[center][h2]Elijah Tower[/h2][/center] The Cozy Bakery Downtown North District Interacts: Loni[@Fernstone], Elena[@Qia], Quill[@PatientBean] [hr] Finally, the monster was dead and Elijah's gambit bore fruit. He watched while keeping the spear steady as the creature died but, with one last word. “This is just… the beginning…” Once whatever it had collapsed and it turned into something generic looking. Did he pull the spear from its dead body and capped it and it turned into a pen and Elijah stored in on his person. Then he turned to the group and watched as Quill applied first aid to the wounded mother and as ask her questions and later Elena saying what she knew. He spoke his piece to Quill, "I was just here to get some food... I do not know why this monster attacked this place. Especially, during the day, all I know is that it was impersonating a man named James and the owner seemed to know James and I mean the real one." Elijah looking back at the doppelganger's body and then at the group. "I am guessing the real James is dead and this thing took his place but why I do not know." This monster, Elijah thought, feels like he should know what it is but it is escaping him. A shapeshifting paranormal that can impersonate humans... it sounds familiar to him but, he has not way of knowing unless he remembers or finds a book on the subject. Which he does not have access to one. Either way, it is dead and the spear claims another kill in its long history. But thinking on what the monster said, maybe the spear will have more kills in the future. An unease thought if more was coming. But, Elijah snapped back to reality and as he remembered that another life hangs in the balance. The injured mother and after Elena spoke, he knelt down to Loni prepared to move her. "We should get her out of here now before she bleeds out and I think there is a clinic nearby that can help. I can take her there if anyone wants to come along with me to make sure she lives than come with." Elijah looks at Quill, "I know our answers may not be the best but, she needs help now and that is all I know. So unless you need more... I will be getting her help now."