[center][h2]The Blue Feather Reverers[/h2][/center] [color=gray][h3]Harriet's Orphanage, Hamlet[/h3][/color] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Jack ([@Estylwen]) [b]Interactions:[/b] Harriet ([@SporkoBug])[/sub] [hr] [quote=Harriet][color=blue]"The kids shan't hear us out here, and if you are too cold; my wings will give warmth."[/color][/quote] The five boyish teenagers bristled in their jackets, tucking hands in pockets and wrapping arms around themselves, scooting closer to Harriet's wings. One of them spoke up again, looking up at Harriet with a grimace. [b]”We uh, got an anonymous tip-off. Detective Kingsley has taken up your case personally. He means to… to take you in.”[/b] The faces of the teenagers around Harriet crumpled a little as another one spoke up. [b]”You don't deserve that, Miss Talon.”[/b] The other boy nodded, staring at Harriet steadily. [b]”That's why we've come to you. We want to help you. We know how to wield guns, we know a little about how to fight. Let us help you, please!”[/b] [hr][code]Harriet: W +1.5 P +5[/code][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LZlsWny.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][h3]The Oak Tree, Gold Rim[/h3][/color] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] NA [b]Interactions:[/b] Webb ([@SporkoBug])[/sub] [hr] [color=lightgray][b]”My, my, that doesn't look quite appetizing at all.”[/b][/color] A man in a suit and overcoat with a head of inky blackness, save for a single eye, stood underneath Webb's oak tree. He had one hand in his coat’s pocket, while his other held a package. If Webb were to sniff the air, he'd smell the waft of something savory, hot, and [i]delicious[/i]. Ezra stared up through the branches, his eye creasing up slightly. ([url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/28045]Proof 1[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/28044]Proof 2[/url], Ezra: 1, Webb: 3) However, as he focused on Webb and attempted to use his gyft, Ezra barely held back a flinch as his gyft caused mild recoil. Poor timing. He shrugged it off, raising up the package he had in his hand. A hot rotisserie chicken. [color=lightgray][b]”I have something for you. Why don't you be a dear and come down here, Webb?”[/b][/color] [hr][code]Webb W +0 P +0, Ezra: W +6 P +10[/code][hr] [h2][center]The Goons of Ragged Gavel[/center][/h2] [h3][color=gray]Ragged Gavel[/color][/h3] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Emily ([@LanaStorm]) [b]Interactions:[/b] NA[/sub] [hr] The Clash's assault and clean-up of Ragged Gavel had been successful. The word spread fast: Ragged Gavel no longer belonged to the thugs and goons without law. Now? It belonged to law and order. Or, at least, on paper it did. The Blue Bloods had a reputation for being ‘less than saintly.’ The last of the goons hurriedly packed up their bags and abandoned their safe houses and crack shacks, running to other, darker corners of Nocturnia. As a bonus, as one of her soldiers was clearing out one of the discovered and abandoned safehouses in Ragged Gavel, they came across some authentic 22k gold bars. Enough to make a quick buck off at any of the local pawns that were impressed to not ask too many questions. [hr][code]Emily: W -2 P -4 | (Bonus) W +0.5[/code][hr] [h2][center]The Goons of Grey Square[/center][/h2] [h3][color=gray]Grey Square[/color][/h3] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Leon ([@Herald]) [b]Interactions:[/b] NA[/sub] [hr] ‘Little Richie's defeat spread like wildfire through Grey Square, causing every goon to quake in their little boots. Leon the Lion was a force to be reckoned with, and none in the district had the spine to even look at his cruisers the wrong way after he cleaned up the district. The rest, or most, of the goons decided to call it quits and leave Grey Square, set on making their bread elsewhere. There was no sense, no reason, to stay on a place that was going to be run by such a fierce and dead police force. The few thugs that remained, they were quickly cleaned up. In exchange for a lighter sentence, one thug confessed that he knew of a safehouse at the edge of Grey Square, close to the Wall, that had a… [i]unique[/i] cache. Shoved under the rotting floorboards was a small duffel bag filled with three Gyft EMPs. It was an unheard of technology. A one-use hand-held device that created a field of harm to anyone with a Gyft, causing them to fall paralyzed for about thirty seconds. The field had about a thirty-foot radius. The real question was who the heck was making these… [hr][code]Leon: W -2 P -4 | (Bonus) +3 Gyft EMPs[/code][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yrkh1eT.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/9Jv0opY.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Nocturnia Prison, Jeweled Bank[/color][/h3] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Vincent/Ezra ([@Estylwen]), Harriet ([@SporkoBug]) [b]Interactions:[/b] Clash ([@LanaStorm]), Leon ([@Herald])[/sub] [hr] [quote=Clash]“I can help you get this big bad drug dealer off the streets boss, I won't rough her up too much."[/quote] The Commissioner nodded, relieved at the case file Clash had chosen. The Iron Rose was a menace on the streets. Had been for a long time. Now? With the best of the NPD? Perhaps they could change that. [quote=Clash]"Could use some more muscle, taking what's not mine can be hard sometimes.”[/quote] The Commissioner swiveled a little in her seat, considering it for a moment. She nodded. [b][color=b20000]”We are low on recruits at the moment. Many of the good cops in this city have died in the gang wars. I am expecting an influx of fresh cops from the Academy in the coming days. However, in the meantime, you can have a few of my men. I'll have the secretary draft up their transfer papers after our meeting.”[/b][/color] It wasn't much, but it was the best the Commissioner could do in this situation. [quote=Leon]"I'll bring him in with evidence,"[/quote] The Commissioner nodded, a hint of anticipation hidden behind her shades. ‘The Boss’, Vincent, was a big fish. If they were able to get this guy, it would be the equivalent of cleaning up half the city. [b][color=b20000]”I have faith in your success, Leon.”[/color][/b] [quote=Leon]”Ma'am, I'd also like to be kept in mind for the Blackheart file.”[/quote] The Commissioner nodded, shaking her head slightly as he spoke. [b][color=b20000]”I know exactly where you're coming from, Leon. I'll save this case for you. Though, fair warning, he's likely the most… [i]unhinged[/i] mafia boss we have in the city.”[/color][/b] Jack stayed silent for a few moments more, holding back in case the other two had anything more they wanted to add. When he was satisfied, he leaned forward and snapped up the ‘Winged Blade’ case file. [b]”Missing kids is something that strikes me as [i]wrong[/i] on a lot of levels. Maybe I'll actually sleep at night if I can put this one away, eh, Ma’am?”[/b] Jack said, holding up the case file. The Commissioner nodded, staring at Jack over her shades. [b][color=b20000]”See if you can bring those missing kids home, Jack. It'll be good for the press.”[/color][/b] She waited a beat more before she checked her watch. [b][color=b20000]”Well, I won't take up any more of your time. You're busy saving the city, I know.”[/color][/b] She offered a light smirk, her eyes glancing to the door. [b][color=b20000]”Detective MacAoidh, Detective Newport, Detective Kingsley… Try to stay in one piece out there, alright?”[/color][/b] [hr][code]Emily: W +3.5 P +7 | (Bonus) P +3, Antonia: W +3 P +5 | P -3, Leon: W +3.5 P +7[/code][hr] [h2][center]The Military[/center][/h2] [h3][color=lightgray]Outside the Wall[/color][/h3] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Glyde ([@Little Bird]) [b]Interactions:[/b] NA[/sub] [hr] The cargo plane finished its pass over the city and turned, heading back to the edge. Within ten minutes, it had set down on a helipad near the other side of the Wall. The soldiers within exited, meeting with their superior waiting on the tarmac. Salutes were exchanged, before their superior addressed them. [b]”Package received?”[/b] The soldiers nodded. [b]”Yes sir.”[/b] [b]”And what is the status of our inside men?”[/b] The soldier nodded again, giving his report. [b]”Alive and well. Through the binoculars, infrared, and other visual instruments, we've ascertained they've received the new recruits, though there have been incredible losses on their part. Few men. The city of Nocturnia is a dangerous place, sir.”[/b] The superior officer shifted his weight, shaking his head. [b]”...They knew the risks. Ensure the next shipment in the city is a little more substantial than normal.”[/b] [b]”Yes sir.”[/b] Soon after, the gates to Waterfront Vale opened up, and a truck traveled in, heavily guarded by military. An unexpected aide truck. It was passed over to the stationed Nocturnia police, and a few crates labeled under an alias were soon delivered to Yellow Brick. The crates were busted open, and more men than the last shipment jumped out. One passed an envelope to Glyde - a wad of cash he could use for his affairs. Of course, the aide truck soon unloaded the rest of its aide and retreated back out the gate, which swiftly shut with finality. [hr][code]Glyde: W +1.5 P +6 | (Bonus) W +0.5 P +3 [/code][hr] [center][h2]The Invasion of Pauper Town[/h2][/center] [h3][color=gray]Soup Kitchen, Pauper Town[/color][/h3] [sub]In collaboration with [@ERode] [b]Mentions:[/b] NA [b]Interactions:The Order ([@ERode])[/b][/sub] [hr] Ah yes. Pauper Town, with its shacks that passed as homes, with its sunken roofs and unkempt lawns with foot-high weeds. With its convenience stores with boarded up windows, and store attendants yelling after the random teenager thugs that would stop by to steal tic-tacs. The presence of the Order of Enlightenment moving into Pauper Town was certainly felt. The soup kitchens popping up, the rehabs, the daycares. All of these free services, all in exchange for a listening ear. However, as the teachings of the Order began to infiltrate and pervade Pauper Town, a strange occurrence would occur. A community leader with a gaunt, haunted face stood in front of a soup kitchen with his arms folded across his chest. There was a mess of people behind him, all with anger written in their faces. They were armed with various blunt objects, such as baseball bats, hammers, and crowbars. A few had jerrycans. The community leader entered the soup kitchen. The group followed behind him, immediately harassing people, shoving them with their weapons. Soup was dropped, water spilled, and visitors fled rather quickly, leaving the staff. As two of the leader’s group began dowsing the floor of the soup kitchen with gasoline, the others in the group ringed the Order staff, shoving some, and demanding phones from others. The community leader looked with hard eyes. [b]”We don't want your kind around here, ya hear? Maybe we'll make an example outta ya, get the rest of your cult packing…”[/b] There was some confusion from the volunteers. Others showed a degree of pity perhaps, or simple understanding. Here were those who relied upon base instincts, who still thought that the laws of nature ought to supersede the dignity of humanity. They lived in Nocturnia, and yet were blind to her true Gyfts still, naught more than rabble. Crueler brethren would dash their empty brains against the pavement and make parchment out of their skin. But the maiden that stood up to that harsh-faced leader was not so unkind as Sister Lenore or Wes Easton. Her platinum blonde hair drifted against her black habit, her eyes the same blue as the two crosses tattooed beneath her right eye. She looked up towards the man a head taller than her. [b]“Is there no room for negotiation, sir? The Order of Enlightenment simply wishes to fulfill the basic needs of those who lack the most, so that they are able to turn their minds to higher matters.”[/b] Her gaze swept over those behind the man, then set themselves back upon him, an unerring, unflinching gaze. She clasped her hands together. [b]“You’ve protected the people here for so long, haven’t you? Do you not wish for them to live better, fuller lives?”[/b] She would see it if she studied his gaze long enough. The fear. The uncertain fear that clouded his judgement. Fear at the ideas she and the rest of her kind were bringing into Pauper Town. He had to crush these ideas here and now, before they were allowed to blossom. So it was no surprise when the fear on his face hardened into cold indifference at her words. [b]”The only thing you're bringing here, lady, is a buncha fake promises and ways to part these people from what meager money they have. I'm sorry, but you're not welcome here. And I [i]will[/i] drive that home. People have died to cults in this area before - it'll never, [i]never[/i] happen again s'long as I breathe.”[/b] And he jerked his head to the Order. The signal. Members of the mob backed off as one stepped forward with a match, preparing to drop it on the slicked floor and set the building on fire. But the maiden did not waver either. Not to the threat of flame, not to the conservative mindset that turned minds to stone. She reached out instead, clasping onto the leader’s hand, her grip just as strong, just as callused as his own. He wasn’t just another thug, one who exploited his neighbours for an extra slice of bread. Pauper Town had been kicked to the curb on the regular, its impoverished nature baked into its name. In the maelstrom of conflict that was Nocturnia, it had been hit the greatest by the fight for independence and the isolation that followed. How many living in those shacks were once protestors who rose up against military occupation? How many were orphaned children, displaced in the fight for a semblance of freedom? [b]“You’ve lost someone, haven’t you?”[/b] So had they all. To live was to lose more than you could gain. [b]“The gangs still sell their drugs and cheat the weak. The police trump up charges, making criminals out of innocents for a bonus from the Jeweled Bank. I lost my father before I was born. My mother at seven. Myself at twelve.”[/b] Her voice shook. She drew in a breath, a reminder that the mind ruled over the flesh. That Discipline steadied the riotous heart. [b]“It was the Order that saved me, that taught me that I wasn’t born to just sell myself for a five minute high. That I could do more, aspire to be more, help others become [i]human[/i]!”[/b] Her grip had become clammy, even as her pale face flushed with zeal, purpose. But that too was emotion. That too ought to be restrained. She let go of his hand. Took a step back. [b]“The Order is not a cult. It may be the only sane, rational collective left in Nocturnia, and I implore you to give us a chance to prove you wrong.”[/b] She closed her eyes, centering her spirit in the void, detaching herself from her past.[b] “But if you still insist, then please: don’t waste the food or the fuel.”[/b] He stared for a long moment, conflict in his eyes. She has struck a cord. Tears welled up. [b]”My daughter… Drank the ‘koolaid’.”[/b] He choked out gruffly. Another moment of hesitation, before he turned to the one with a lit match, and shook his head. The match was snuffed out. His gaze centered back on her, not bothering to wipe the tears that fell. [b]”We don't want to hurt you. We just… don't want to suffer more than what we already have. If this… ‘Order’ of yours has really helped you… Maybe it can help us too.”[/b] And with that, the mob started to file out of the soup kitchen, at the nod from the community leader. Crisis had been averted that day due to the calm thinking of the Order, and Pauper Town had surrendered to their train of thought. The citizens within would welcome the Order from that moment forward. *** Some of the Order were sent to the safehouse on Victoria Street. Indeed, in the basement were sealed creates. Popping them opened revealed glowing pink vials, the new type of drug Cyrus had mentioned. They had yet to be distributed, but the fact that they were here meant crates like this were around the city, and it was likely this drug would be in circulation shortly. There was a receipt sitting on top of the vials. [code]Shipper: Thorned Roses Reciever: Your-Local-Pusher 3 x crate 1 crate = 32 vials Sugarcrush[/code] Now, what exactly the drug was and its effects, that was where the true interest hid itself. Yes, the Order could hand these over to the police. But the strange glowing pink gave indication of an otherworldly origin, and just might point in the direction of one of their leader's end goals… [hr][code]Matthias: W +2.5 P +8 | (Bonus) 96 Vials of Sugarcrush[/code][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yrkh1eT.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/ngXB6GX.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][h3]Nocturnia Prison, Jeweled Bank[/h3][/color] [sub]In collaboration with [@Yankee] [b]Mentions:[/b] All detectives, chosen targets by said detectives [b]Interactions:[/b] NA[/sub] [hr] [code]”Ma'am? I got a ‘Silver Canary' asking to speak with you?”[/code] Said a confused secretary's voice over the intercom. Antonia lowered her shades a bit, staring at the phone. Well that was unexpected. Not unwelcome, though. Her meeting with the detectives had concluded not five minutes prior - the canary couldn't have had better timing. She pressed a button on her phone. [color=b20000][b]”Send him in.”[/b][/color] And she leaned back in her leather seat, fingers steepled as she stared expectantly at her office door. She didn't wait long. Adel projected certain ideas to certain people. With mafia he had to look influential and well put together, with police captains he wanted to appear like he wouldn't be a threat to them now or in the future. But with Commissioner Franchesca he felt he could afford to be a little more casual. Only a little, though. When he walked into her office it was definitely business casual that he was in, at any rate. [color=silver]"Thanks for seeing me on such short notice,"[/color] he greeted her with. Though to be fair, if she hadn't he might have let himself in anyway. He clicked the door shut, eyes flickering to the bustle in the hall outside before he drew the office window shades shut. Rather than take a seat in front of the woman, he stood with his hands shoved into his pockets, his fingers pinching at a carton of his chosen addiction found there. [color=silver]"Busy day huh?"[/color] The Commissioner allowed herself a smile, [color=b20000][b]”Busy day.”[/b][/color] She leaned back in her seat, swinging a little in the swivel as she twisted a pen in her hand. [color=b20000][b]”I've had a revelation lately. You know who you remind me of? If you've seen The Blacklist, there's a certain… central character. Raymond Reddington. That's who you remind me of.”[/b][/color] A laugh escaped through her nose as she gave a half-chuckle at her own joke. Adel raised an eyebrow at her. [color=silver]"I'll choose to take that as a compliment."[/color] Then her face grew a shade more serious. [color=b20000][b]”I'm sure you're not here to ‘shoot the breeze’, as they say. Alas, neither am I.”[/b][/color] She leaned forward. [b][color=b20000]”What's the word on the street, Canary?”[/color][/b] [color=silver]"I've had groups large and small coming to me looking for information. Demanding it, in some cases,"[/color] he said, a look of distaste briefly crossing his face. [color=silver]"Not to mention the plane and the bombing this morning. Feels like everyone's making a move, and they all chose right now to do it. "Same goes for you, right, Commissioner?"[/color] He held her gaze, eyes searching. [color=silver]"People have caught on that you've got some big operation in the works."[/color] His tone wasn't smug or accusatory, just a simple statement of facts. It would do the woman good to know that her detectives were going to be expected. Adel gave her a small, disarming smile. [color=silver]"I came to see what you've got in store myself."[/color] The Commissioner made note of the topics the Canary had mentioned. She had been caught up in meetings that morning, so his insights were news to her. As he spoke of her big operations, she nodded. [b][color=b20000]”Indeed. Perhaps you can help me with this one…”[/color][/b] If the Canary looked down, he would have noticed three case files missing from the spread along her desk. [b][color=b20000]”Leon's taken ‘The Boss’, Clash has taken ‘The Iron Rose’, and Jack has taken ‘The Winged Blade’. I myself-”[/color][/b] She tapped a case file close to her. [color=b20000][b]“-will be personally seeing to ‘The Lodestar’. “Any information you have on these cases, whether that's now or in the coming week, would be… well, you'd be well compensated for it.”[/b][/color] [color=silver]"I'm sure I can dig something up for you."[/color] Adel peered at the last file with particular interest. It was curious how things seemed to be aligning, for better or worse. [color=silver]"Might already have something."[/color] He placed a hand on one particular file and looked up from the stack. [color=silver]"You're not gonna be the only person after the Order, Commissioner. It's another reason I'm here."[/color] If the circumstances were a little different, he would have liked to entertain her with some dramatic suspense. Instead he fixed her with another smile. [color=silver]"Before that, though. You mentioned the rest of the crew, but what's going on with the guys you've got in Yellow Brick? Man they call Sarge?"[/color] The Commissioner raised an eyebrow, staring for a long moment before she spoke. [color=b20000][b]”Yellow Brick is defunct. There hasn't been an active PD there for… some time.”[/b][/color] [color=silver]"That so... Then I take it you didn't know there's someone there claiming themselves part of NPD?"[/color] The Commissioner sank a little deeper into her chair, dragging a palm over her mouth, silent for a long moment. [b][color=b20000]”We were aware of some kind of ‘activity’, but my detectives chalked that up to gang activity. Lots of that in the poorer districts… “If that's not the case, and we have some kind of… ‘organization’ claiming they’re one of us. Well,”[/color][/b] She grinned under her shades. [color=b20000][b]“That's highly illegal. Perhaps I'll have someone investigate Yellow Brick…”[/b][/color] Amusement twinkled briefly in Adel's eyes. Something being highly illegal never stopped anyone in Nocturnia, not even the 'good guys.' [color=silver]"I'd be interested to know what you find out,"[/color] he said. Very interested, as the implications could be wild. And though Antonia's lack of knowledge surrounding Del Guarde was a confirmation of some things in itself, it was a bit disappointing. He'd have to bring a little more to the table when he met with Matthias again. Speaking of, Adel moved on to the next topic. His gaze flickered back to the files. [color=silver]"What have you got on The Lodestar so far?"[/color] [b][color=b20000]”A cold murder case, for starters.”[/color][/b] The Commissioner nodded, leaning forward in her seat, placing her elbows on the table and layering one palm on top of the other. [b][color=b20000]”All fingers point in his direction for the disappearance of Senior FitzClarence. Beyond that, movement of their ‘Order' spreading to Pauper Town has me somewhat worried. A killer's cult making ground in Nocturnia - what a recipe for disaster. “If we could procure a search warrant for his father's home, perhaps, [i]perhaps[/i] we’d find something to stick to him.”[/color][/b] [i]So nothing concrete,[/i] the Canary summed up privately. A big push like this against the city's crews meant casting a wide net, and since catching the Order they were just grasping at straws to keep them in it. Still, he'd keep it in mind. [color=silver]"Any known accomplices?"[/color] he asked just for the sake of it, drumming his fingers once on the table. The Commissioner shook her head. [b][color=b20000]”None that I know of… yet.”[/color][/b] [color=silver]"Hm. If you send over anything else you have, I'll see what I can find. For the other cases too. I'm sure you've got more on them,"[/color] Adel told her. His demeanor gradually shifted as he brought up his final topic, his smile sharpening as he tapped on the file he'd singled out. [color=silver]"Especially this one."[/color] The Midnight Man. The latest thorn in his side, and a poisonous one to boot. [color=silver]"Made any headway with them lately?"[/color] The Commissioner had a grimace tugging on her lips. [b][color=b20000]”This one… is something else entirely. Lots of mystery, lots of… [i]savagery.[/i]”[/color][/b] She shook her head, leaning back in her seat again. [b][color=b20000]”Word on the street is that the Midnight Man has [i]quite[/i] the haul hidden in one of the three Industrial districts. All manner of diabolical products. If we're lucky, he'll have gotten careless and left something that'll incriminate him, when his warehouse is finally uncovered.”[/color][/b] Adel barely suppressed a sigh. He expected as much, but had hoped for more. Though if Blackheart was planning something, it might narrow down the search area - and then he could take a look for himself. [color=silver]"Let's hope you find it soon then."[/color] The Commissioner nodded, before her head gave a slight tilt. [b][color=b20000]”You know my requests, Canary. Was there anything else you needed from me?”[/color][/b] Sure there was. He needed protection, personnel, and power. More money - a lot more if he wanted a realistic shot at his goal. But instead he tipped his head back and shrugged his shoulders. [color=silver]"Send what you've got over,"[/color] he reminded her as he turned to leave. [color=silver]"And wire my reward to the usual account."[/color] Antonia smirked. [b][color=b20000]”Of course.”[/color][/b] [hr][code]Antonia: W -0.5, Adel: W +3 P +5 | (Bonus) W +0.5[/code][hr][code]Bella: W +2 P +6[/code][hr][code]Pops: W +1.5 P +5[/code][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HwtG1aP.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Near Kairo Skyscraper, Nickel[/color][/h3] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] NA [b]Interactions:[/b]Krish/Asterion ([@The Savant])[/sub] [hr] [quote=Krish]“[color=c1196b]I hope you did not plan on staying. Overstays are unwelcome, especially when there was no invite,[/color]”[/quote] Hailey watched as the dart narrowly missed her, sweating a bit. Regardless, she smiled, revealing her sharp teeth. [b]”Oh, lucky me~ A mafioso of Kairo's, here to see little ole' me.”[/b] She pretended to blush, before tossing the bomb in her hand up in the air, playing with it. She stared at Krish almost hungrily. [b]”Haven't you wished for something more? A bigger slice of the pie? Something grander than wasting your days away in your master's shadow?”[/b] She said tauntingly, before she flung the bomb at Krish's head, where it quickly exploded in a cloud of fire, smoke, and shrapnel. As the smoke would clear, Krish would see Hailey making her getaway, running as quickly as she could in the direction of the Kairo Skyscraper. She was weaving through the stopped traffic, bombing anything or anyone that dared to get too close to her, and keeping her pattern in a zig-zag so she would be harder to it. She could see the skyscraper, she was so close! *** Meanwhile, in a different location within Nickel, at the back of the Echo Chamber, there stood a shadow. The Employee's Only back door swung open, and a gas bomb was thrown inside. Exactly two minutes passed, before the back door opened again, and what looked to be a military man stepped inside, dressed in fatigues with a helmet and visor over his face, disguising his apperance. He kept the gas mask over his mouth and nose, not wanting to catch any whiffs of residual gas. Around him, unconscious bodies of staff and mafiosos of the Echo Chamber littered the floor. The man wasted no time, and headed straight for the room where the Echo Chamber's lock box would be. He was there to empty it out in its entirety, of course. He just had to be quick. It would be terrible if anyone were to notice the laspe in security… [hr][code]Asterion: W +3 P +5[/code][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yrkh1eT.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/PgDMy1Z.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Nocturnia Prison, Jeweled Bank[/color][/h3] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] NA [b]Interactions:[/b] NA[/sub] [hr] It was not ten minutes after the door closed behind the Silver Canary, and Antonia was left alone in her office to prepare files to send over to the Canary, when a frantic voice cut across her phone's intercom. [code]”Ma’am?! ‘The Boss' is here!”[/code] In a flash, Antonia was out of her desk and barreling past her door, storming down the hall and taking the stairs two at a time to the ground floor. Indeed, on the ground floor, guns leveld at him from the police security, was a far too non-chalant Vincent, hands raised casually. He gave Antonia a wink. [b][color=bd4abd]”Ah, Comish! We were just talking about you.”[/color][/b] His eyes narrowed. [b][color=bd4abd]”Mind calling off your dogs?”[/color][/b] The Commissioner walked right up to him, shoving past the raised guns and looking right up at him, glaring over her shades. [b][color=b20000]”Got half a mind to take you in right here and now, [i]Vincent[/i]. You got some nerve.”[/color][/b] Vincent laughed, looking even more at ease. [b][color=bd4abd]”You and what evidence? You got nothing and you know it, [i]Comish[/i].”[/color][/b] The Commissioner stared up at him for a long moment, before she huffed, and raised a hand. [color=b20000][b]”Let him walk.”[/b][/color] As the guns lowered, Vincent only chuckled. [b][color=bd4abd]”Good girl. Now, there was someone here I wanted to visit, anyway.”[/color][/b] Officers escorted Vincent to the upper levels of the tower, and eventually, he found himself in a brightly lit visiting room. It was split in half with a mirror, with two worn chairs on either side. Vincent shrugged with his package, staring expectantly at the far door. Eventually, a raggedy man in a bright orange suit entered the other side of the room. He looked at Vincent through the glass with wide, then narrowed eyes. Vincent tutted, his smile widening. [color=bd4abd][b]”Now, now, crazy man, you should be happy to see me.”[/b][/color] He raised up the white package in his hand. [b][color=bd4abd]”I brought you a cake~”[/color][/b] [hr][code]Vincent: W +5 P +11[/code][hr]