[color=6644ff]”These shadows we live in amount to a fickle thing, Annika.”[/color] he traced a circle in the air, and a black ring of smoke appeared there. [color=6644ff]”They grant us safe passage into this world between all other worlds, and make our ruin otherwise. We cannot truly know it, for that is what it means to be hidden in the dark. But in what we [i]do[/i] understand, we find that the darkness, even here, does not truly want anything.”[/color] It was a paradox, in a way. They worked with supernatural darkness and studied what it could do, yet that very darkness was something they could only understand in passing. The Everdark was an entire universe all its own, with endless secrets- Far too many to learn in one lifetime. [color=6644ff]”Such questions will often have no answer, but they are importantly nonetheless.”[/color]