As the squad cautiously advanced into the room the smell that had greeted them embraced with a foul reek to any biological senses present. It was almost as if it had waited for them to step further from the threshold of the door. Echo's drones would be the first to gain visual of something silhouetted against the floor behind the fallen tangle of roots and pulsing that lead upstairs. Behind the upwards ramp of fleshy growth, a faint aura of heat radiated outwards of a fallen form on the floor. If the drones spread out towards the room's walls, they'd gain an angle on and the sight of a body. Oily black sludge of degraded biomatter spread itself outwards of semi-skeletal overgrowth of qillatuform bioforms. A coral of corrupting pulsation and segmented worm-mass colonizing the sludgey remains of a shape that as bipedal in nature but human only by convergent evolution. Bony crests coalescing symetrically across its face creating sharp ridges and flattened valleys, above a small mouth full of pointed teeth. What was left of its body looked like bone patterned as if it were corrugated metal, corrupted and having lost its armorlike rigidity from the corrupting filth that had taken over its remains. Qillatu radiated albeit lightly, a dull flame or embers at best. The air around it blurred heat-wave like and ether-trails lead away from it. Its body or the qillatu itself had been a food supply for the other denizens of the Sargasso, explaining why it wasn't flooding the room with nauseating vileness. It was a celaderaka perished of qillatu accumulation. The stench was strong but it was damp, aged, somewhat less overpowering strangely enough as if it had been reeking here for a while. In the sludge of rot surrounding it were bits of junk half buried under the seeping black. A lanyard with tag attached buried under a squirming pile of wormy forms. A labcoat stained black with the waste lightly pouring from the corpse. A handheld device attached to what was left of its left hip, buzzing lightly as in protest of the fluids dripping over itself. Up in the yellow lighting of the room above, the projected sight of Ilshar saw that the squad was correct that they were not alone. Up through the gaping hole in the collapsed ceiling and there was far more space. Space that was well trodden and used, with ethereal concentrations being higher. Enough that true sight through his probe was blurred and unclear, making out long bridges connecting walls and a long corridor like space, broken up with withered trees and areas where debris had piled up along the floor. That is what a scan would have unlocked but it would be the tarrhaidim's trained senses that detected something subtler and far more concerning. Movement in slithering patterns, breaking the dense concentration of supernatural miasma - like fish slithering between one's fingers. Shapes that initially seemed little more than clouds of debris gathering around manipulated anomalies of gravity unfurled and slithered through saturated air and- [i][url=]Carpets of paddling limbs rippling waves of voidsong through consistently undulating forms flattened to hide and to explore trailing antennae like coattails of royalty their movements-[/url][/i] The influx of clarity abruptly stopped as one of them drifted close enough that ethereal senses could make out its shape, form, colour, even the deliberately suppressed pulse of its organs. It was a large creature, roughly 10 feet long and flattened, soft but not delicate and four others with it, slowing as Salvator's masking activated. Not invisible to the naked eye but not yet close enough to the ceiling hole they would be able to see the translucent distortions of light. A worm-like chasm-creature, exact species difficult to determine but the spectral scent of qillatu not of its own was present trialing behind them. They had been feeding on those less fortunate but the sudden cessation of signatures within the room must have drawn their curiosity. As Ilshar focused on the upstairs, the rest of the squad would hear a long, grainy groan. It sounded, no it was mechanical to an extent; the amount of ships and other stations the Sargasso had absorbed into itself and their conflicting gravities would cause parts to scrape, press, crush, and protest against one another. Groans like that weren't so... modulated however, seemingly louder on the way here than when they rumbled through the doors. The flesh-vines holding them together shrivelled and tightened. Both doors struggled to close but ther correlating mechanisms crackled and cranked, long since broken from years of disrepair. A chorus of such rickety machinery followed the groan from the doors. The teal light emerging from behind intensified then diminished. Whatever provided light struggled against what could be assumed to be the failing electronics and weak ethereal concentrations powering the ghostly glow peeking out at them.