[b][i]Weynon Priory, West of Chorrol[/i][/b] [Center][url=https://www.imgchest.com/p/ej7m3ax8b4d][img]https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/4gdcx3j2dg4.jpg[/img][/url][/center] The Confessor's beneficient expression held as she realized that there's a reason most sane Alchemists didn't just throw together ingredients and hope for the best; the clash of strong, volatile personalities, especially without a central figure to rally around, promised both benefits and drawbacks - or both. So Khaliya's suggestion came as a godsend, and she responded quickly, saying, "Indeed; it would be good for this motley fellowship to decide on a leader. As you do not seem to be offering yourself for that position, who would you suggest? I will be blunt - Most of the group have disadvantages; Meen-La is a planner but is a condemned criminal, while Alexios is too obviously tied to the Imperial Legion." She then continued, "And as for me, once you rendezvous with the delegates from The Reach and Orsinium at Bruma, I need to have already arranged the actual negotiations in the [i]Imperial City itself[/i], while convincing the Emperor to put his seal into the treaties made. This means I will have departed the Priory some minutes before you. Honestly, if you are not uncomfortable with Arnvidr as a leader for the party as a whole, or if I was mistaken about you not desirous for leadership, what would you think about him or you taking up that burden?" Confessor Esselenia had to be honest; maybe it would be best to give leadership of this fellowship to someone who [i]clearly did not want it[/i], precisely because they did not want it - It meant they were less likely to abuse their power. Nevertheless, she would respect Khaliya's refusal if she gave it, expecting the job to fall to Arnvildr - The others did not sound like they were considering leadership at all, nor was she certain they were good bets... [@Carantathraiel][@Lunamaria Hawke][@Alfhedil][@Raqueltrper][@Crimson Flame][@Randomguy][@Andre Valias][@WSilversun][@Rune_Alchemist]