Rho-Hux smiled to himself as everyone proceeded into the Sargasso. The scouts and assassins in their team were all activating their stealth suits (himself included) while the heavily armed soldiers held back to prevent enemies from flanking them. Any doubts he had about this fringe Empire special ops were dissolving. He should never have doubted the Empire would select only the best. However, that just meant that Rho-Hux, for perhaps the first time in his life, would have to swallow his patriotic pride. After all, if--no, [i]because[/i] this was a secret Empire operation, he had to commit to the bit just as the other soldiers were. [color=fff200]"Squad, be advised: etheric senses are pinging. We've got a weak signal coming from the doors and a much stronger one up above. Eyes up, stay alert. Something probably knows we're here by now. Those of you stronger with ether, try and trace back the streams if you can. Rather, have an idea of what's waiting for us."[/color] Rho-Hux, admittedly, detested dealing with etheric battles. The unpredictable nature of their powers made most conventional military tactics ineffective. He stayed in the front, not too far away from King, but wanted to proceed more cautiously. While he was still considered a possible etheric threat, he ended up agreeing with King's observation. Rho-Hux regretted the fact they were told to bring any breathing regulators on this mission, but if they weren't told that, then this must be news...and likely a problem. If the air was poisoned, it would have already gotten to them, so Rho-Hux sniffed the air, trying to see if experience and instincts could offer him a clue. [color=00a651]"High command will want samples of this void-growth regardless. Overseers like to have as much detail as possible in missions such as these. You never know what intel there might be."[/color]