[CENTER][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmJhNTc2Yy5VWFZwYkd3Z1UzUXVJRk5sWW1GemRHbGhiZy4x/brilganttyne.regular.webp[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/hlqOuOR.png[/img][/h1][/CENTER] [right]Interactions: Elijah ([@Theyra]), Elena ([@Qia]), Loni [@FernStone])[/right] [hr] Quill spun on her heel as the entity whispered its threats behind her before she turned back in time to see it slit one of the woman's throats who attempted to do the same to her. Quill had faced death before. It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, though this was just as intense. Thankfully it was short-lived as it appeared weakened from attacks against it. Quill watched as one of their own put an end to it. It gurgled out a passing message. This wasn't over. Quill let out the breath she had been holding, unsure if there would be any more danger coming at them. When she was sure it was safe (or relative to that) she turned back to the backrooms of the bakery to search for a first aid kit. She wasn't paying so much attention to anyone else at that moment. Once she found it and ensured it had some of the supplies she would need Quill grabbed it and ran back to the woman who had been injured. The customer fighting her was a lost cause. Quill set the first aid kit down and got to work. [color=ba576c]"Admittedly I am not the greatest, but I have watched a lot of Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs so I can manage until a more professional person sees you."[/color] Quill observed the injuries, cleaning them up as best she could before wrapping them. As she worked Quill's eyes fell on the young girl with her. Quill made eye contact and smiled warmly. [color=ba576c]"Your mom is very brave. And so are you. You know what that means? It means being scared and still doing the scary thing and this was pretty scary huh? Can you make sure your mom takes care of herself later for me?"[/color] Once finished, Quill stood up. [color=ba576c]"Ok that should hold for now. I'd ask how you are but I think I know the answer."[/color] She turned to Elijah and the others with her. [color=ba576c]"So all this,"[/color] Quill said, gesturing to the destruction in the bakery, [color=ba576c]"is in my wheelhouse. I can get it cleaned up and taken care of if need be, but I am going to need someone to fill me in. I came here to find someone and found something else."[/color]