[quote=@Fabricant451] I think Marvel Rivals is fun but some baffling decisions (giving certain characters a seasonal boost, for instance) and their commitment to saying 'fuck balance' is kinda gonna hinder it from being a serious competetive scene before long. Like I can't imagine why you would ever want to have Black Widow on your team when Hawkeye can just do what she does but better in every way. Also, some of the ults are just bullshit, like Luna's ult lasting fucking forever and Jeff's ult's hitbox being the size of the fucking moon. [/quote] I'm having considerable more fun than I was on OW, for the most part. That said, the game definitely needs role queue and team balancing. The former people just want to play their favorites, so no one plays tank/heal. The latter a solo player should DEFININTELY not be queuing into a six stack; six stacks should be going against other six stacks. Just played against a toxic full group myself in quick match thinking they were the absolute shit because they won against six uncoordinated randoms that never even talked to each other. It's quick play, my guy, I can smell your sweat stench across the internet. It's not that serious. Seasonal boosts are absolutely stupid, though. I know some characters will obviously be better than others, but bonuses to healing/dps/etc shouldn't exist in that form.