[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam – Farren and Torquil[/h3] Finally the whistling stopped in response to Farren's question, though the only answer forthcoming was a brief sinister laugh. Rather than speak, Skinner started moving faster, approaching them in a jog. When he had covered about two thirds of the way toward them, he made a sudden movement with his left arm where he first drew the body he was shielding himself with closer to himself and lower to the ground, bending his left arm as he did so, before extending the arm again outward and upward. The body followed the movements of the arm like a rag doll, limbs flailing with the abrupt movements; by the way the Yhanamites head lolled around, it would not be hard to deduce that his neck had been broken. As Skinner's arm reached its apex he released his grip on the body, and its momentum carried it through the air and away from him... and straight at Torquil. Torquil let out a surprised yelp and raised his shield as the body sailed the nearly ten meters through the air and crashed into him, but the impact was not enough to hurt or even significantly stagger him. What it did do, however, was block Torquil's line of vision so that he did not see – though Farren would – that Skinner immediately followed up the toss with a quickstep, a pause, and then another quickstep, crossing the distance separating him and Torquil in but a second. As he did so, Farren would witness the horrid, forbidden power of the bones in Skinner's hand. He would see the bones wiggle as if with a life of their own before sending a pulse of... [I]something[/I] up through its wielders arm. And he would observe as Skinner, within the space of the single second he spent charging, underwent a partial transformation that discarded some of his humanity and instead adopted the physique of a true beast. His upper body and arms spontaneously grew fur and his idle left arm in particular mutated into the appendage of some manner of bestial monstrosity, significantly larger than a human hand would be and with each large finger adorned with mighty claws. Farren was close enough that he could potentially intervene, though he would likely have to quickstep himself to get there in time.