[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Nieve — Beneath the Mausoleum[/h3][/center] With every bone in her body desiring some relaxation and maybe a hot drink to get rid of the sluggishness still clinging to her body, the green-haired shrine maiden could barely muster any sort of desire to actually fight her two traveling companions, much less on the side of the necromancer Taoist (regardless of if she had helped them or not). Those not from Gensokyo seemed more inclined towards speaking about the odd disparity in their number (if not questions in general), though, which was a line of questioning that was far less likely to result in any sort of unnecessary combat. All the more reason to try and help push that along. "It could be a preference, or it could be something else. Maybe it's easier to reinforce a connection than it is to establish one? That'd explain why I can summon Kanako-sama and Suwako-sama..." she trailed off before glancing towards the still-fuming Seiga. "Enough about the who and why we're all here! Even if you were looking for me, putting my dear Yoshika-chan in that sort of situation is absolutely unforgivable!" Seiga exclaimed, only for the smallest of the four intruders to raise her hand in response. "Ah, you can place the blame on Miss Konpaku for that one," she spoke, fully aware that she was effectively sacrificing the half-ghost swordswoman in order to wring information out of the woman. "So if you want to air your grievances about that, please do so with her. I would like to return to my earlier statement. After all, there are more than a few things here—that large black orb most of all—that don't seem to fit in with the atmosphere here. Would you mind enlightening us on why they're here to begin with?" For what little it was worth, being able to redirect her ire towards Youmu had left Seiga at least a [i]little[/i] less inclined towards indiscriminate danmaku, [i]especially[/i] within the confines of her own home, and so the hermit slowly drifted towards the ground before entering her home proper. "Hmph. As long as you're not trying to steal them for yourselves, I don't particularly mind. I have made a promise to care for Miss Kochiya until she has recovered, at least, and I can't very well do so if my house is in shambles... Though I will certainly collect my dues in time. From your mistress, perhaps," she spoke, glaring at Youmu before finally taking a seat. "In any case... Most of these goods were not made by me, nor were they stolen, per se. That orb in particular was a rather nasty piece of work. I believe it was somewhere around two li underground in... That direction? Obviously, I don't have the tools to try and break it down, and trying to do so without any sort of [i]help[/i] would be near-suicidal, so I made the choice to simply seal it up here. The other goods were in odd underground ruins I found here and there as I was searching for a place to settle down after finding myself in this world, and they seemed valuable enough to take with me. Does that answer your questions, or do you still have more to ask?" [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze][@DracoLunaris]