[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5c54a990-cd39-433d-9139-15262cf86042.png[/img][/center] [quote=Echo Domain][color=steelblue]Alert. Initiating Multi-spectrum scanning. Elaboration. Relevant information to be overlaid on friendly HUD.[/color][/quote] [color=5FADAD][i]"What?!?"[/i][/color] King's disbelieving voice rang out over comms. [color=5FADAD][i]"Wait, stop! No active scans or pulses! There's no telling if there is any security out there configured to react to unverified frequencies! This is supposed to be a [b]stealth[/b] operation!"[/i][/color] [quote=Salvator Rasch][color=#DAEE01][b]"Maintaining a shroud. We're not invisible, but we'll be much harder to detect in the etheric."[/b][/color][/quote] [color=5FADAD][i]"Somehow I am not too worried about all the etheric beasties and a little more worried about about all the extremely obvious and probably conscious sensory growths along with all the automated asset denial systems!"[/i][/color] King groaned. [color=5FADAD][i]"Or competition, for that matter! Can we please stick to passive detection only at least until the AO gets hot?"[/i][/color] He drifted near to the front of the group, his own wavering optical camouflage causing a distinct haze as he appeared to gesticulate wildly at them all while speaking. [color=5FADAD][i]'I've been on an operation like this before, and trust me, last thing you want to have to deal with is a station losing superstructure integrity prior to exploding with you in it! You should not need to be an expert or have paid attention during the mission briefing to look around here and know that there are extant etheric-electro automated security measures around, infested by oneiric organisms or otherwise and that they were clearly messing with some deeply ill-advised garbage before everything went straight into the can! If any of you can perform analysis that is a little less [b]overt[/b], by all means, go for it! But otherwise, kindly stop trying to arm the giant bomb we're all standing in!"[/i][/color]