[center][h2]The Blue Feather Reverers[/h2][/center] [h3]Harriet's Orphanage, Hamlet[/h3] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Jack ([@Estylwen])[/sub][hr] Harriet watched the teens as they seemed to scooch closer to her in the cold. Maybe this wasn't the best idea to bring them out here in the cold, but they would head inside soon. There they'd be warm. Harriet watched the teens as they spoke about this 'Detective Kingsley', her feathered ears drooped back before she breathed out slowly; her breath fogging in the air quietly. [color=blue]"Thank you little ones."[/color] She said gently to the teens, moving to motion to the inside with her left arm. [color=blue]"Come inside, I'll get you some hot drinks and food. I can see what I can do to compensate you for this information."[/color] She said with a small smile. As she led the five boys inside, she glanced around outside with narrowed eyes; making sure the boys weren't followed or compromised. She knew she was seen as a 'bad person' for saving children from abusive homes, and she [i]knew[/i] the cops around here wouldn't do shit about the abusive parents even if she did it correctly. Once the boys were inside the warmth, she gave a look towards a couple of her guards. One to tell them to secure the area and clear a room for her to speak to them and the teens privately. Calem ran over to his mother excitedly, lifting his arms up as she scooped him up into her arms and gave him a small kiss on his head. [color=blue]"Hello my gorgeous little gem."[/color] Harriet spoke to Calem, [color=blue]"I will come cuddle you more in a bit, I have a little bit more business to do."[/color] Calem gave a small frown but gave a small nod, "Okay mamma." Calem said gently before Harriet placed him down as he headed back to the other kids, before Harriet moved to head into a medium sized room, a large table sat in it and the curtains drawn over the windows. [color=blue]"Sit, little birds."[/color] Harriet said to the teens, motioning her arms out to motion for them to sit down at the table. [color=blue]"Von, Dale; hot drinks for the boys."[/color] She said to two of her bodyguards, who nodded and headed off out of the room.[hr][h3]The Oak Tree, Gold Rim[/h3] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Ezra ([@Estylwen])[/sub][hr][b]”My, my, that doesn't look quite appetizing at all.”[/b] A voice cut through Webbs' thoughts as he stopped suddenly, he stayed still before he looked down to the single eye of the male. There was a small feeling of unsettledness in his mind before the man seemed to look away for a moment before spoke again. Webb listened to his words as he raised the package, he could smell the chicken; his pupils flexed a little - widening before shrinking back to a small slit as he stalked down the branch slightly. [b]”I have something for you. Why don't you be a dear and come down here, Webb?”[/b] The mans spoke again, Webb pausing slightly as his ears pricked up. "I am not a deer." Webb said, slightly confused by his words but he slowly climbed down the tree, head first before he stood at the base of the tree, looking towards Ezra carefully. Inside his mouth, his mandibles twitched slightly. They had settled once Webb had eaten the blackbird, but the smell of the chicken in the package made them unsettled again. A much better meal, warm as well. Hopefully succulent and a lot more meat than a measly blackbird. "Why give this?" he asked after a moment, pulling his eyes from the package. He'd be lying if he didn't want to grab the package from Ezra and go run and hide; but usually there was a trade-off with these sort of things - Webb knew this all too well. "What need?" His eyes looked up towards Ezra after instinctively looking away from the mans face. The man showed no real signs of wanting to harm Webb, at least so far, so he didn't need to be on edge - But eye contact still made the little spider-person uncomfortable, he had heard some have gifts that require eye contact. "Webb has no funds, if money needed." He said after a moment, tilting his head slightly, "Unless need silk?" [b][color=lightgray]"Oh, my dear Webb, I know you lack funds. Trust me, I'm not here for that."[/color][/b] His eye creased slightly as he watched Webb's hungrily eying the chicken. Slowly, he shifted, still holding the package out to Webb as Ezra sat on a nearby park bench. He then placed the rotisserie chicken at the center of the bench, gesturing for Webb to sit beside him, on the other side of the chicken. [b][color=lightgray]"I have a proposal for you, Webb. A 'job', if you will. You'll be paid and have a place to call your own, no more struggling on the streets... Come, sit and eat, and we can discuss it."[/color][/b] Webb listened to him carefully as he started to move, instinctively Webbs' lower arms tensed but he seemed to relax as the man moved to sit on the bench. The man watched the other carefully before he was motioned to sit down on the other side of the chicken. Webbs' eyes widened and his ears pricked up as he was offered a 'job', he looked up to Ezra for a moment, before glancing down to the chicken. "No trick?" Webb asked as he reached out slowly to the chicken as he watched Ezra, "Job sounds good. As long as no trick, Webb good work." He watched the chicken carefully before moving to pick up the chicken and started to pull off pieces, staring with the leg. He was unsure if he [i]truly[/i] trusted Ezra, but the hunger was a bit too much for him and he opened his mouth; his mandibles moving out to grab a hold of the chicken leg and pulled it into his mouth for him to eat. "A place off streets... Sounds interesting." Webb said as he swallowed his mouthful, moving to pull off the other leg and went to chomp it; quickly devouring it before speaking again, "Never had... House. Only webs." [b][color=lightgray]"No trick, Webb."[/color][/b] It was impossible to tell what was going through Ezra's head - his face only ever rippled and shifted, after all. He watched Webb begin to take apart the chicken, and nodded in encouragement. He listened as Webb mentioned how effective he could be at his 'job', and Ezra shifted on the bench, procuring a key and two envelopes. [b][color=lightgray]"Here. A key to your new lodgings. A penthouse suite in Jeweled Bank under one of my aliases. And, one of these envelopes has a little incentive for you to start, $5,000 (0.5 Wealth). The other..."[/color][/b] He pulled his hand back, ensuring they were out of reach until Webb listened to him in full. The next part was the kicker, and he needed Webb's full attention. A dark finger curled, beckoning Webb closer so he could whisper in his ear. After whispering, he pulled back, and looked expectantly at Webb, dangling the key and envelopes in front of him like carrots. [b][color=lightgray]"What do you think, my dear Webb?"[/color][/b] [i]Penthouse?[/i] Webb thought to himself as he mentioned it, he wasn't entirely sure what the was; but it had [i]house[/i] in it's name and that was honestly enough for him. His ears pricked up at the mention of the money, moving his upper arms - all while his lower arms still held the chicken - to take the key and the envelopes. When Ezra pulled the items away and motioned for him to come closer, Webb hesitated before leaning in to listen. He stayed silent as he listened, thinking over the words carefully. He nodded at the information as Ezra moved to hand him the items. Webb hesitated before taking them gently from him, "I will not be harmed in all this?" He asked after a moment, "I will do, I [i]can[/i] do job." It would be difficult, but Webb was sure he could do this. The pay was good, and a [i]house[/i]? Webb had never had one of those. He wasn't sure what a 'pent' was but it sounded nice. Ezra nodded. [b][color=lightgray]"As long as you do as I say, you will not be harmed."[/color][/b] He stared a moment more, seeing Webb's confidence, before he stood, placing his hands in his pants pocket. [b][color=lightgray]"I have the utmost faith in you."[/color][/b] He was about to walk off when he remembered one that thing, and handed Webb a phone. [b][color=lightgray]"It has my contact already installed. Call me when you have good news, or if you need anything. I'll give you, say, a week to get situated with the Canary?"[/color][/b] And with that, the Midnight Man walked off. [b][color=lightgray]"See you, little lord."[/color][/b] [hr][code]Ezra: W -0.5, Webb W +0.5[/code][hr][h3]Webbs' Penthouse, Xaviar Tower, Jeweled Bank[/h3][hr]Stairs were easy for Webb, he didn't even need to use them. He clambered the walls easily before he got to his door and opened it slowly. He looked around slowly, taking in the freshly furnished kitchen and lounge for him. His ears pricked up slightly before he looked around even more; noticing the bedroom with the large bed before he slipped into the bathroom. His eyes watched the shower carefully, breathing out as he realized he was able to finally give himself a proper wash. He moved to turn the shower on, moving to take off the clothes he had worn for... he didn't know how long. He breathed out as he noticed how mucky his softer brown chest fur as, he needed to have this shower. He needed [i]a lot[/i] currently.[hr][h3]????, Nocturnia Underground[/h3][hr] Footsteps echoed from behind him, under his mask he furrowed his eyebrows. He breathed out slowly, feeling the breath flood through his mask before he looked up and over to the hooded figure behind him. "Doctor. Sir." The figure spoke, the voice masculine and almost frantic. "We... I think we found him." There was silence from the Doctor for a moment before he tilted his head wordlessly. His sharp nailed gloves, tapping against the desk behind him. [color=red]"What do you mean [i]think[/i]? I need more than just [i]think[/i] disciple."[/color] The Doctor hissed, narrowing his eyes under his mask as the shadows around him warped slightly. The hooded figure hesitated for a moment, looking around themselves as they seemed to try and think of the right words. [color=red]"Speak."[/color] "We think we saw him conversating with someone else. Ezra... or something." [color=red]"Hm."[/color] There was silence again before the Doctor waved a hand, dismissing the disciple away before turning back to his desk. [color=red]"Ezra..."[/color]