and suggestions, her crimson eyes reflecting the candlelight as she absorbed each perspective. She stepped forward now, her midnight blue robes rustling softly against the chapel floor. "I suppose I should properly introduce myself as well," she said with a gentle smile. "I am Sylruna Velaryn. And while I appreciate Khaliya's vote of confidence in my diplomatic abilities, I believe she makes an excellent point about the need for unified leadership." She gestured respectfully toward the Confessor, then looked around at their gathered group. "As for my own skills," she continued, absently adjusting one of her silvery-white braids, "I specialize in destruction magic, particularly fire-based spells, though I'm also versed in protective magic and archery. And yes," she added with a hint of amusement, glancing at Khaliya, "I suppose I could contribute some magical displays if we decide to pose as entertainers. Though perhaps we should avoid any fire performances in Bruma - the Nords there might not appreciate the reminder of the Oblivion Crisis." Her expression grew more thoughtful as she considered their options. "Arnvidr's suggestion about researching Ayleid ruins has merit - there are several notable sites near Bruma, including Rielle and Ninendava. And given the city's proximity to Cloud Ruler Temple, scholarly interest in the area's history wouldn't seem unusual." She paused, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "Though Kiffar makes a valid point about keeping things simple. Perhaps we're overthinking this?" She turned toward the chapel doors where Sindri had departed. "I believe I'll join our Reach friend for that meal tomorrow. Breaking bread together might help us work more cohesively as a unit." Her crimson eyes sparkled with subtle humor as she glanced at Kiffar. "Though perhaps we should ensure enough venison for our larger companions?" Looking back at the group, she added, "Whatever role we choose, we should use these next few hours wisely. I'd be happy to share what I know of Bruma's layout with anyone interested - I spent some time there studying the Great Chapel of Talos's unique architectural features. The city has changed since the Oblivion Crisis, but some things remain the same."