[center] [h3] Emily Newport[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RuI1exQ.png[/img] [hr][h3] STILL IN THE NOW. . .[/h3] A smile curled on the blue blood's face as the cronies were sent over to her as an attache, this was good for the chess player. It admittedly felt good to get what she wanted but until she had her hands around the cusp of the entire city, slums and all the detective would never be happy but that was just the price of the game. The smile eventually faded but the upbeat, energetic vibe from Detective Clash oozed into the air as her heavy chested aura materlized to the singular other woman and two men in the meeting with her. "That's great, thanks so much boss~!" She was the first one to get up, the chair scooted across that luxury marble floor softly as Clash stood up. Picking up the hefy folder she kept it wrapped around her midsection before she curtly bowed as the Commissioner dismissed the trio. "Let me know [b]if you need a pair of hands[/b], boys." Her voicewas like venom, toxic and sensual with hints of curiosity floating about as she turned around and strutted out slowly from the board room. A welcoming sight for those who might gaze, but not one to linger there was work to be done. After leaving an order is sent out to the new goons that are assigned to the Blue Bloods, to infiltrate Highfair. [code] Blue Bloods send 3 personnel covertly to infiltrate Highfair.[/code] [hr] [h3] LATER. . .[/h3] "Stay... Still!" Emily aimed her pistol at the flying Webb that was swinging from building to building away from Gold Rim's precient. She stared down the sights of her service pistol through her office window in the Gold Rim's busy police station though the spider would get away. It was a strange occurrence to say the least, but Emily would never harm a fly and never a spider even if it was massive for unexplained reasons or lurking in her precinct. "Fuck." She murmured putting her gun away before turning back to face the monitors before her, a map of Nocturnia spread out as she went to plot her next move. Ear to the ground, someone would turn up something. Hell, this city needed a good war right about now. [/center]