[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2405a577-9c74-4ef4-850c-8e1d7ae2ba38.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=FF9A4F][b]Location[/b][/color]: She-Hulk's Apartment [color=FF9A4F][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A[/center] Leah wasn’t paying much attention right now. When Coulson had said what he wanted, everyone seemed a little pissed off in one way or another, even the ones who [i]weren’t.[/i] Mainly because the room felt like it was just a blanket mess of noise to Leah. She tuned everything out after the mention of [i]therapy[/i] and didn’t hear anything meaningful about teams or even what Sabine had to say. Victoria’s rant didn’t register to her, she was too damn tired to deal with this right now. There were too many voices, in a room that was too small. Leah just slowly blinked and got sick of this shit quicker than she normally got sick of things. [color=ff9a4f]”This… Is a fucking joke.”[/color] Leah sat up in her seat, and glared daggers at Coulson. [color=ff9a4f]”The Avengers didn’t do a fucking [i]thing.[/i] For [i]months.[/i] Did any of you ever stop and think that maybe it was a little weird that Arcade was holed up in there long enough to do something like that? Or did you just conveniently never notice, even though this place is full of dumb fucking idiots who call themselves superheroes?”[/color] If Arcade had just threw this scheme together overnight, she could believe it if the school was just caught off guard. That sort of thing happened, but the amount of shit he had loaded into the computer had to take [i]weeks[/i] or even longer to get organized, even for him. There was no reality where they could look good or come up with an excuse for that. [color=ff9a4f]”You don’t get to ignore all of that and pretend you give a damn about any of us,”[/color] Leah continued. [color=ff9a4f]”And you’re not sticking me in “therapy” for it, either. The last guy who tried to make me do something I wasn’t willing to do was buried alive.”[/color] Leah wasn’t the sort of people who got shaky when stressed. She was used to fighting for her life, getting hurt badly and dealing with awful shit. But right now, sitting in this office with all these noisy people and staring down a guy who didn’t matter [i]nearly[/i] enough for her to care, while running on a fuck-you amount of sleep? Yeah, she was about to [i]explode[/i] if she didn’t get the fuck out. So Leah stood up and swung the door open. [color=ff9a4f]”I don’t care about the contest, I never [i]did.[/i] I only went along with it because it mattered to everyone else. It means [i]nothing.[/i] It’s a waste of everyone’s time, but everyone keeps pretending it’s the only way you get to be superhero. Do whatever you want with the teams. I don’t care.”[/color] She slammed through the door shut behind her, not even trying to hold back all that inhuman strength she had for the door’s sake. [i][b]BANG.[/b][/i]