[hider=Trakah] [b]Name:[/b] Trakah Zuvew [b]Species:[/b] Rattataki [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Trakah] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c4/85/9b/c4859b3c681b77ac6dc019170716a641.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] Bryar pistol, combat vibroknife, two datapad(one for slicing), commlink, fusion cutter, repair tools, [b]Abilities(For Force Users):[/b] N/A [b]Skills:[/b] Marksmen, CQC, Slicing, Repairing, Understanding Binary, some knowledge of the Exaron Underground and Tech Savvy [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Noticeable - Since there are few Rattataki on Exaron, Trakah stands out like a sore thumb, and it is hard for him to blend in. Despite how hard he tries. Limited Tech Knowledge - While knowledgeable about technology, he does not know how to fix vehicles or spaceships. [b]History:[/b] Trakah was born on a medical ship to a military family. Trakah's father was a former Separatist spec ops general, and his mother was his second in command. Near the end of the Clone Wars, both of them grew disillusioned with the Separatist cause and fled with Trakah to a world where they could escape and hide from both the Republic and the Separatists. Exaron was that world, and the ruler of that world owed his father a favor and was allowed to live there in secret, and Trakah's family kept a low profile. In the years growing up on Exaron was peaceful enough, his family settling in a small farming community. Away from the capital and from the fighting in the aftermath of the rise of the empire. Here, things were simple, though he could tell his parents were not skilled in the ways of the farmer. But they managed to get by by helping a farmer manage his farm. While his parents would teach Trakah how to use a blaster and fight, not wanting their child to be unprepared if something bad were to happen. Still, life was good for Trakah for a time. Then an imperial surveyor discovered a deposit of valuable minerals beneath the community. His family and others were forced out of their homes and land to make way for mines. With little options, Trakah's family moved to the city of Buir and lived in misery. His parents started working as mercs for hire, and they managed to get some semblance of their old lives. But by the time he was sixteen. His parents would die during a job, leaving Trakah alone. At first, Trakah did not know what to do or how to survive. Then, an idea came to him, he remembered a drunk Dug with a gambling problem that his parents used to talk about, and Trakah, perhaps he could gamble his way to a better life. A plan that while worked initially, but his plan would backfire, and Trakah was left with little credits. But, by chance, a friend of his parents saw Trakah grambling after talking with the kid. Agreed to take him under his wing and teach him how to survive. Now, years later, being a tech-savory person and living in Tregallon. Trakah has managed to make a life for himself, but now, with the empire tightening its hold over Exaron. He has gotten thinking about doing more than surviving and actually taking the fight to the empire that had cost him his old home and the bad state he and others are forced to live in. For now, Trakah is planning his next move and whether or not his next move is going to be more than just surviving.[/hider]