[h1][b][i][color=A2797E][center]Sabine Bassard[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTitjNSCgZ41euAo0gj6HkFGfvCeCklE4tmYA&s[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=A2797E][b]Location[/b][/color]: Headmaster's Office [color=A2797E][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A [color=A2797A][b]Fit Of The Day[/b][/color]: School Uniform (Sweater Variant) [/center] [hr][hr] Sabine was about to answer when everyone else showed up and Headmaster Coulson allowed them all inside. It didn't take an empath or someone to read minds to fully understand the intense feelings in the room. Sabine could feel it inside of her as she focused on her own heartbeat. She remained by Leah and April's sides as Coulson went on about recent events. It was as Sabine anticipated, thanks for helping clean up a mess we should have been aware of. And that word. [I]Therapy[/i]. When Coulson uttered that word Sabine tensed up, most likely visibly to those who knew her well enough. She gripped her right wrist with her left hand and put pressure on it. [color=A2797E][I]"No, do not freak out here of all places. You're fine. You do not need therapy. What happened, happened. You're fine![/i][/color] Sabine closed her eyes and tuned Coulson out, though the words were still being heard. Her mind raced. And a new voice woke her up. Out of an unlikely source. Victoria. Sabine had admittedly never interacted with the girl much. Sabine didn't care to if she were being honest. Still, the girl's words were...dare she admit it?...inspiring. And truthful. Sabine watched as Victoria painstakingly laid it out in the open: about her own struggles, about how the school had let them down, and how they were expected to be pleased with the crumbs offered. [color=A2797E]"Ok Vicky, pop off queen."[/color] Sabine uttered this, more for herself though she was loud enough for people to hear. The others reacted as much as she expected as the subject of teams was brought up. This was one of the things she was worried about the most. The hard work she put in, the end goal in sight only to be taken away because of a situation she didn't put herself in. While she enjoyed how much Danni wanted them all to be together, it felt...othering. She would love to be teamed up with April and Leah and Danni and Dorian, hell even Percy and Maddie would be okay. But what about Zelda? Sabine wouldn't call her a friend but she was still part of her team. [color=A2797E]"I think teams can be discussed at a different time, perhaps when we aren't all crammed in one small room while talking about a traumatic event we were all witness too. I do hope your words ring true Headmaster, because everyone in this room played a part in quelling this otherwise catastrophic event. I didn't see the Avengers step up to help until after the fact, as thankful as I am that they showed up."[/color] She glanced at Leah, knowing She-Hulk has taken her on, whether for now or for a while. [color=A2797E]"So maybe we can all decide as one who's on whose team and ensure we don't forget about anyone else and how their feelings should come into play.[/color] She looked over to Danni, hoping he caught on to what she hinted at.